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Sharing a girth variation

Sharing a girth variation

Hello…. I know there are exercises that are similar to this, but I would like to address a different focus of the exercise or perhaps a different intensity. I have done pretty much every girth exercise out there over the last 2 years, including pumping and do all of them rather intensely.

Just recently I have experimented with a type of ballooning? Term and idea taken from action-love website.

What I do is I achieve the hardest possible erection I can.. Then I will grab the base very tightly, yes I know this sounds familiar. I will then, (with the help of a little porn) further engorge my penis by stroking it with the opposite hand trying to get more and more excited as my base gripping hand is still very tight.. As I get more aroused, by penis begins to engorge even more than it does with a standard squeeze, or squeeze variations. As I begin to get more aroused, I will do a quick release of the grip holding the base and do a strong kegel..further engorging the penis.. I will repeat and repeat until I feel like my dick simply cannot expand any more. As I am in this expanded state, I stroke/jelq gently (it feels very intense, borderline painful if you are not gentle) up the shaft from base top head. Man, can I feel those veins as I stoke! To me it is like pumping without the pump. I can really only withstand this exercise a few minutes before I need to work the erection back up. What I have found thru this exercise, is that I am able to take the expansion to greater and greater levels within a session. I really feel that bringing the arousal into the exercise causes greater engorgement. I am quite surprised how much more I could get my dick to expand compared to the many other girth exercises. The key is keeping the grip at the base very tight. It’s pretty hard on the hands and switching hand becomes necessary. As well, you want to feel arousal, cuz you will get more expansion this way. IT is a very intense exercise, not for newbies… I have always done very intense girth exercises, but this has taken me to a new level. But when I am done, my penis is huge, engorged and heavy.. I have NEVER gotten this engorged after any session, even prolonged and varied pump sessions don’t come close. I have had hour long girth sessions with horses and ulis and you name it… This tops them, and I can be done in 30 minutes.

Thanks ccc, sounds like something worth trying!


The exercise is a jelq squeeze more or less, but it sounds like its working great for you. And it’s good to add little variations to exercises, because lets face it there are only so many new exercises that can be done with PE

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Re: Sharing a girth variation

Originally posted by chakaconcarne
Hello…. I know there are exercises that are similar to this, but I would like to address a different focus of the exercise or perhaps a different intensity. I have done pretty much every girth exercise out there over the last 2 years, including pumping and do all of them rather intensely.

Just recently I have experimented with a type of ballooning? Term and idea taken from action-love website.

Do you suppose using a cock ring would be similar to having that
hand squeezing the base?

I tried this out today, and yeah, it sure did give a good “pump.” I don’t think I ever saw my cock so red with veins popping out all over the place. Only problem I had was that I noticed afterwards that there was some fluid build-up around my meatus. Basically, it looked like I had a small blister off to the left and right of the meatus.

Now, I’m not saying this technique isn’t good, as I think I just overdid it quite a bit on my first attempt. However, I will try it on and off and hopefully be a bit more careful with it. Hope to hear what others think if they give it a whirl.

<Do you suppose using a cock ring would be similar to having that
hand squeezing the base?>

I’ve tried this with a lasso cock ring and I don’t get nearly the amount of squeeze/pressure I am looking for. As well with the cock ring, I can’t get as close to the base and it’s awkward. I do wear the lasso for about 20 minutes post workout.

I grip the base so absolutely no blood can escape the penis. It takes quite a grip and I can manipulate the grip, moving it toward the glans to further increase pressure. I usually will do this when my cock is fully pumped, usually holding it for 20 sec., doing kegels when needed. It’s not like a jelq and different from a squeeze; it’s more like pulling the engorged penis outward from the base. You can do this fairly easy, because the area under your grip (that you’ve maintained for some time) at the base is not full like the rest of your penis, so there’s like an indented gripping point behind the engorgement keeping your fingers from slipping up the shaft as you pull outward, increasing pressure. Does that make sense?

The thing I want to emphasize is that most of the time I am near ejaculating while doing this exercise.. I guess it’s also considered “riding the edge”. I focus on getting myself really turned on and I notice my cock swells greater than normal. You know, kind of like when you are really turned on prior to sex? As I get turned on and feel my cock start to swell, I will release the base grip and kegel hard and grip again… and maybe repeat this until I can’t get any more blood in there.. Then I just keep it inflated (gripped) and stroke/jelq it with varying degress of pressure with the other hand which simultaneously keeps me at peak hardness and increases/varies the pressure slightly. You can even try a light DLD bend if you so dare… As things start to get uncomfortable and it’s more difficult to stay hard, I release the grip and kegel several times to get fresh blood in there. Then start over. Throughout the session, I focus mainly on staying really aroused…. Porn and good lube are key for me.

It is quite the session… You are trying to stay focused on your arousal (for me it’s keeping the porn at max pornness), trying to keep blood in your dick, trying to keep the lube slick, paying real close attention to your strokes doing them gently but effectively and trying to stay alert to getting caught. It IS for me the most intense girth exercise I have done and I am very, very careful. I started doing this about 2-3 weeks ago and I am pretty sure this has contributed to my recent greater staying power in the sack.

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