Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Takeaways on Heat


Takeaways on Heat

A recurring theme for many veterans relates to the importance of heat. Kyrpa’s threads are wonderful in terms of a scientific approach to heat in the context (mostly) of ultra sound as a heat source. But others (like 5.5 Squared) have had success following a similar protocol (hanging or other tension with a heat source) using something other than US as the heat. But, the key to success seems to be recognition that, whatever the heat source, tension must continue to be applied after the heat source is removed during a cool down period. Kyrpa’s well thought out and documented discussions can provide insight on the physiological aspects of penile tissues, and how they elongate under heat and stress, but will quickly contract if both are suddenly removed. Thus, his epiphany that stress needs to remain applied during a cool down phase. That cool down under stress permits the elongated tissues to stay elongated as they cool, meaning more lasting gains. Simple, but ingenious.

I plan to try the US approach at some point, likely over the winter. But, I suggest that each consider use of heat, but then using a cool down phase while still under whatever tension they choose, be it an ADS, a pump, hanging or other. In your pump, using heat? Consider finishing without heat for a cool down, still in the pump. Same for an ADS (a heat period can help) or hanging, whatever your heat source may be. When finished with the cool down, if so inclined, go ahead and get into a Stealthwear sleeve or similar. Can’t hurt.

Bottom line is that, from what I have read and experienced, heat is vital, but Kyrpa’s revelation about maintaining tension post-heat must be considered.

I’ve been doing this after reading Longerstretch’s post. I do manuals, preheating and heating during the stretch with a far infrared lamp. I hold a straight down stretch for 10 minutes after my routine, changing hands as my grip weakens. It occurred to me that I’m basically adding 10 minutes of stretch time to my routine by doing this. I know you’re supposed to hold more than pull on this move but it should still add time under tension to the routine. Not a bad thing. I removed a couple of basic stretches from my routine to compensate for this a bit. Have you done this long enough to notice a benefit?

Originally Posted by Paul H.
I’ve been doing this after reading Longerstretch’s post. I do manuals, preheating and heating during the stretch with a far infrared lamp. I hold a straight down stretch for 10 minutes after my routine, changing hands as my grip weakens. It occurred to me that I’m basically adding 10 minutes of stretch time to my routine by doing this. I know you’re supposed to hold more than pull on this move but it should still add time under tension to the routine. Not a bad thing. I removed a couple of basic stretches from my routine to compensate for this a bit. Have you done this long enough to notice a benefit?

My heat comment is more general, and I think applicable to most protocols. My routine since March has been heated pumping, followed by a traction device (Size Doctor now a non-suction traction device due to blister concerns). I also jelq between pump sets, not heavy and not many, but enough to massage fresh blood into the warm penis before going back into the tube. I also engaged in a long term PRP experiment along with this protocol. I achieved about a 3/4 inch length and half inch girth gain. So far.

Heat has been an huge improvement for me (not to say revelation).

The problem with my data is it is not that scientific since I’ve altered a lot of variables under way.
But the history is that I stopped doing PE since i hit a plateau with the BIB hanger. I consider myself a hard gainer, this was around 4-5 years ago.
Lot’s of effort, tears and blood without results. So I stopped.

I started again based on what I read here about the theories about applying heat in conjunction with force.
I now use a JES extender and heat and I am seeing gains I never would have thought possible.
Two sets a day of around 1 hours with 40 minutes of heat and 20 minutes without which gets me around 1.5-2.5% extension which seems to only increase slightly with more hours in the torture chamber.
Right now I’m growing around 2.5mm a month (ie. around 10 months for 1 inch) which to me is sufficient measured against the effort, especially since I’ve tried reaching a plateau before putting lots of efforts into no results.
I’m doing this on week days, weekend is rest period.
Heat is done with a cheap USB powerbank that has a builtin “hand warmer” function. It seems that it has a sufficient area to apply the heat to get enough heat without getting burned skin.
Also it is neat that you don’t have to bother with a cable.
Or said another way, it is working for me. I don’t like the idea of Ultra Sound applied onto my genitals, so I sincerely hope I don’t plateau one more time, or actually I’m pretty close to what I consider a size that requires retirement.

Yes, very correct!

That’s what I’m doing.

The fact is that it increases by 3mm in five days. From November 3rd to November 8th.

Both 5.5squared and I use ordinary heating devices, but they are also effective!

Originally Posted by newyorktexan
Bottom line is that, from what I have read and experienced, heat is vital, but Kyrpa’s revelation about maintaining tension post-heat must be considered.

Although I had never applied heat to my PE and still had good gains through the years I try to listen to those recommendations and to heat up m penis before start. Lacking privacy pads or devices aren’t applicanle in my case. The only thing I can do is bathing my penis in a cup of quite warm water, about 50 degrees celsius. This can be repeated several times during the workout.

Cooldown under extension is another thing I take into account. Therefore I stay slightly clamped and edging if possible after workout.

I consider these two factors very useful information and I’m grateful to those who share it!

Stats: 06/2011: BPEL: 13 cm; MSEG: 10 cm; 04/2022: BPEL: 20 cm; MSEG: 14 cm

Goal would be: BPEL: 20 cm => reached 03/2022; MSEG: 15 cm

Bangel77's Journey More pictures: Post full body pics here (p. 216)

Originally Posted by newyorktexan

the key to success seems to be recognition that, whatever the heat source, tension must continue to be applied after the heat source is removed during a cool down period.

Sticker content.

BPEL: 5.5" --> 7.9" ; BPFSL: ~5.6" --> 8.5"

Progress log summary: Hanging with FIRe

"Going hard, fast and heavy is all against the scientific knowledge of tissue expansion or elongation." - Kyrpa

I’ve never used heat. I just go easy on my first session of whatever work I’m doing. If I’m clamping, I don’t try to get maximum expansion on the first session. If I’m hanging, I start off with less than my normal working load. Heat probably does help, but for me, I just don’t have the time. My life isn’t all about penis enlargement. I like to get my work done and move on with the day. We’re already devoting a decent chunk of time to this as it is, and adding 20-30 minutes of warm up/cool down per session is too much for me.

Originally Posted by armbreaker
I’ve never used heat. I just go easy on my first session of whatever work I’m doing. If I’m clamping, I don’t try to get maximum expansion on the first session. If I’m hanging, I start off with less than my normal working load. Heat probably does help, but for me, I just don’t have the time. My life isn’t all about penis enlargement. I like to get my work done and move on with the day. We’re already devoting a decent chunk of time to this as it is, and adding 20-30 minutes of warm up/cool down per session is too much for me.

Not sure it requires additional time, if you at least use heat during the first, primary portion of whatever workout you may use. Then removal of the heat for some period at the end of your ordinary timing. Kyrpa’s explanation of the physiology of tissues makes a lot of sense, describing what is perhaps best described as a snap back of the gains during the exercise. The post-heat portion prevents the immediate snap back. I know I have sometimes (should be more) also placed elastic sleeves on the post-workout penis to prevent the contraction in a passive fashion. I got them as a part of the Stealth device, and all I know is that it helps maintain a very long flaccid state for hours. No heat in that time. I suspect that even if one did heated PE and then used something similar post-workout it would be better than just allowing contraction. Plus, having the sleeves on creates a very nice pant outline!

I always warm up. I have been trying the take the heat away half to 2-3 of the total time in the pump as per the recommendation and it seems to be working. It is hard to say because I also found a great cock ring, the Doc Johnson Optimale thick rings. I have a 45 mm and it is like the perfect ring. I can wear it all day and it provides for great all the time engorgement and rock hard erections when I want them. It even swells the balls up. I ordered the 40 mm for trying around the balls.

Follow my progress here:

Viking Guy's pumping adventure

Originally Posted by Viking Guy

I always warm up. I have been trying the take the heat away half to 2-3 of the total time in the pump as per the recommendation and it seems to be working. It is hard to say because I also found a great cock ring, the Doc Johnson Optimale thick rings. I have a 45 mm and it is like the perfect ring. I can wear it all day and it provides for great all the time engorgement and rock hard erections when I want them. It even swells the balls up. I ordered the 40 mm for trying around the balls.

If you wear it for a long time, won’t it hurt your skin? I have tried, a day later, skin pain.

Originally Posted by yyq619870757
If you wear it for a long time, won’t it hurt your skin? I have tried, a day later, skin pain.

You need to work your way up to all day wear. A little bit of Glide helps. Not all rings are the same either, you have to find the right one for you.

Follow my progress here:

Viking Guy's pumping adventure

I’ve been using this for general "red light therapy" since it’s supposed to be healthy for general body usage - https://www.ama … /dp/B08LVR29PB/

People have said using infrared for heat to do PE is great too, but I’m not sure if this panel I have is sufficient for it? I definitely don’t feel any heat from it, which apparently also you’re not supposed to with infrared, but that seems a bit strange to me, like normally with heat I physically feel it and will hang lower.

Plan on incorporating some directed heat during sauna sessions. But I also was thinking about cold tanks. I wonder if this dramatic shift in temperature would be counter-intuitive?

Any feedback or if I did the hot-cold increments, if I finished with heat and an ADS device.. Would that still be effective?

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