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Slight erect stretching

Slight erect stretching

I’ve noticed that I get a much better grip when there is just a little blood flow in my penis. Anyone else do stretching with a semi erect penis? I’m talking like 10-15 percent up not a high erection level or anything. I know many go against this but i’ve been doing it a little while and don’t notice any pain or discolouration.

I think it’s OK. I do it all the time. Instead of slight erect, I prefer to call it full flaccid.

Last edited by gprent : 04-28-2005 at .

Sounds great, I’ve always had to have a little blood in it to create a “sweet spot” .

Yeah, I do them the same way - there is just a little bit more you can grab. Works perfect for me.

Sometimes, just doing a proper warm-up does the trick

Originally Posted by gprent
I think it’s OK. I do it all the time. Instead of slight erect, I prefer to call it full flaccid.

Always the optimist, gprent. Or is that optomitrist? I can’t remember.

Hey growshop, I am the same way when I stretch. Much easier to hold on when you have a little bit of blood in the ole weenie.


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