Question about stretching (esp. DLD)...
hey i just added my stretching routine to my PE workout and i like it quite a bit.
i just have a couple of questions:
1. Has anybody else noticed slight bruising of the head? Am i grabbing the head to hard? or am i supposed to be grabbing lower? It seems after i let go of the head most of it has turned pale because of lack of blood however some is usually trapped during the grip thus resulting in a really dark tip but the rest of the head is near white. is this normal?
2. Question is more for DLD: i read most of the thread about the blasters. lemme get this straight though. when actually doing the stretch to you pull towards your chin or outwards perpendicular to your body? either way, when youre actually strethching, you do a kegel (hold for 5 sec) and then a reverse kegel following it right?. and repeat this 50 times. is this right?
thanks in advance.