Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The 5" club

Originally Posted by a-unit
I have been with my wife now just past five years and have been PEing for just over three years and gained pretty much an inch and a half since then and recently it seems that as much as we want to be together, we just keep fighting.

So maybe its time to move on find just what my new unit does to more excitable girls, and not want to marry one of them so much.

If I could grow an inch and a half, I would be the happiest man in the world, seriously. You wouldn’t see anyone in the street as happy and confident as me. That’s my goal. You’re an inspiration mate.

Originally Posted by Tenbris
Maybe timtron haha. I wish I was 7 inches or 7.5 I would never worry that much. Currently I am at maximum erection 6.0-6.1 and in girth I have 5.25. I want to hit the 7.0x5.5 as my first goal and then maybe I will shoot later for the 7.5-8.0x6 more or less. What do you guys think? With patience we all can make this happen so stay focused on this PE journey.

My Starting Pics.

I’m with ya bro.

Please, lets aim for 6.5 at the moment.. I’m yet to reach even 6. Just nailing around 5.5 so I’ll just be testing out PE for a while yet before I get a routine sorted out.

Originally Posted by Behemoth
Place your mouse over the (underlined) acronym and all will be revealed

Go slow and steady on the newbie routine, and before you know it you will be gaining size and feeling better about your new length without any injuries from over zealous panic PE

That’s been a big help mate, cheers

I’m going to be in this for the long haul. I hope I do gain, I want results badly.

Originally Posted by timtron
That’s been a big help mate, cheers

I’m going to be in this for the long haul. I hope I do gain, I want results badly.

You will gain, just remember to do it slowly, you never get anything out of rushing in blindly, start a journal, read the archives, follow a plan.

Respect yourself for what you have, and what you have to build on, this is a life plan, a lifestyle choice, just as strength training and healthy living are.

You don’t get a big dick by tying a cord to your dick and jumping off a bridge, it takes discipline and sacrifice, take it slow and take it steady and you will find where your potential leads you.

Originally Posted by timtron
If I could grow an inch and a half, I would be the happiest man in the world, seriously. You wouldn’t see anyone in the street as happy and confident as me. That’s my goal. You’re an inspiration mate.

You are right, it does give one a certain self-confidence, but its not not everything.

Six pack abs, now that’s everything!

Since I lost weight it makes my wife uncomfortable that I have a six pack, but she needs to get a grip. Guys check out her sexy walk and those big ungainly boobs all the time and I just laugh inside knowing she’s not interested.

Best of fortune to you in your PE endeavours mate. I’m glad my efforts have been an inspiration.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by a-unit
Six pack abs, now that’s everything!

Since I lost weight it makes my wife uncomfortable that I have a six pack, but she needs to get a grip.

I also managed to achieve the “coveted” 6 pack when I was in my mid 20s. I still have a solid core even now, but the ab definition I had 3 years ago is gone…in exchange for getting to enjoy what I want to eat again. But eh…just like anything else…after enough years it becomes less important for whatever reason, or something else takes center stage in your life…or you simply lose interest/stop worrying about it anymore. I guess that’s what always happened to me with doing these exercises too. I mean was told by girls that my size was “ok” (which I know was just a nice way of saying your dick is small), but ehh..for whatever reason that just wasn’t a motivator enough to stick with PEing for me.

I sympathize with the OP. This info on this site will either motivate you or reconfirm your suspicions of your shortcomings.
It’s brutal honesty at its best. I for one am having the hardest time with off days! I know I need them but I’m so thrilled its actually working.

I sincerely thank all who have made this site what it is today.

Start BPEL 4.75 EG 4

10 months BPEL 5.75 EG 4.50

Heat it up!😉

What does “bone pressed” mean exactly? Are we talking about getting a ruler and pressing it down all the way to the bone? Is that a realistic measurement?

Originally Posted by Helel

What does “bone pressed” mean exactly? Are we talking about getting a ruler and pressing it down all the way to the bone? Is that a realistic measurement?

It is a way of measuring that will give you a consistent measurement every time. It is used for tracking gains accurately because non bone pressed can vary a lot.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

… even knowing what “bone pressed is” it still took me a surprisingly long time to get my measurement technique worked out properly…

Originally Posted by Unhunguy
I sympathize with the OP. This info on this site will either motivate you or reconfirm your suspicions of your shortcomings.
It’s brutal honesty at its best. I for one am having the hardest time with off days! I know I need them but I’m so thrilled its actually working.

I sincerely thank all who have made this site what it is today.

So very true. I am also shooting for above average, and then if I can keep at it the coveted 8x6 haha.

Starting (6/2012): NBPEL: 4.5" EG: 5.0" 07/6/2013: NBPEL: 4.75"/BPEL: 5.25" EG: 5.25"

Trying to start again: 2016/12 BPEL: EG:

Current ST Goal: BPEL: 6.5" EG: 5.5" | LT Goal: BPEL: 8.0" EG: 6.0"

Just girth


I’m 7x5 and I want to add just girth.I’m done with the first 5 weeks, so the Basic Beginners Routine is done.

The next chapter in book include too many different exercises. Now I want to start the next step, but I have no idea how to make the best results in a shorter time.

I am interested more for the period of the exercises and the breaks.

If you can help me, please contact.:)

Hey tacsika,

I too am about 5 weeks into PE. However, I do not feel that the basic beginners routine is done. I plan to continue the routine for at least another 3 weeks and then continue with it if I keep seeing gains. When I stop seeing gains I will add other techniques into the routine (but keep doing the routine). From what I have gathered on this site Stretching & Jelqing are the PE’ers bread and butter.

27/05/13 - 6.5 x 4.75

Current - 7 x 5.325

Goal - To the Navel!

Originally Posted by Carpe

I plan to continue the routine for at least another 3 weeks and then continue with it if I keep seeing gains. When I stop seeing gains I will add other techniques into the routine (but keep doing the routine).

:up: :up: :up:

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

I think if you have a 7 inch penis, you have no real right to complain. Just saying.


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