Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The 5" club


I think your size is normal, don’t worry.


The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~


Good luck on your journey if you put the effort in you can grow your dick. My advice to you would become more active in the forum and think long term because it don’t happen overnight. If you have the time you should think about hanging.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

ooouch 5.25x4. Even I wasn’t that cursed (5.25x4.75). Who cares man, really, in the long run with all the advice from the nice/helpful people on this site, girl’s will be tellin you “slow down, you’re hurting me” in time. Really doesnt even take THAT long, in the big picture. In 6 months you can can definately attain an average sized cock, which IMHO is a little bit LESS than 6x5. Ofcourse it takes dedication however. Just follow the advice of the good gainers. You’ll get there. Trust me.

Some people say less girth gives an advantage to gaining length more easily. Part of being of being on this site should be to realize size is not the end all of sex

I get injured to damn often to make gains.

I’m in the 5 camp. We need a gang sign, handshake, or an IRC.

Originally Posted by mistergrey
Man, It feels so bad when I see people with 6” x 5” saying how small they are. NO YOU’RE NOT!! I’d kill to be that size. Knowing that my goal is to be “average” completely destroys any confidence I have as soon as I think about it. Be happy with what you have, you don’t know what it’s like to be me. (I don’t know, I just had to get that off my chest)

Anyways, I would just like to ask those that are around my size (5.25” x 4”) to tell me how much they gained. I havent seen any significant results and it would just put my mind at ease to hear from someone similar in size that actually succeeded in PE.

For those of you who were (around) 5.25” x 4” and gained, PLEASE tell me your routines. The more people the better. I want to find a common attribute you all shared and imitate it. Hopefully it will work for me too. :)


Hey man, yeah I agree it’s lame when people that are average or even above average complaining about their “small dicks”. Sometimes I see guys that are new to the forum that are already things like 8x5.5 and its like wtf? Why are you even here? What the hell prompted you to even search for penis enlargement online?

Well I started smaller than you at 4 3/4” x probably just under 4”. Now I’m 7 1/4” x 4 1/4” or so (haven’t done much in the way of girth routines yet). My routines are in the progress reports routines section under “pissing in cubicles”.

If you’re not gaining, you might want to look at factors other than your workouts. I believe that there are only so many ways you can stretch your dick’s capacity, and if you’re not gaining, chances are your self image, nutrition, overall level of exercise (blood flow etc.), attitude, sleep, supplements, etc. need to be looked at.

I know how you feel, I still feel the same way. When you get average, the feeling you have doesn’t disappear lol. You want to keep going.

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

Originally Posted by awwwshucks
Why are you even here?

Originally Posted by awwwshucks
When you get average, the feeling you have doesn’t disappear lol. You want to keep going.

If I’m not mistaken, you just answered your own question. :)
Whether you have 4,5,6,7,8 inches - it’s all largely a mental process.

Originally Posted by secjay
If I’m not mistaken, you just answered your own question. :)
Whether you have 4,5,6,7,8 inches - it’s all largely a mental process.

I meant a lot of guys have a “once a small dick, always a small dick” mentality, so even when they’ve gained their way into hungville, they still feel small. I still don’t understand why guys that are already hung would go through the trouble of finding Thunders. Guys that are 8 inches long and 5 inches around to start off with. I don’t see how they could possibly consider themselves small, but many do. That’s like a 6’8 guy thinking he’s short. Crazy!

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

Originally Posted by awwwshucks
"once a small dick, always a small dick" mentality, so even when they’ve gained their way into hungville, they still feel small.

Consider the point you make that a guy needn’t have a mentality reflecting his actual physical status. Apply that to a guy who "isn’t small" to begin with and you can begin to see that mentality and physical reality are two separate things. BDD is a medically recognised manefestation of this, but I would say it exists to an extent in many people - sometimes in a specific area such as the genitals. Some days I look down and see a porn star proportioned rod and other days it’s just a little mouse.

Originally Posted by awwwshucks
I still don’t understand why guys that are already hung would go through the trouble of finding Thunders. Guys that are 8 inches long and 5 inches around to start off with. I don’t see how they could possibly consider themselves small, but many do. That’s like a 6’8 guy thinking he’s short. Crazy!

Some "crazy" people could swear they have a pair of wings, horns, or teeth that are simply not there when they look in the mirror. I believe this is a problem akin to the "phantom limb" problem which is a state of mentality that remains when somebody goes through amputation - they could swear they can physically still feel and sense pains and sensations and movements in the missing limb - even though it’s not there any more.

There are also many perception disorders with various causes. Check out this one: Micropsia - Wikipedia

Hey man, don’t worry! You WILL get there! So until then, enjoy what you have for now because when tomorrow comes, WOW!

Originally Posted by secjay
Consider the point you make that a guy needn’t have a mentality reflecting his actual physical status. Apply that to a guy who "isn’t small" to begin with and you can begin to see that mentality and physical reality are two separate things. BDD is a medically recognised manefestation of this, but I would say it exists to an extent in many people - sometimes in a specific area such as the genitals. Some days I look down and see a porn star proportioned rod and other days it’s just a little mouse.

Some "crazy" people could swear they have a pair of wings, horns, or teeth that are simply not there when they look in the mirror. I believe this is a problem akin to the "phantom limb" problem which is a state of mentality that remains when somebody goes through amputation - they could swear they can physically still feel and sense pains and sensations and movements in the missing limb - even though it’s not there any more.

There are also many perception disorders with various causes. Check out this one: Micropsia - Wikipedia

Good points. I think when small dicked guys eventually become hung and still feel small, it’s more of a self image adjustment than anything, though. Whereas guys with big dicks that think their dicks are small is more likely to be a pre-existing disorder such as BDD. I guess I just can’t relate to guys that have a big dick, are likely to get told by the women they’re with that they have a big dick, and yet still think they are small. Therefore it must be wrong. ;)

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

Hey thanks for the repsones so far guys, it’s really awesome that there’s this much consideration to members on this forum. Well, I’ve been pretty busy this past week and haven’t done any PE. I’ve noticed that my flaccid is back to it’s small self again. I’m gonna get back on the ball though!

for awwwshucks, it’s awesome that you gained that much. I hope to come anywhere near what you have done so far. Cmon guys! Let’s hear more of those success stories! :D

Current: (3/06/06) 5.5" x 4" (+.25EL!!) / Short term goal: 6.5" x 4.75"

Milestone 1: 7.5" x 5.25"

Ultimate Goal: Being happy with the size of my penis.

Hey, I started out at 5.75x4.55 in early ‘05. One year and three months later, I just hit my short term goal of 7x5.25. I am 5’8 and 160lbs, and now I couldn’t feel better about my penis size, it looks pretty big in comparison to the rest of me. Keep it up, it only gets bigger.


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