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Question about stretching (esp. DLD)...

Question about stretching (esp. DLD)...

hey i just added my stretching routine to my PE workout and i like it quite a bit.
i just have a couple of questions:
1. Has anybody else noticed slight bruising of the head? Am i grabbing the head to hard? or am i supposed to be grabbing lower? It seems after i let go of the head most of it has turned pale because of lack of blood however some is usually trapped during the grip thus resulting in a really dark tip but the rest of the head is near white. is this normal?
2. Question is more for DLD: i read most of the thread about the blasters. lemme get this straight though. when actually doing the stretch to you pull towards your chin or outwards perpendicular to your body? either way, when youre actually strethching, you do a kegel (hold for 5 sec) and then a reverse kegel following it right?. and repeat this 50 times. is this right?

thanks in advance.

I’ll let DLD answer the second question, but as far as head bruising goes, I suffered from this at first too.
Before when I would pull, I would put my thumb right before the glans (head) on the top of my penis, and put my middle and index fingers right before the glans on the underside of the penis.

Unfortunately, I found that while stretching, my thumb and index/middle fingers would start shifting closer to the head, and this would cause me to start feeling irritation after 50 seconds or so. I’d usually have to stop and take a break for a minute.

To get around this, I just grip before the glans from the top of my dick using only my thumb and index finger in an O formation.

This means that I don’t hold it from the tip of my thumb or index finger, I hold it with in an ‘O’ stance similar to the way most people hold the index finger and thumb during a jelq.
I no longer feel anymore irritation to the glans when pulling, and can keep it stretched for as long as I want.

If you don’t like my idea, others have said you can try putting toilet paper or wrap a tiny bit of something around the glans so you don’t feel as much pain, but that never worked to well for me so I just do it the way I mentioned above.

I hope I wrote all of that clear enough..

Re: Question about stretching (esp. DLD)...

Originally posted by popp
2. Question is more for DLD: i read most of the thread about the blasters. lemme get this straight though. when actually doing the stretch to you pull towards your chin or outwards perpendicular to your body? either way, when youre actually strethching, you do a kegel (hold for 5 sec) and then a reverse kegel following it right?. and repeat this 50 times. is this right?

thanks in advance.

I will describe this in greater detail so as to hopefully answer other questions about the Blasters.

The first part of the Blasters (the quick 100 squeezes pulling upward) The reason for this part of the exercise is to become aware of the PC muscle and to ware it out in a sense as a preparation for the Lengthening part of the exercise. After completing the 100 quick squeezes your penis should now be ready for the Real Blasters. Using the “A” stretch or the equivalent set your self up to stretch. Now do a 5 second keggle squeeze while stretching to about 80% capacity, then do a 5 second push reverse keggle and increase the stretch to 100%. The reason I suggest the “A” stretch or an equivalent is that it becomes very evident when doing the reverse keggle. The “A” stretch or the equivalent allows the user to increase the tension of the stretch by using the “Dual Fulcrum” or second stretching point. When I do the Blaster I set up a good solid “A” stretch…pull to about 80% capacity doing a keggle squeeze, when I do the reverse keggle push I am arching my wrist up , pulling outward as hard as I can. There have been a few variations on the “A” stretch that need to be done if The “A” stretch is not possible. The most important part of the “A” stretch is the stretch on the reverse keggle. Having the ability to simply arch your wrist to increase stretch tension becomes paramount to the exercise.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

thanks guys

I’ve been applying your kegel/reverse kegel technique while doing “V” stretches……and it’s definitely making a difference in the level of lig stretch I feel.

Originally posted by Stillwantmore22
I've been applying your kegel/reverse kegel technique while doing “V” stretches……and it's definitely making a difference in the level of lig stretch I feel.

I have never tried the Blasters with a V stretch. Let me know how it goes…I would love to have a solid simple stretch that goes with the Blaster that everyone could do until they are able to get into the “A”

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Will do man! I do mostly those “V” stretches and a few “A” stretches to mix it up when I work out. Will keep all posted on gains.

What are V stretches. I searched but couldnt find it.

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