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Rest Days.

Rest Days.

When it comes to rest days how many do you take considering your not sore and just want to heal. I feel when I take more than a day off consecutively I mess up my routine. I usually go 5/6 days on 1 day off. I’m mostly referring to manual stretches. I know clamping needs more rest than manual stretches and jelqing IMO can be done everyday unless your sore.

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5


I jelq & stretch on a 2 days on 1 day off basis. I feel that taking 2 days off works wonder for my penis i.e my erections are much harder. Taking more than that say 5 sort of messes up my routine.

4 years ago when I first started, I was P.E ing 5 consecutive days on and week ends off. I got tremendous results from it.

I guess taking more than a day off is O.K but more than that can mess up your routine.

Take care mate.

I have decided whatever I do I will move forward in life

I’m on the 5 days on/ 2 days off

Started: 15.5cm x 12cm, Now: 19.5cm x 13.3cm, Goal: 21cm x 15cm

I'm going to reach my goal, and there is no one who can stop me! Yes, I'm a persistent bastard :D

My Pictures! I am back baby, and I will hang out with my wang out!

I am also on a 2-on, 1-off routine, but when I near the end of week 2, I do 3-on and 2-off. If you don’t know what I mean, I’ll try to explain:

Wednesday-Thursday: PE
Friday: Rest
Saturday-Sunday: PE
Monday: Rest
Tuesday-Wednesday: PE
Thursday: Rest
Friday-Saturday-Sunday: PE
Monday-Tuesday: Rest

I find that at the end of 2 weeks those 2 days of rest are doing me good. Before I started this routine I took a 5 day break because I overtrained, and I was thinking that perhaps taking a 5 day break every month or two can’t do that much harm, I think. I tend to believe that a couple of extra rest days from time to time can influence the recovery/growth.

Double ditto on more than 1 day off but less than 5 every so often. I train 1 on 1 off, but take 2-3 days off a couple times per month.

The 3 day rest seems to really work for me, I have seen gains from the beginning to the end of the three days.

I tell myself that days off are not just days off, they are an active part of PE. When I am actively leaving my dick alone, I am actively making it bigger.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

I take 2 days off in a week, if i feel negatieve pi’s, then i take a another day off.

I do not plan. I try to do PE every day, but some days I just don’t fell like it.

For the first couple of months I never took a day off and had great gains. Then I got lazy and the gains stopped. Lately I’ve been stretching every day with a VacExtender and my gains seem to have started again. So, I don’t believe in days off.

September 20, 2007: BPEL: 5.8 inches, EG: <5.5 inches

March 15, 2008: BPEL: 7.6 inches, EG: 5.75 inches

Yes, that's a gain of 1.8 inches. And no... That's not my real picture.

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