Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Read if you want gains! Sharing what I know.


Originally Posted by Philadelph
I was wondering why some of the innovaters like DLD and stillwantmore were banned?

Here’s DLD’s goodbye post:

DLD says a sad goodbye to Thundersplace

Here’s the thread that led to StillWantMore’s demise:

- Escorts, what really goes on?

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Thanks chickenchoker, I knew DLD wouldn’t have been acting up so I was wondering about that.

DLD gets a bad rap. I don’t think his pics are doctored. And I know his videos aren’t. When he was here everyone really looked up to him. Now that he’s gone it’s all about bashing him. What gives? Just because he owns a paysite doesn’t mean he’s fake.


My signature is cooler than yours.

I read it, where are my gains?????

Seriously though I need to get back to PEing regularly. Consistency has been a problem for me. I was gonna get into hanging, and since I decided that I have stopped regular manual exercises, which was a problem, though it was promplted by a legitimate concern (ie: modertae inflammation in my left hand)

I have gained almost an inch since starting PE, and now that I’m average, my motivation is almost gone. I’m more into bodybuilding now since people can actually see how big I’m getting in that respect. I can’t see why I can’t build my body and my cock (fuck my mind!)

DLD’s 3 hander video is a fucking joke.

Lets get back on topic please.

I’d like to see some before and after photos jayroony. I sounds like you understand PE very well.

Some good, concise info packed into the thread. Jayroony should get the benefit of the doubt, but he should also understand that there are standard, accepted practices regarding the posting of photos - as well as making claims for significant size gains. Thunder’s isn’t like that LPSG place, where guys routinely claim 13-17” EL, 8-10” girth, etc.

But I think the way he’s been jumped all over is ridiculous. By contrast, horsehung claimed to have gained 2.75” EL in less than 5 months, on this thread: /forum/showthre … ?t=26214&page=2 - on Feb. 21st, and nobody has voiced any skepticism whatsoever, merely praise.

But jayroony says he’s gained a little over 3” (“…I started at 5 ½ L and now almost 9…”), in more than 5x the time period of horsehung’s gains (“…over a two year period and if you take note of my strategy, incorporating the breaks I take would mean I don’t PE very often and to be honest I have only been hanging for a year and a half on and off….”).

So, one member here claims about 3”+ over a 2-year period - which includes hanging….another claims almost the same gains in a 5-month period, manual PE only….who gets bashed, who gets praised?

Good point Wad. And I’d imagine you’d like to see the pictures since you’re after proof of gains 3”+.

It would be encouraging to see them.

Are there any pics or videos left of DLD? I couldn’t seem to find anything.

As soon as Horsehung starts a thread on how to gain 3 inch in less than 5 months he will receive more than enough skepticism ;)

Jayroony did post some pics of his dick, however only afterpics which did look pretty big. So no proof of how much he actually claimed to have gained. Even if he did gain as much as he claims his gains doesn’t automatically make him an expert on PE. I like to think I’ve gathered a fair amount on information about PE, however what I know didn’t come from my own gains they came from reading the stories and experiences of others at this forum. The more you read at this forum the more you will know. Hence I tend to take newbie’s sizeclaims or theories with a whoooole lot of salt.

Comparing Jayroony

Wad makes some interesting points. Horsehung’s gainrate was 0.55 inches per month while jayroony’s was 0.15 inches per month. Piet makes a point I was going to make - this guy is claiming to have the secrets.

I have attached a graph comparing jayroony’s average gains to the comparison fits I made. His average gainrate is significantly higher than the composite average gainrate of other members. However, it is interesting to note that many new PE’ers expereience a similar gainrate for the first few weeks of PE (see graph).

(27.0 KB, 413 views)

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Originally Posted by ICM
Good point Wad. And I’d imagine you’d like to see the pictures since you’re after proof of gains 3”+.

It would be encouraging to see them.

I sure would like to. In fact, I’d like to see a photo-chronology of *any* gains - even 1 inch. But particularly, gains over 2” EL. I mean, if a guy starts out with, say, 6” erection (rock hard, without any signs of E.D. or under-inflation) and is now over 8” - I’d love to see the pics.

I agree that present pics can only show what the current size is. Those can be helpful if somebody is claiming enormous size - 9.5, 10 or more. But, it’s logically possible that a guy’s present size was always his size - in the absence of “before” pics.


If you would take your time and give us a detailed description of your program! You seem to have a certain system that you follow. I’m sure others would like to know it!

What are you gonna do? Sic your dogs on me? Or your bees? Or dogs with bees in their mouth so when they bark they shoot bees at me? I think Mr. Smithers picked me for my motivational skills. Everyone always says they have to work twice as hard when Im around! Its not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child, but somehow I managed to squeeze in 8 hours of TV a day. Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say youre prejudiced against all races. - Homer Simpson.

Originally Posted by wadzilla

I sure would like to. In fact, I’d like to see a photo-chronology of *any* gains - even 1 inch. But particularly, gains over 2” EL. I mean, if a guy starts out with, say, 6” erection (rock hard, without any signs of E.D. or under-inflation) and is now over 8” - I’d love to see the pics.

I WISH I had a digital camera so I could have taken before pictures. Now it is too late. I’m inching (excuse the pun!) towards 2” EL gains. I wonder if, when I get there, will I also be labeled a liar and a cheat?

I’m doing it for me so it doesn’t really matter, BUT, when another brother here at Thunder’s gains, I feel their joy. When they plateau and are frustrated, I feel their sorrow. So, YES it does matter.

Having said that, I’m also interested to see jayroony’s pic’s.:)

I found this thread from a link by Memento but thought I would post in it because it was interesting to read some of the old posts.


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