Thunder's Place

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Skin problems


Skin problems

I need a little help on how to combat skin creep, i.e. scrotum skin climbing up the shaft as you gain.

I didn´t have a great flaccid (ball) hang anyway, and gaining this extra shaft has made it worse! I have hair going up nearly half of the shaft now, Edit: I just checked, it´s more like 1/3 of the shaft, not too bad and my balls ride too high for my liking.

Now here´s the weird part. I also feel like I have loads of skin on my shaft. Sometimes during sex it used to slip over the glans which isn´t good for sensation. And even now, it feels like if I were to stretch the shaft skin, I would just get even more skin, and it would remain there, and my balls wouldn´t lower at all.

So I stretch the scrotum skin instead. But really, is this going to help? What I want and need is for the scrotum skin to go back down and get off my shaft! My NBPEL is less than it should be partly due to skin tenting at the base because so much of normal groin skin is being used to cover the shaft.

Also, when flaccid, the skin wrinkles up makes the next problem worse:

The colour. I used to like the tan effect, but it´s getting really dark now. After a jelqing session the skin bunches up and looks black almost sometimes. When the skin is stretched out, it is the normal tan colour, but it´s getting darker, slowly.

What tactics do you think I should be employing to combat the skin creep, and I suppose the colour change?

Just realised there´s more to it. I´m also concerned about how my shaft skin is “bigger”. I mean, it´s stretchier, and it seems like the CCs and CS just aren´t filling it enough. Veins are also less prominent than they were, I think.

Last edited by ICM : 04-12-2004 at .

I also have hair farther up my shaft than before PE. No turkey neck, but the skin where my fat pad meets my base is bowed forward a little. I’m hoping it will retract some with continued fat loss.

Stretching your scrotum can’t hurt. You could also try wrapping it while you hang (or do other PE). Use Theraband, swimcap material or something similar a couple inches wide and wrap the scrotum above your nuts. I don’t know if this would help move it back, but may prevent it from being stretched forward more.

Re: discoloration, yeah it creeps up like that, gradually getting darker until on a bad flaccid day you look at it and think WTF? What is causing it for you? It worsens to some degree whenever I work girth, though I’ve learned to minimize it by not building too much pressure under tightly stretched skin.

The good news is that it fades over time. The bad news is it is a slow process. Expect 4-6 months for a noticeable improvement, and that’s only after stopping whatever you were doing to cause it. I suspect my shaft skin would show hardly any signs of PE after 1-2 years off. I’ve had pretty bad discoloration in the past. Right now I’d consider it moderate.

Sometimes you can adjust your technique to prevent it from worsening. For example, my discoloration from squeezing continued to clear while I hung.


>I didn´t have a great flaccid (ball) hang anyway, and gaining this extra shaft has made it worse! I have hair going up nearly half of the shaft now, Edit: I just checked, it´s more like 1/3 of the shaft, not too bad and my balls ride too high for my liking.<

I have examined skin issues for a long time. Here are a few of my thoughts. First, if you plan on making any more gains, you are going to need that extra skin. You cannot make internal gains without stretching the outer skin first. It just does not happen.

Second, I have quite a bit of area with hair going up my shaft. I have read of many guys who start out with this situation, so it is not solely a PE issue. But I find it a very good thing to have. If you keep this hair trimmed to about 1/8-1/4 inch, it does amazing things for women while having sex. However, if it gets a little long, it can be tough to get this area into the vagina.

>Now here´s the weird part. I also feel like I have loads of skin on my shaft. Sometimes during sex it used to slip over the glans which isn´t good for sensation. And even now, it feels like if I were to stretch the shaft skin, I would just get even more skin, and it would remain there, and my balls wouldn´t lower at all. <

When I would go through periods of concentrating on skin stretch, without any internal structure work, I would find the excess skin going over the head during sex also. I found a very simple technique that worked for me to combat this.

After you first enter, reach down and pull back on your scrotum and shaft skin, then thrust a few times while holding the skin back. This allows the entire shaft to become lubed without the skin folding over and you should find that you can release and it will not go over the glans from there on out. Unless of course dryness sets in.

Further, after you have stopped concentrated PE, your skin will shrink back somewhat to ‘fit’ the ulitmate dimensions of your erect penis. It will probably be a bit more loose than before PE, but not enough to matter.

>So I stretch the scrotum skin instead. But really, is this going to help? What I want and need is for the scrotum skin to go back down and get off my shaft! My NBPEL is less than it should be partly due to skin tenting at the base because so much of normal groin skin is being used to cover the shaft.<

The good news is, skin is easy to stretch. As hobby said, you can hang while having the scrotum wrapped, and this will stretch the skin on the bottom of the shaft, allowing the scrotum skin to stay with the nuts. During normal PE, hanging, whatever, the stresses which stretch the skin on top of the shaft simply ‘borrow’ skin from the scrotum on bottom. So if the scrotum is wrapped, this cannot happen, and the bottom shaft skin will be stretched as well.

>What tactics do you think I should be employing to combat the skin creep, and I suppose the colour change?<

As long as you want to become larger, do not worry or fight the increased skin. Use the hair on the shaft to your advantage as a french tickler. As far as color, starting a pasty dicked small guy, I like the added color. But it will fade after you stop.

>Just realised there´s more to it. I´m also concerned about how my shaft skin is “bigger”. I mean, it´s stretchier, and it seems like the CCs and CS just aren´t filling it enough. Veins are also less prominent than they were, I think.<

So get busy making the internal structures bigger.


Has anyone ever tried to stretch the “good” shaft skin first? You know, stretch out the nice smooth skin before starting the PE so that when she grows, she’ll grow right into the nice pretty skin and won’t stretch all the stubbly skin because she won’t need to. Just an idea I’ve had floating in back my head.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Hobby, Bib, thank you so much for the advice and ideas. This thinking appealed to me particularly:

Originally Posted by Bib
The good news is, skin is easy to stretch. As hobby said, you can hang while having the scrotum wrapped, and this will stretch the skin on the bottom of the shaft, allowing the scrotum skin to stay with the nuts. During normal PE, hanging, whatever, the stresses which stretch the skin on top of the shaft simply ‘borrow’ skin from the scrotum on bottom. So if the scrotum is wrapped, this cannot happen, and the bottom shaft skin will be stretched as well.


Instead of stretching the skin, I think some kind of prevention while gaining, like the skin wrapping above the balls, would be best. What if you took a long time to gain? Years maybe?

In this instance I was lazy, and it just didn´t click that the skin on the bottom just doesn´t get the same stretch as the top skin. Hobby and Bib have stepped in and done the thinking for me :) for which I am very grateful.

Thanks Bib for the tip on skin coverage during sex. I´ll give it a go next time I have opportunity.


I wouldn’t worry about the hair growing up your shaft. Mine grew a third of the way up the shaft before I even started PE. Maybe you’re just more aware of it now that you’re more focused on your prick.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Originally Posted by horsehung

I wouldn’t worry about the hair growing up your shaft. Mine grew a third of the way up the shaft before I even started PE. Maybe you’re just more aware of it now that you’re more focused on your prick.


The problem is that the new shaft is stealing skin from the scrotum which is not only unsightly but makes my balls ride higher. Not what I want.

I´m ok with a bit of hair, as I can just shave it, plus it could be good stimulation for a woman.

Bib, Hobby,

Did you ever wrap your balls with thera while hanging?

I wrapped mine well, first with bandage then with thera to make a semi-solid structure, and found that it did very little to help stretch the underside skin. So I attached a little weight to my balls to fight against the hanger weight.

This may well be helping (it’s hard to judge the sensation, I feel a little ill due to the fact that the nerve endings of the balls end so close close to the stomach) but I was wondering if anyone actually did this regularly as part of their hanging routine?

I certainly couldn’t hang BTC like this.

Right now, since I am still on the first set, I’m getting entirely new sensations. It’s kind of like a burning at the point where I want to stretch the skin, but it’s not like normal skin stretch burn (I think) it’s more just like heat. It’s very strange.

Perhaps hanging OTS with balls wrapped would give better results?

I’ve been trying the skin stretching by hand and that has been most successful.

I think I’ll just stretch the skin when I can during the day, and hang as I was before, with no provisions against underside skin borrowing.

Does anyone see any great problems in doing that?

How about pulling the skin back towards the balls?

Part of the problem in my case is a scalpel happy doctor during circumcision—he took way too much skin on the underside, hence the use of scrotum in erections. Have been pumping in an effort to get more skin…now am hanging with a swimcap (actually the sticky upper part of a chemical resistant glove). Has anyone tried skin stretch-mark preventers for pregnant women, like for instance Magia Bella brand? Only concern is that collagen builders in the cream might rebuild resistant tissues and impede stretching.

started 6x4.5

now, after 4 mos. 6.75x 5.2

goal 7.5x 6.25


Welcome to the forum! I’m glad my thread got you posting.

I’m not bothered about stretch marks really, just discolouration. Good idea about the pregnancy stuff.

I doubt it would penetrate deep enough to strengthen the tunica etc. I think you’ll be ok there. Of course I don’t know the medical answer to this.


>Did you ever wrap your balls with thera while hanging?<

Yes, when I felt the skin borrowing was a problem, I would wrap my scrotum for the final sets of the day, when the weight was lower. I could not do this with my max weights, because it was too intense.

>I wrapped mine well, first with bandage then with thera to make a semi-solid structure, and found that it did very little to help stretch the underside skin. So I attached a little weight to my balls to fight against the hanger weight.<

I usually wrapped mine first with sweat shirt material, then thera on top of that. You might not have wrapped quite tight enough to hold the skin in place while hanging. But do not wrap too tight.

Also, the amount of wrap you use, how high up you wrap makes a big difference.

>This may well be helping (it’s hard to judge the sensation, I feel a little ill due to the fact that the nerve endings of the balls end so close close to the stomach) but I was wondering if anyone actually did this regularly as part of their hanging routine?<

Usually I would do it every two weeks to a month for a week or so. It stretches fairly easily. In fact, within a couple days of doing this, you can look at the underside of your shaft and see the hair follicles stretched out in an eliptical shape.

>I certainly couldn’t hang BTC like this. <

I had no problem with it. Just alternate which side you place your balls on for each set.

>Perhaps hanging OTS with balls wrapped would give better results?<

Hanging at the upper angles with the balls wrapped is always much more intense.


ICM: I don’t need stretch mark reduction, either—just thought that the pregnancy cream might help stretch skin. The skin on the underside seems especially resistant to longitudinal stretch. I am a grower, not a shower, so have to keep all elasticity as well as make more skin. The $50+ Magia Bella allowed stretch without discoloration, but now it seems my skin toughens when it retracts to original flaccid size and is resisting ballooning somewhat. Maybe this is that collagen-building characteristic. I may hang in such a way as to purposely create extra skin. Also, does anyone know of a constant stretcher to prevent retraction to original flaccid state? Seems like a guy named Supra had a line on one. Good luck to all.

started 6x4.5

after 4 mos. 6.75x5.2

goal 7.75x6.25

For an update on this, I’ve reinstated the warm-ups and currently the discolouration is in the tanned category. It seems to be getting better.

I’ll update again once I’m sure things are a lot better.

What I’ve been doing is using very hot water in the shower as a warm-up, and massaging the upper shaft skin that was getting too dark for comfort. So far this seems to be helping.

I really liked the fact that my unit was a good tan colour and not pink. Ugh, pink!

I’ve also been turning around the skin borrowing. Several times a day I simly stretch the underside skin, and now there is almost no borrowing at all! This is a first in years, yet so simple. Now even when erect my balls hang properly. A little more work to go, but not having the skin be borrowed shows my full size too, as up to an inch could be kind of obscured by my balls riding high.

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