Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Sad news - no gains after one year of PE

Originally Posted by djrobins

Just get on a structured routine using one of the core PE excercises. Some of the others will comment.

you’re gonna have to explain more, cause i thought my routine was pretty structured, should i jelq longer and add pumping or something?

Yeah man, I’m on a decon break myself (for about a month and a bit now). The reason being that I PE’d for 2 years roughly with absolutely no results.

I’m going to re-think everything before I begin again after finals. Good luck to you man.

Starting: 6.5" NBPEL, 5" EG

Oct 2014: 7" NBPEL, 5.5" EG

Long Term Goal: 8.5" NBPEL, 6.5" EG = VIKING SIZE!

Out of curiousity dchz, what are some of the positive/negative PIs that you have seen since PEing and during/after your PE sessions? Do you get an increase in EQ? longer flacid? etc.


Have you went after lig based gains, yet? Normal method of this was Bib BTC hanging or BTC manual stretching. Consider upping the duration ( time ) of your manual stretches.

Also I would look into getting into clamping. The clamp is probably the cheapest PE tool.

After you have gotten gains, consider the next PE tool of choice.

Originally Posted by dchz
Why are you not a big fan of pumping?

I’m not dead set on pumping, i’m hanging right now. But i am desperate for gains, as you know i have been doing this for more than a year now. and i barely gained any.

Because I think it is less effective than other forms of PE. But you know how it goes - everybody is different, for Jim pumping makes nothing, for Jack it is the most effective, you don’t know if you don’t try.

You can make by yourself a cheap vacuum based ADS, do a search there are threads about. You can also build a homemade extender for about $10. Here you are some threads, you can find more searching:
My Homemade Vac penis stretcher.
My Homemade penis stretcher.
Piet’s homemade stretcher
Paul’s Homemade Penis Extender

Pss, sorry to be an as***le but before someone yells at you remember to apply the Forum Guidelines: you know, ‘I’ not ‘i’ when referring to yourself, and so on.

Sorry Marinera.

I usually try to type in complete sentences. I just replied fast on my way to the gym and I forgot to check the spelling.

Do you think the Anchor Weight is sufficient for an ADS? I already spent $100 on that so I will probably start using that more.

Originally Posted by iwish6
Out of curiousity dchz, what are some of the positive/negative PIs that you have seen since PEing and during/after your PE sessions? Do you get an increase in EQ? longer flacid? etc.


After I started hanging, I noticed a lot more stronger erections at night.


Sometimes my unit turtles and isn’t flaccid or have a nice hang.

May be I should start carefully observing those more

Originally Posted by vikingsize
Yeah man, I’m on a decon break myself (for about a month and a bit now). The reason being that I PE’d for 2 years roughly with absolutely no results.

I’m going to re-think everything before I begin again after finals. Good luck to you man.

I honestly don’t think the concept of deconditioning works. I am thinking more of giving it may be a week to heal. Anything more seems kind of pointless on a physiological point of view. But don’t be hesitant to update me on your progress and your thinking.

Originally Posted by marinera
Because I think it is less effective than other forms of PE. But you know how it goes - everybody is different, for Jim pumping makes nothing, for Jack it is the most effective, you don’t know if you don’t try.

You can make by yourself a cheap vacuum based ADS, do a search there are threads about. You can also build a homemade extender for about $10. Here you are some threads, you can find more searching:
My Homemade Vac penis stretcher.
My Homemade penis stretcher.
Piet’s homemade stretcher
Paul’s Homemade Penis Extender

Pss, sorry to be an as***le but before someone yells at you remember to apply the Forum Guidelines: you know, ‘I’ not ‘i’ when referring to yourself, and so on.

The second link looks like one of those ones that they’re selling for ~$300, Thanks for the links.

I’ve had the same, no matter what I do I’ve had no results. So I’m on a decontamination break for a few months. It’s hugely depressing. Other people have had success when they plateau through this. Can be difficult when I read other peoples logs showing great progress so I have stopped. Chin up matey.

"If you're not first, you're last!"

5/09/09 currently sat at 5.5bp" bp x 4.25 eg. Long term goal would be 7.5nbp x 6 eg

I would not take a deconditioning break if I were you. I think those may help if you’ve gained and then stopped despite changing it up several ways. You haven’t changed it up yet. Although you say you are hanging now so that is actually a change. Anyway, I made quick newbie gains with an unstructured routine. I stopped in my tracks right around 6 or 7 months in. I recorded no gains in length. So I changed it up and did a solid heat up with a heating pad for almost 10 minutes,then manual stretching including bundled and fulcrum stretching for about 10-15 minutes and then hanging for a set of 20 minutes.Currently I max out at 10 pounds. I follow this with a vac ADS for 1 to a few hours depending on circumstances. This gave me .25 inches in BPFSL and lesser amount in erect length but still a definite gain. And this was probably just in 2 months or so. I measure less frequently now and when I do I rely a lot on BPFSL because it represents whether you’ve stretched well or not and erect length depends on EQ at the time. I think that hanging followed by ADS plus clamping might be your most cost effective and gain effective routine.

Originally Posted by r.oates
I’ve had the same, no matter what I do I’ve had no results. So I’m on a decontamination break for a few months. It’s hugely depressing. Other people have had success when they plateau through this. Can be difficult when I read other peoples logs showing great progress so I have stopped. Chin up matey.

ROFL decontamination break.

Start hanging, and exercise heavily, if you still stretch use all your power possible.

Originally Posted by dchz
Do you think the Anchor Weight is sufficient for an ADS? I already spent $100 on that so I will probably start using that more.

The Anchor weight seems to cause skin infection if worn for a lot of time.I suggest to use baby powder or other zinc power based product to avoid this problem. 100$ on that ADs is really too much, IMHO.

I think extenders are more effective than ADS based on weigths (I’m not going to extend on it here, so take or leave it).

Stretching and hanging don’t necessarily work for everybody, where low but prolonged forces seems to work for most.

Anway, the core point is: find what works for you. I think this would be an easier task if you focus on one goal at the time. For example, works just on length for one year, trying an extender (or hanging or manuals) + jelqs for 3-4 months.
If you see no gains change something. Start a progress report, it helps because it is easier to keep track of what are you doing and you have the feed-back and support of other members.

Originally Posted by Audacia
ROFL decontamination break.

Start hanging, and exercise heavily, if you still stretch use all your power possible.

I am currently doing both, will keep it up.

I’m hanging with bowflex (have a bib hanger)

and i workout ~ 5 days a week.

Originally Posted by marinera
The Anchor weight seems to cause skin infection if worn for a lot of time.I suggest to use baby powder or other zinc power based product to avoid this problem. 100$ on that ADs is really too much, IMHO.

I think extenders are more effective than ADS based on weigths (I’m not going to extend on it here, so take or leave it).

Stretching and hanging don’t necessarily work for everybody, where low but prolonged forces seems to work for most.

Anway, the core point is: find what works for you. I think this would be an easier task if you focus on one goal at the time. For example, works just on length for one year, trying an extender (or hanging or manuals) + jelqs for 3-4 months.
If you see no gains change something. Start a progress report, it helps because it is easier to keep track of what are you doing and you have the feed-back and support of other members.

I already have a progress report, it’s in the progress forum. But you’re right, I will be more diligent on keeping the update and switching things up.


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