Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Signs (<-originally "sings") of growing penis?


Signs (<-originally "sings") of growing penis?

Guys I was wondering do you see changes in flacid size first and then in erect or at the same time? Because I see changes in my flacid but not in erect state. When your flacid size changes does it mean you penis will grow if you continue the same routine?

NOW : jan1-04 6.25x5.0 curve to the left about 40 degrees.

HOPE : 7x5.5 end of 2004 curve of 20 degrees or less.

The first thing you will probably notice is more skin. Although this looks unattractive to some, you will need the extra skin later to accommodate the inner growth. I actually like the loose skin. I have always been cut pretty closely, but now my flaccid hang looks a lot thicker because the overlapping skin that makes a double thickness in girth. This is why uncut guys always look thicker when flaccid than cut guys. Some say flaccid length gains are the hardest to get, for me I think this is true. First real gain I noticed, or my GF noticed was erect girth, then flaccid girth. We’re still waiting for length.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I had the same question.

I havent started the newbie routine yet,I just warm up and do basic stretches I guess.

I’ve noticed that the skin at the base is more stretchy now.

Also I don’t know wat it is but when I started stretching I would pull down and it would feeel like under myy belly button mucsles were being pulled I don’t really get that feeling.. My guess is that I got use to it.

I have been doin this for about 2 weeks

Still havent tried jelquing I still don’t think I can do them properly.

“Song of A Growing Penis”

My penis is growing
It is growing today
I feel a deep tingling
like a gentle sun’s ray

My scrotum is itchy
I feel it inside
My penis is growing
So long and so wide

So does anybody know what happened to Big Girtha? Did he write that book? Marry his urologist? Get arrested for secretly taping his conquests?

Are you the author of that song, sta-kool?

Tingling or itching feeling on the shaft is the sign of growing penis. No kidding.


Originally Posted by sta-kool
“Song of A Growing Penis”

My penis is growing
It is growing today
I feel a deep tingling
like a gentle sun’s ray

My scrotum is itchy
I feel it inside
My penis is growing
So long and so wide

So does anybody know what happened to Big Girtha? Did he write that book? Marry his urologist? Get arrested for secretly taping his conquests?

Actually that deep tingling and itchy feeling you describe are clear symptoms of crab lice. Better get some Ridd lice shampoo!

For me

I actually noticed my flaccid was fatter, heavier, and longer. Erect growth was a good deal later.

Originally Posted by marinera

Are you the author of that song, sta-kool?

Yes — I wrote the lyrics after being inspired by the thread title. I haven’t written the music yet though!

MagnumXL sings:

My flaccid is fatter
It is heavy and long
Erect growth is coming!
So I’m singing this song


My penis is GROWING!!
So Hard and so tall
And soon my brother
We’ll no longer be small

You have a future in the music-biz, my word!

sta, nicely done. I really think you should match your lyrics with this music . It would really set the mood.

Originally Posted by kowal
Guys I was wondering do you see changes in flacid size first and then in erect or at the same time? Because I see changes in my flacid but not in erect state. When your flacid size changes does it mean you penis will grow if you continue the same routine?

Did you mean “Sings” or “Signs” of growing penis?

For me flaccid came first, then erect gains.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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