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Tens Unit for PE

Tens Unit for PE

Has anyone used a tens unit for PE? (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)

Just curious as to how it would work/feel.

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

Yes, for about 6 months with no positive results. Multi settings, found many that caused pre-cum and felt great. That’s all.

Tried it. Not impressed. There are forums for guys who use them for sexual stimulation; tried that too. Again, not impressed.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Thanks for the responses guys. I’m not going to proceed to use it. My wife has an old device and I thought I would try it if no one had. Have a great day!

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

Hey, you have to at least try it! Isn’t half of this just about playing with your dick?

Might be helpful if you put it on your taint for kegal exersizes.

I’m interested in this also, I’ve read many of the threads about it here, and elsewhere, and it seems to have some promise for some aspects of male health even if it doesn’t assist in growth.

It seems they can be useful for partly restoring EQ in some cases, and for example, raising total testosterone levels when applied to to certain meridian points (see attached; tox. Env. Health sci. Vol 5(1),20-25, 2013).

The catch is finding biologically useful settings for these devices, and in particular for smooth muscle rather than skeletal. I’m curious enough to get one and have a bit of a play around with it at any rate.

I’m a bit concerned around passing any current, etc. Through the testicles themselves as it may harm the Leydig cells, but I need to read up on that a bit more.

I’m thinking I’ll use it to increase my ab workouts. That I know will work.

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

Originally Posted by papple
I’m interested in this also, I’ve read many of the threads about it here, and elsewhere, and it seems to have some promise for some aspects of male health even if it doesn’t assist in growth.

It seems they can be useful for partly restoring EQ in some cases, and for example, raising total testosterone levels when applied to to certain meridian points (see attached; tox. Env. Health sci. Vol 5(1),20-25, 2013).

The catch is finding biologically useful settings for these devices, and in particular for smooth muscle rather than skeletal. I’m curious enough to get one and have a bit of a play around with it at any rate.

I’m a bit concerned around passing any current, etc. Through the testicles themselves as it may harm the Leydig cells, but I need to read up on that a bit more.

Please let me know those meridian points and TENS setting. Thanks!

Using TENS or more specifically PES or other electro stimulating devices make for extreme penis and clitoral pleasure including hands free orgasms.

Although TENS devices are not advertised for genital stimulation, they can be adjusted for doing so. PES units are designed for genital use, but are rather expensive. Check out for more information on a wide variety of electro genital stimulation devices.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I’ll try to attach it again.

But here’s the meat of it:

The electrical simulations were consistent in amplitude and had an electric current bilateral symmetrical wave of 1 Hz. The regions that received electric stimulation were selected according to the meridian point36. The meridian points BL-52, Ki-42, CV-4, CV-3, and SP-6 were selected for electronic stimulation

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