Stretching angle length.
Hi guys iv been gone a while because me and my girlfreind decided to split.So the last few weeks have been tough because iv been with my daughter 24-7 now I’m not and iv been down so pe took a back seat,but it’s ok now and ill see my daughter 4 days a week whick I’m happy about now so back to pe’ing.Ok I’m moving in with 3 stunning chicks in 5 weeks and I’m wanting to get more length now.Iv decided to scrap doing a girth routine and m concentrating on length.I havent given stretching a go properly yet so I’m gonna start now.My erection is very high angeld it’s straight up with a curv so will that mean doing certain stretchs to get the best results.Iv been doing 500 wet jelqs everyday but I’m thinking about changing to 2 days on 1 day off?I’m just looking for some opinions on what to do with stretching and how many wets or other ways to get length.Oh I feel my ligs ace when stretching down if that helps.thanks guys.
16/07/05 Bpel=7.6/16ths Nbpel=under 6 Eg=5.7/16ths