Thunder's Place

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Rest days

Rest days

I’ve been doing alot of searching and reading but I couldn’t find an answer to my question. I was wondering that on rest days do you really stop all exercises. Or do you do a very light routine? Not so sure if thats clear enough but thats what I can muster up as of now.

Hi inamo, I haven’t seen a general consensus of this either. Personally, I do a few V-Stretches and some light pulling just because I can’t help myself. :D

A rest day for me means no hanging or jelqing. Hopefully more members will post what they do on their off days so we can get that consensus.

I am definitely not part of the consensus,but I feel most folks are a little too anal on rest days in general. Listening to what your dick needs is more important IMO.



>Listening to what your dick needs is more important IMO.<

I concur. Me too. Right on.

Good Luck

I used to halt all PE activity on my rest days. Didn’t do nothing.

Today I see the entire thing a bit different. I don’t think you need to stop all PE during rest days. Like Stevie said, some light stretching might be good. I do my stretching entirely in the shower under running hot water. Makes a difference. More on that later.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Like stevie,

I can’t help but give it a couple pulls or some light streching or maybe even a couple dry jelks to get some blood circulating down there. Just whenever, no set schedule. Like after a piss or watching T.V. I also do it to just keep it retracted and in the extended state. Nothing too intense though.

Needs More Power

elite 8

Thanks for all the clarifications, the reason I take rest days (5 on 2 0ff) is because of privacy issues. Everybody is home on the weekends and my routine takes at least an hour. But I suppose I can throw in a hot wrap and a quick stretching session. Thanks alot guys for the feedback.

You’re welcome.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

I I think your body knows best about rest days. I take a day off when my flaccid state is extra limp. I also added a day of just jelqs to my routine to help with this problem. BUt i think the the most important thing is to listen to your body.

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