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Smallest incremental noticeable sexworthy gain


Smallest incremental noticeable sexworthy gain

What is the smallest length gain that is significant enough to be noticed either by the owner of the penis or the ownee of the penis during sexual intercourse?
In length? Is 1/4 inch noticed? 1/8 inch? 1/16 inch? Or is it more like 1/2 or 3/4 inch?
In girth? 1/32nd inch? 1/16th inch? 1/8 inch? 1/4 inch?

And now what about for appearances sake?
When you look at your johnson, what is the smallest length gain/girth gain that you can detect where you are pretty sure that you have gained?
And what is the smallest visual gain that you can definitively detect that you have gained?

Post your opinions.

I started to notice a difference at about a half inch in either direction. This is just my experience.

I found even slight girth gains to be way more noticable than length gains (quite logical IMO).
I’d think it’s the same for the fairer part of humanity :)


I think almost any is noticeable. In the last week I have gained 1/8in length and almost 1/4in girth and to me I can see it’s bigger and one of the girls that I have sex with from time to time asked if I was “taking something” because I felt bigger

Can a moderator move this to a forum where it is more likely to get feedback. Maybe I’m wrong but I feel like this thread can be one of the good ones if the right people see it.

Main Member forum might be best?

Main Member forum is appropriate, since it’s not really a “newbie PE” question. Be sure to post in the forum you want in the future.

I know a swell in girth of about 1/4” is noticable to both parties from experience. No idea about length - I guess that would depend on exactly how far in you managed to reach before and after, or how close to the back you were - if you were 2 inches off and gained an inch, there might be little difference in feeling for her but if you were an inch off the back and gained an inch it might make a hell of a difference.

For appearance sake, I think you’d have to gain at least a half in in length and a quarter in girth to notice it yourself. (Less might be noticeable to others who don’t see it every day) but that’s only a guess.

Girth will likely be more noticed by the women. Even small increments make a noticeable difference.

As far as length I think secjay is on the money: it depends.

As far as you noticing. Depends how fast you gain. An inch gained in a year will be less noticeable than an inch gaines in a month. Think about it.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I haven’t screwed anyone since I was 6”bpel so I think it might be a little different for me now.

My ruler says one thing…everything else disagrees.

"Debate the idea..."

anybody else?

I know as far as my experience that my ex felt a difference at only around 1/16 - 1/8 inch in girth

I think the half inch length/quarter inch girth are probably right. The length difference is obvious at moments to me (although not as much to my SO, but she sees my cock almost as much as I do). However, the girth is noticeable to both of us (at least that seems the likely way to take her comments about it looking fat, more engorged, and squirming at slightest tensing of my penis when I’m inside her now), and it seems to have been gained very quickly. I’ve yet to measure girth around (and only today measured my penis across - more than I thought), so I don’t know how much I actually gained.

I have gained 7/8” in length since december `09 and i`m not sure if I`ve gained any girth, but my girlfriend`s attitude toward sex has always been the same; again please….

Not sure, I guess it depends.

I’m only a couple of weeks into PE but already in week 2 my girl started commenting on how it looks bigger and feels harder.

She doesn’t know I started PE so I’m pretty sure I’ve “grown” already but most probably due to improved EQ? Though, visually it also seems I’ve grown. Holding my unit it seems heavier as well.

BPFSL measures 0.2” longer after 4 weeks of mild newbie PE, still have to measure BPEL.

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