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Sad news - no gains after one year of PE


Sad news - no gains after one year of PE

Hey guys I’ve been doing my PE for about a year now. I haven’t had any gain (may be .25 cm) since last July.

Here is my routine:

warm towel warm up, IR lamp warm up
100 stretched kegels
stretch in every direction for about 30sec- 1 min
20 mins of jelqing
2 sets of sadsak slinkys

I have been at 15.25 cm slightly above 6” for about a year now and still have no results. I do the routine religiously and I eat very healthy and work out a lot on the side.

Mods are welcome to switch this over to the main members forum if they think it is going to get more constructive help.

Would someone help me try to improve my routine so I can gain more?


Forgot to add,

I recently started to hang with my bowflex, I do 10 pounds for 10 minutes with rests in between.

How you track 0,05 cm gains?

Anyway, if manual techniques aren’t working, you should try something else. Hanging, pumping, clamping etc.. Chances are that one of the techniques will fit with your specificities and you’ll start gaining. Most of the success is a result of consistence and trial-and-error.

Marinera, do you pump?

I had a pump, but I think it’s a toy pump and not really high quallity, If you do pump, could you recommend a good pump?

Sorry to keep supplementing all this, but it’s been second nature to me I am still thinking of stuff up.

I also wear the Anchor weight ADS off and on a lot.

Originally Posted by dchz
Marinera, do you pump?

I had a pump, but I think it’s a toy pump and not really high quallity, If you do pump, could you recommend a good pump?

I’m not a big fun of pumping, actually. There are many threads about the best pump to buy; experts of pumping are, to name a few, Avocet8, Lampwick, Gprent.

Toy pump are not the way to go, anywaw: experts always recommend a good pump with a gauge.

Why are you not a big fan of pumping?

I’m not dead set on pumping, i’m hanging right now. But i am desperate for gains, as you know i have been doing this for more than a year now. and i barely gained any.

Thx for all who can help.

May be I should go decondition? I don’t believe this works though.

I’d throw out your entire routine and start new. Add some supplements to your routine to help everything out: Avena Sativa, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, and/or Arginine. Hanging might be a good idea but I would highly recommend starting out with four pounds or less. I have the feeling like you are putting too much pressure on your penis during workouts. If that’s the case, you need to take a firm but gentle approach. Remember, PE is a marathon- not a sprint. You’ve obviously had good persistence, and you’re doing the right thing by reaching out and asking for help from everyone here on Thunder’s. Now you need to figure out what advice is going to be best for you, and dedicate yourself toward that change. Like I said, hanging very well might be a good thing, but you need to understand that you will never do well in PE if you beat your penis up. Generally, after a workout your penis should hang nice and long and fat while flaccid. That means that your body appreciates what you’ve done, and you haven’t exhausted yourself to the extent that you are causing minor damage rather than encouraging growth. The idea is not to beat your penis up, but to encourage it consistently over time to change its composition. Hanging will target your ligs which is probably good if you aren’t gaining otherwise, but again, be safe and smart and start small because that’s the way to gain. Because you haven’t gained in a whole year, you need an entirely new program. Keep your head up and stay dedicated and it is going to pay off. Good luck!


By the way, one of the SUREST methods for gaining is to buy an All-Day Stretcher and wear it 4+ hours 5+ days per week.


Do not let it get you down, just switch up the routine like everyone is saying. Out of interest, so you have a cord running up the middle of your penis on the top side of it like discussed in this thread ? .

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

You did that exact same routine for a year? No wonder you didn’t gain. You have to wack up the intensity or volume(time)

I’d up it to 40minutes of stretching per day, with 20 minutes or so of BTC stretching. Also starting to pump or clamp, will get you some gains. Look into getting a hangar and/or a ADS device.

Thanks for the encouragements guys, does anyone know where i can get a ADS for cheap? I have the anchor weight, but i’m not wearing it 4+ hrs a day, and it doesn’t make my penis feel flaccid.

As far as hanging goes, i’ve hanged for a while now, that’s why i’m working up to 10 pounds, i started out with 5 for few weeks and it felt good.

May be i just need to refocus and try to switch things up.

Didn’t do my routine today, can someone link me to ADS or Pumping products or good threads? (I will also do a search)

As far as the supplements are concerned, i think i have ginseng in my daily multivitamin. I have been taking L-arginine since last year.

What are those other vitamins? are they vaso dilators? i’m 23(turning 24 soon) so i don’t think i have libido problem if that’s your concern.


I don’t think the middle has anything or cords that is limiting the gains, i have tried putting it on a fulcrum and I feel nothing.


Just get on a structured routine using one of the core PE excercises. Some of the others will comment.

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