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So I'm hanging now...


So I'm hanging now...

Yep, made the jump.

Been thinking about doing it for some time, as these manual methods are wearing me the hell out. My hands are shot after a session, jelq and stretch, jelq and stretch, on and on. A friend here was talking about hanging, and he said something that smacked me upside the head - “effortless PE”. That stuck.

So, after countless lunch hours wandering aimlessly through Home Depot and Lowe’s, having salespeople ask “Can I help you?”, and me staring blankly at them, I made me a hanger. It probably won’t last forever, but it was cheap and easy to make. And more importantly, it gave me the opportunity to see what the hell it feels like to hang.

I bought a 1” conduit hanger bracket for 42 cents. Had some foam and velcro stuck away at home.

So 11:00 one night, everyone’s asleep, house is quiet, and I’m out in the garage at the workbench, like some fucking demented elf, making shoes or something.

15 mins later, I got a hanger.

2 mins later I’ve got 10 lbs hanging off my dick.

(Well, I started with 2.5, that was nothing, went up and up till I felt it.)

Have settled on using 2 - 4lb diving wgts taped together (is quiet) for a total of 8 lbs, 3 sessions a night, 10 to 15 mins each.

I have to say, nothing at all, nothing, compares to hanging weight off your dick. I’ve stretched hard in my sessions, as I’ve been at this for over a year. But boys and girls, hanging is a new world for me. I’m liking it a bunch.

So I hang 10/15 mins, then jelq 10/15 mins - do this 3 times for a session. Is more intense, feels like more of a workout, than anything I’ve done yet. And wowee, what it does for the flaccid hang, ya baby.

So if you’re contemplating it, the DarkTrick says Do It.

{edited: used a 1” bracket, not a 1/2” bracket. They have 1/2”, 1”, and 1+1/2”. I think a 1+1/2” with less padding would be better}

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Last edited by DarkTrick : 12-02-2003 at .

Best of luck to you DT. Keep us informed regarding your progress.

Thanks for this smile also.

“So 11:00 one night, everyone's asleep, house is quiet, and I'm out in the garage at the workbench, like some fucking demented elf, making shoes or something.”

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Re: So I'm hanging now...

Originally posted by DarkTrick
Do It.

You said it all, Brother. Keep at it. I know I will.


>>I have to say, nothing at all, nothing, compares to hanging weight off your dick.

Amen. :) It seems kind of odd sometimes, though. I filled up a dr. pepper bottle to add some more weight to hang with, and when I looked down, I couldn’t help but laugh. Looked like a giant keychain, or something.

I’m really liking this hanging stuff, too. Feels like this might do the trick for getting the gains that I want. Can’t wait!

Any chance of a picture of your DIY efforts i would love to have a ago at hanging, how did you get on with wrapping. Hey darktrick are you uncut or not.

DarkTrick,way too funny man, the demented elf comment was great. That is exactly how I felt when I made some of my hangers and stretching devices.Heck,I always had to make up some excuse as too what I was doing in the basement .We all definatley suffer for our craft here.

My buddy the demented elf :D .

As far as length goes hanging is the best I would be lost without my bib hanger my length gains were at a stand still until I started hanging, now I can almost see my length goal. It’s a no brainer stretch and pull your dick until your hands fall off, or sit at the computer typing like I’m doing now and reading the forum. Before I played a game while hanging try doing that while manual stretching.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

>>sit at the computer typing like I’m doing now and reading the forum.

I love the multi-tasking that comes along with hanging. I’ve been reading, writing, designing, and studying for school here at my computer while hanging. You can’t beat that! I actually get more work done this way because I have a reason not to procrastinate on my work. Gotta love getting two things done at once. :D

I do manual stretching while watching TV each night, so there’s some multi-tasking possible there.

I’m just worried about the glans losing circulation and dead tissue, but I know that topic has been discussed a lot. Even so, that’s still my main worry, I woke up this morning sleeping on my hand and had no feeling in it- I would HATE to have a dick like that.

However, I think for my 1 year anniversary I will start to hang. Not sure if Bib is still selling hangers, but if not then I’ll make a home depot one.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

This homemade hanger I tinkered together is ok to start with, but I can see it’s not a long term piece of equipment. Already broke one bracket.

I used a 1” conduit hanger bracket, available at any hardware store/Home Depot type place. Removed the bolt, hot glued some velcro straps to each side, and lined it with some soft foam. I use a pinch type clamp to hold it together (after bending that part out a bit so the clamp doesnt slip off).

A bare bones hanger for sure, but it accomplished it’s task: it demonstrated the value of hanging, and showed me that hanging, for me, is going to be a critical component to my routine.

Been going bareback, no wrap necessary. And I’m cut.

I have to pick up a bib hanger. I would recommend this to other guys who are at the same place as me. Bib has literally put years of thought and experimentation into hanging. His hanger is the product of that research.

worried about the glans losing circulation and dead tissue
Hanging was always something that seemed extreme to me, and I held the same concerns you voiced. But I had gotten to the point that purely manual methods simply were not working my dick as thoroughly as months ago. And it was becoming exhausting, I began to dread my PE sessions.

I think if you pay attention to what you’re doing (which should be paramount in any PE activity, regardless of the method employed), hanging is safe. After 15 mins, I remove the hanger, massage him well, and then jelq. Tissue necrosis is highly unlikely.

And I’ll tell you, when I jelq after hanging, I notice a big difference, as opposed to after manual stretching. And for the flaccid hang, have never looked better, and I’m a grower, not a shower.

Two things guys said to me stuck:
SS said “effortless PE”, and base said : “Gravity is your friend.”

I hear that.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Originally posted by DarkTrick

And I'll tell you, when I jelq after hanging, I notice a big difference, as opposed to after manual stretching. And for the flaccid hang, have never looked better, and I'm a grower, not a shower.

Well I think I’ll ring in the new year with a level up and begin to hang. You made yours after the instructions provided in the Hangers Section right? Those are the directions I plan on using.

The A-stretches messed up my wrist and also sensitivity to my thumb. I love them and they have given me gains but I think I will just go ahead and hang. I mean, look at what hanging did for Stillwantmore!

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003


You made yours after the instructions provided in the Hangers Section right?
Actually, no, i winged it. I’ve read those posts, but I was really just looking for the easiest possible hanger to make. That conduit hanger lined with foam, with some velcro straps and a pinch clamp took all of about 15 mins to make. The cost was minimal, the hanger was 42 cents, the foam I had, as well as the velcro (any strap type stuff would have sufficed) and the clamp.

I say do it (which is why I posted this thread). Look at those instructions you mentioned and make yourself something. If you can, get a BibHanger. I’m sold on the hanging/jelqing routine, nothing works me like this.

I’m kicking myself for not doing this a year ago.

SS laughed at me when I told him I was hanging, sipping a martini, nibbling on CheezIts and watching James Bond in Dr No. Really, how much better can PE get?

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Originally posted by DarkTrick

So I'm hanging now…

Yep, made the jump.

That’ll give you some nice length gains really fast, but it can get painful… Try not to jump next time :D


I got my BibHanger.
It was like Christmas morning, I shredded the box getting it out, I’m like, “Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy…”

Wow, what a piece of hardware. I’ve seen pictures and diagrams, but they don’t do this thing justice. This is one well thought out hanger, worth every penny. Makes mine look like a fucking toy.

What a comfortable way to hang. I strap that baby on and get the fuck outta my way man, it’s hang city for me. The 8lbs I’ve been using feels like 2lbs with the BibHanger. Have to resist the urge to hook everything I see up to it -“What is that? Bet I can hang that…”

Man, I wish I had started this a year ago.

Still, it’s an odd moment to look down and think: I’m actually hanging weight from my dick. :)

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

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