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Starting Clamping!ss

Starting Clamping!ss

Hey, I just finished about 1 month of momentos routine with jelqs horse squeezes & sadak head exercises, fantastic exercises and routine however I have a lot going on and I haven’t been gaining due to stress and masturbaiting/sex. However I have grown from about 7.2 to 7.4ish I stopped measuring… After taking a week break, I’m overly focused on trying to add girth and go from 5.1 to 5.25+.

My clamp routine is looking like 50-75 jelqs to stretch and pre expand. Then I do 3 sets of 10 mins clamp and finish with ace bandage wrap for 30 mins then cock ring til I almost fall asleep. So far my morning and night erections are feeling thicker and are even longer, as well as my erections being even harder.

However I’m looking for any suggestions or tips from the pros as I’m always looking to improve thanks!

Oh and I do 3 on 2 off

Started roughly: 6.3 x 4.4

5/21/2015: 7.2 x 5.3

3/06/2017 (have not done PE for 12+ months) 7 x 5 - 5.1

Not seeing any gains, in fact girth is skinnier and length is shorter. Alreadydoubting clamping effectiveness once again.

I been clamping for going on three weeks. When I first started I was doing two on one off. I was only noticing better erections.

I switched to one on one off and started noticing girth. I was recently told girth needs rest to grow but you have to find out and track what works for you. One on one off one on two off etc. I’m still learning.

I do clamping with air clamp with btc stretch for 3 sets of 2 min beforehand.

Hope you find what works for you.

8-2015 Started- Rock hard 6.5bpel" /6"nbpel x4.25 MEG". Current- 7.25-7.5bpel" x 4.6 base/ shaft girth!!! GOAL- 7.5bpel x 5" MEG/ 5.25"BEG

Yeah I’m going down to 2 on 1 off or 1 on 1 off, jerked off last night and today I have a teeny turtle flaccid and a tiny erection.

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