Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Scientific approaches to Girth

Scientific approaches to Girth

I’m embarking on a mission to create what I envision as the holy grail of girth information. Girth gains have remained an enigmatic puzzle for far too long. When we examine those who have successfully increased their girth, we often find that they’ve tried a myriad of exercises, leaving us uncertain about which one contributed to their gains. My goal is to ignite the curiosity of the scientific minds among our readers and, hopefully, inspire some experimentation within our community.

During my research on the most substantial girth gainers in this forum, I encountered a common saying: "What works for some may not work for others," or "every penis is different." These two phrases are a source of frustration for me, as all penises are constructed from the same basic tissue components, albeit in varying proportions. I am unwilling to accept the notion that some individuals can achieve gains while others, equipped with the same organ and of the same gender, cannot.

Now, there’s a considerable amount to unpack here, so I will begin by addressing the theories I consider most pertinent, gradually progressing to those that, while still relevant, may be less so.

So, what exactly is clamping? Clamping involves the application of a device at the base of the penis, with the aim of accumulating an increased volume of blood within the shaft. The underlying premise is to fill the shaft with blood, much like inflating a balloon, and over time, the outward pressure is expected to lead to enlargement. But does it truly work this way? Let’s delve deeper to find out.

Upon conducting some research, I was reminded that many individuals experience girth gains predominantly at the base of the penis, where the clamp is positioned, rather than in the region where blood is trapped and exerting outward pressure on the shaft’s tissues. This phenomenon appears puzzling and largely unexplained, despite being widely accepted as normal (I must credit some members who previously pointed this out, and I will acknowledge them later in this post). So, why do nearly all individuals seem to achieve the most significant girth gains in the area where they’ve placed the clamp? This discrepancy contradicts the clamping theory, as there is no influx of blood expanding the penile tissues. Instead, when clamped, the tissues are compressed and do not undergo expansion as they would during a typical erection. The first theory we will explore has the support of several studies that shed light on this.

Theory 1) Hypoxia-Induced Tissue Expansion:

Hypoxia refers to a condition where there is an insufficient supply of oxygen to tissues. In the context of clamping for girth enhancement, the application of a clamp at the base of the penis may lead to localized hypoxia. Typically, hypoxia is a bad thing and left long enough will lead to tissue and cell death. Heres a breakdown of the hypoxia process.

1. Oxygen Deprivation: When you apply a clamp, it restricts the flow of blood into and out of the shaft. As a result, the area underneath the clamp experiences a decrease in oxygen supply. This oxygen deprivation creates a hypoxic microenvironment within the tissues.

2. Cellular Response: Hypoxia triggers a cellular response mediated by a protein called hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). HIF-1 becomes active in low-oxygen conditions and plays a pivotal role in regulating various processes, including angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels), inflammation, and tissue remodeling.

3. Angiogenesis: One of the critical responses to hypoxia is the production of angiogenic growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). These factors stimulate the development of new blood vessels. In the context of girth enhancement, this means that the tissues near the clamp may initiate the formation of new blood vessels.

4. Tissue Remodeling: Hypoxia can also lead to tissue remodeling, which involves the reorganization of existing tissue. This process could contribute to the expansion of penile tissues, ultimately resulting in increased girth.

5. Localized Effects: An important aspect of this theory is that hypoxia-induced responses tend to be localized. This localized effect could explain why the base of the penis experiences the most prominent girth gains. The tissues in this area are subjected to a unique microenvironment, leading to specific responses that promote growth. The reason why the rest of the shaft which is undergoing a decrease in oxygen doesn’t react the same way could be because there is more room for blood. More blood in the shaft would mean there is more oxygen being provided to the tissues, so it’ll take longer for the tissues to undergo a truly stressful hypoxic environment.

!! Important notes !!
- Hypoxia can induce fibroblast proliferation and differentiation into myofibroblasts, contributing to the formation of fibrous tissue (fibroplasia). This process is essential for granulation tissue development.

Regulation of Wound Healing and Fibrosis by Hypoxia and Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 - PMC - Regulation of Wound Healing and Fibrosis by Hypoxia and Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1
Hypoxia and hypoxia signaling in tissue repair and fibrosis - PubMed - Hypoxia and hypoxia signaling in tissue repair and fibrosis

Does that make sense? I certainly hope so. Now, how do we put this theory into practice in our routine? One approach could involve clamping at various distances along the shaft to create a hypoxic environment at each position, thereby triggering HIF-1. You might be wondering, "Can we use multiple clamps simultaneously to expedite the process instead of clamping different sections of the penis individually?" I would say it’s a possibility, but it requires more careful consideration.

If you were to pursue this approach, you’d want to clamp from the glans down to the base of the penis. Why? Well, clamping from the base first wouldn’t allow you to place the second clamp down to a small enough circumference around the penis to create the desired hypoxic environment. Additionally, clamping onto an already fully erect, clamped penis is likely to be painful and could lead to the kind of injury we’re trying to avoid.

!!!Very important!!!
I would not recommend girth exercises until you are entirely satisfied or have fully maximized your length gains. Simultaneously pursuing both length and girth enhancements can lead to collagen cross-linking, potentially making it more challenging to achieve gains in both dimensions, which may ultimately restrict overall progress. It’s important to note that clamping is undoubtedly an advanced technique, and initiating it as your initial exercise, without first attaining all possible length gains, could potentially impede your future growth. Furthermore, due to the limited practice of the methods I will be discussing, I do not recommend newcomers who are dissatisfied with their length to attempt them in fear of again, impeding your future growth.

Now that we’ve covered theory 1, I’ll share this while I continue working on theory 2 and 3. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions, provide comments, or develop your own theories. This is an open discussion for all, and even though it’s posted in the beginner channel, I anticipate active participation from experienced members as well. Given my limited time to develop these theories, I hope that others can take the information presented here and further expand upon it.

For the mods:
I lack the necessary permissions to make posts in the "penis enlargement" topic because my account hasn’t accumulated 200 posts, and I currently don’t have the time to create that many posts. I sincerely hope that a moderator can assist by relocating this discussion since it revolves around clamping, a technique that is not suitable for beginners. It’s clear that I’m contributing to the community by sharing scientific research and innovative theories related to methods that have remained unquestioned for years. I kindly request that a moderator grant me access to the "penis enlargement" chat to facilitate this valuable discussion.

Stick around, there will be more.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

I believe this to be the case. Blood vessel proliferation due to obstructed and under-oxygenated where the clamp is placed.

There is another factor that might be at play and that is anti-lox which are produced under asphyxiation, leading collagenous fibers to a state much like the EDS (Ehler Danlos Syndrome) which is more elastic. I have this theory that people with EDS have pretty fast and huge gains due to this condition. However they don’t live long for that same reason (heart issues).

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

Search xenolith, a penis tale. This has been discussed before.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

Originally Posted by
Search xenolith, a penis tale. This has been discussed before.

Funny you mention that, Xenolith is mentioned in my 2nd theory that hasn’t been published yet. 3rd theory contains a few other names as well.
Although, I actually haven’t read that yet. I heard his theory from someone else’s posts. Thanks for the mention though. Ill have a read.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Last edited by NewYellowBanana : 09-08-2023 at .

Xenolith doesn’t bring results. Just 2 threads that mention him and nothing else.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

I hope this thread gets some love, I’m putting a lot of effort into these. So please do share you thoughts so that this can be seen by others who are willing to apply these theories to their routines.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Last edited by NewYellowBanana : 09-08-2023 at .

Theory 2) The Clamp Compression Theory:

The Clamp Compression Theory challenges the notion that girth gains are primarily a result of tissue expansion due to increased blood flow. Instead, it suggests that the key lies in how the clamp interacts with the erect penis and the compression it induces in the surrounding tissue. I’ll break it down similarly to how I did with the hypoxia theory.

1. Clamp-Induced Compression: When a clamp is applied at the base, it creates a unique environment. As the erect penis engorges with blood, it exerts pressure, pushing outwards and against the clamp’s edge. Simultaneously, the clamp compresses the tissues beneath it.

2. Dual Circumference Effect: This dynamic interaction results in two distinct circumferences along the shaft. At the clamp’s position, where compression occurs, a smaller circumference emerges. Conversely, at the edge of the clamp, where blood pushes the penis tissues outward, a larger circumference forms.

3. Microtears and Repair: The critical mechanism underlying girth gains lies in the significant difference between these two circumferences. The transition between the smaller and larger circumferences subjects the tissues to unique stress. This stress, combined with the engorged state, may lead to the formation of microtears within the tunica.

4. Healing and Growth: Microtears, though initially minor injuries, initiate the body’s natural healing and growth processes. The torn tissues signal the release of various growth factors, including platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β). These growth factors play pivotal roles in tissue repair and regeneration.

5. Hypoxia’s Potential Role: While not the primary driver, hypoxia (a temporary reduction in oxygen supply) might contribute to all girth routines. In the context of clamping, it could enhance the healing response. Hypoxia could stimulate angiogenesis and encourage fibroblast activity, essential for collagen synthesis.

I understand the desire some individuals may have to position clamps near the glans in order to augment girth in that area. However, if my understanding is correct, and in accordance with this theory, it might not yield the same results as clamping at the base or even the mid-section. The basis for this can be attributed to the intricacies of blood circulation and tissue expansion.

When clamping at the base, a substantial amount of tissue becomes filled with blood, resulting in significant pressure within the shaft. This pressure pushes outward, creating stress on the clamp’s placement area. Additionally, the tunica attempts to contain the blood, further compressing it and increasing pressure against the clamp’s edge, leading to an expanded circumference, as I mentioned before.
Clamping beneath the glans may not generate the same level of stress on the clamped area due to limited space for pressure to build up and affect the clamped region. Although, clamping beneath the glans may result in some pressure and potential microtears, but it certainly won’t reach the same level of pressure experienced in base clamping, where the entire penis is engorged with blood and pushes forcefully against the clamp.

One way to address this challenge is by employing a second clamp. First, place a clamp below the glans while in an erect state, and then position a second clamp at the base of the penis. The second clamp essentially acts as a barrier, confining blood within the shaft. This confinement can result in the desired increase in pressure, not only on the clamp near the glans but also potentially on the clamp at the base of the penis.

And that’s it for Theory 2. I hope it makes sense. Maybe some of this is laughably obvious to some. All id like to do is come up with a new way to gain girth as I’m so incredibly tired of not understanding exactly what it is that contributes to girth gains. It always seems to be something different for everyone. But there is a trend of freak girth gainers who have done something similar to the above theories without knowing or acknowledging it.

This Theory was inspired by @sparkyx, @xenolith, @Big Girtha and @aristocane (who is banned for some reason). The first 3 I listed had some discussion in an prehistoric thread that I somehow dug up and lost. I took notes of the discussion so I could come back and theorize later. Aristocane is a user here who reached 7" girth. As his thread regarding his increase in girth unraveled, he mentioned that he had frequently placed multiple clamps incrementally along the shaft of his penis. This is what sparked the discussion I stumbled upon with sparky, big girtha and xenolith. Originally Xenolith started theorizing about "strain ellipses". But I found it too unnecessarily complicated to explain. I also couldn’t find much information on it. But what I’ve mentioned here in theory 2, is what I believe he was trying to explain, but in a significantly dumbed down way.

I’ve encountered many theories that are disorganized, filled with complex language, and lacking structure. Often, it requires sifting through numerous pages, hoping someone will simplify the content for better understanding. Moreover, many theorists fail to offer a summary or practical guidance for incorporating their ideas into a routine. With this explanation, I aim to streamline the information for your convenience. So I hope you all understand so far.

More to come in Theory 3.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Last edited by NewYellowBanana : 09-08-2023 at .

Originally Posted by redmorsilla

Xenolith doesn’t bring results. Just 2 threads that mention him and nothing else.

Here’s a link to the thread XL mentioned:

Finding xeno: a penis tale

Its a long read.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

2 guys



Both totally unconventional yet results.

Simple yet complex.

No cumming
Extended periids in a moderate clamp

Clamp then hang. Repeat.

Both, consistant. Almost no days off.

Nothing extreme or tortorous.

Work up slow, condition. Baby steps.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

Great job so far NYB!

My 2 cents if you all want to hear it is that diet and age play a huge role. The younger guys teens to mid 20s have major natural growth factors in play. As for us older gents we are slower to repair and rebuild. Secondly if your diet is crap(not enough proteins,good fats, low inflation foods, smoking, drinking)this will impact your results. There are dozens of other factors like hydration, minerals/vitamins that support healing and growth just to name a few. This is a super complex process and all penises might be made the same but what you feed it goes a long way.

I would like to add some extra information.

I’ve never seen many people talking about it before, but length is limited by the urethra, and girth is limited by nerves that are responsible for glans’ sensitivity.

In Brazil, there’s a famous urologist called Paulo Egydio who is recognized worldwide. He actually performs what those who do P.E are after (tunica expansion), but surgically. His surgical method is meant for men who have lost both length and girth due to fibrosis, and as he claims, the expected result is what one had before. Moreover, he claims that the tunica is a very tough tissue, and even surgically, it demands a lot of work to expand it, and methods like stretching and Jelqing will hardly or never make it expand.

Originally Posted by
2 guys



Both totally unconventional yet results.

Simple yet complex.

No cumming
Extended periids in a moderate clamp

Clamp then hang. Repeat.

Both, consistant. Almost no days off.

Nothing extreme or tortorous.

Work up slow, condition. Baby steps.

You are correct; those users did experience gains, but they happened quite slowly. For example, Big Girtha increased from 5" to 7" MSEG over 8 years, and Houstonwoods went from 5.25" to 6.25" in 12 years, based on available data from their handles.

These gains seem much slower when compared to aristocane, who gained 1.5" in 3 years, and xenolith, who gained 1" in just 1 year (with more gains later on). While there are more cases, I can’t provide exact dates due to my current limitations.

It’s interesting to note that people who achieve 1" in girth growth within a year seem to be using different methods than Big Girtha and Houstonwoods. These two individuals employed an intense and continuous approach, often without breaks. Houston, in particular, clamped multiple times a day without rest. Strangely, there seems to be a connection suggesting that those who clamp very frequently might experience slower gains.

So, it’s not as simple as it first appears. People are gaining girth at different rates, and it’s important to understand why. Learning how girth gain works is crucial for improving techniques and efficiency.

Currently, the hypoxia theory is a scientifically supported explanation. It explains why people tend to gain girth primarily in the areas they clamp most often. Most clamp users show greater base girth, where clamp is placed, as opposed to the shaft, where there is no clamp. This challenges the traditional theory of girth gain solely through increased blood flow and calls for a reevaluation of existing ideas.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Rate of gain is negligible in my opinion.

1 year vs. 3 is insignificant.

Trying to be a 1 inch gainer in a year and injured isnt in my plan.

Daily PE and what it delivers after 3 years is. Lifestyle, not a life sentence.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

Originally Posted by
Rate of gain is negligible in my opinion.

1 year vs. 3 is insignificant.

Trying to be a 1 inch gainer in a year and injured isnt in my plan.

Daily PE and what it delivers after 3 years is. Lifestyle, not a life sentence.

I agree, with your mindset, rate of gain is negligible. However, it’s crucial to consider the significance of "rate of gain". Why? Because if it takes you years to gain just an inch, it might signal that there could be some issues with your approach.

The human body is more than capable of making gains faster than just two inches in twelve years. The reason it took HoustonWood so long might be because of their intense clamping routine without enough breaks. When you follow the mindset of "as long as I’m gaining without injury, the time it takes doesn’t matter," you have to question whether you’re optimizing your penis health or potentially causing harm.

In simpler terms, if you’re making slow progress and using old school, non scientific clamping methods, how can you be sure you’re not overworking your penile tissues and causing unnecessary damage/toughening alongside any gains?

I’m not entirely clear on your tone in your messages. It seems like you’re okay with your current routine and are willing to accept the slow pace as part of the journey. This laid back attitude is great for a stress free approach to life. However, many people, including myself, prefer using PE methods grounded in science. The human body can regenerate quite well, and adding a bit of tissue to the penis is definitely doable, as others have shown.

It seems like you’re content with what you’re doing, which is perfectly fine. But my goal is to explore and develop new PE techniques backed by scientific principles. This will help those who might be struggling to achieve gains at an optimal and efficient rate.

For me, gaining just one inch in three years is not acceptable, and I’m determined to aim for more substantial progress.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Although I appreciate your enthusiasm, your assertive feels premature. It might make sense to tone it down a bit as you explore this idea.

You should definitely pursue your hypothesis in whatever ways you can, but perhaps consider softening the certainty and assertiveness of your language as you explore it. It’s still just an idea at this point and honestly I can’t think of a way that one might ever prove anything here as definitive.

Since you want a method that is grounded in science, I think it’s important that you take a scientific perspective and hold hypotheses as such, and not as established fact. The rationales you present as possibilities as the biomechanical stimuli for growth may well turn out to be reasonable but there is little way for us to ever be certain based on actual peer-reviewed data, either from controlled studies involving subjects or bench work evaluating tissue markers of growth and/or its underlying biochechemical mechanisms. In the end all we will ever have is anonymous self-reported protocols and results, and the variations in exercise, recording and reporting techniques will be too much to ever make firm, much less definitive, conclusions about. Published research about similar tissues, while interesting and possibly revealing, may or may not apply. It is hard to know.

Remember that scientists pick a theory and then try to disprove it as much as find supporting evidence and a great scientist is humble and unattached to a theory. I can tell you from direct observation that the scientists who end up in dead end research are the ones who are the most dead certain about their hypotheses being fact and the least open-minded and curious about being wrong.

I can also tell you (again with a significant amount of high-level educational and professional understanding) that as a general matter that humans are mostly all the same, but there is a LOT of anatomic, physiologic and biochemical variation. Connective tissue variation is no exception. I’m not making any claims about the penile connective tissue properties as either uniform (and uniformly responsive) or not. But that’s because I try not to claim things as fact that I can’t be certain are actually facts.

Being skeptical is one of the most powerful tools of the exploring researcher, and it is absolutely the most powerful when confronting our own scientific assumptions.

I’ll follow this thread with interest.

Rock out with your cock out!

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