Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The 5" club

The 5" club

Man, It feels so bad when I see people with 6” x 5” saying how small they are. NO YOU’RE NOT!! I’d kill to be that size. Knowing that my goal is to be “average” completely destroys any confidence I have as soon as I think about it. Be happy with what you have, you don’t know what it’s like to be me. (I don’t know, I just had to get that off my chest)

Anyways, I would just like to ask those that are around my size (5.25” x 4”) to tell me how much they gained. I havent seen any significant results and it would just put my mind at ease to hear from someone similar in size that actually succeeded in PE.

For those of you who were (around) 5.25” x 4” and gained, PLEASE tell me your routines. The more people the better. I want to find a common attribute you all shared and imitate it. Hopefully it will work for me too. :)


Current: (3/06/06) 5.5" x 4" (+.25EL!!) / Short term goal: 6.5" x 4.75"

Milestone 1: 7.5" x 5.25"

Ultimate Goal: Being happy with the size of my penis.

Your size is definately below average, although not some freakishly small size girls have never come across before if they’ve had a number of partners. Just realize that most guys your size would be a lot less likely to state their size and/or post pics as the big guys, you are not alone even if it seems that way. I think you can meet and exceed your goal with some hard work, read the Yguy thread which has been linked already in this thread and in the meantime remember penis size isn’t a deal breaker for many women.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

I just noticed your join date, So I guess my links is old news to you? Just trying to help…

Is that 5.25” BP or NBP? If it’s BP, how much of a fat pad do you have?

If your length is below average, it’s only just below average. If you are around 5.25” NBP, length isn’t a big issue. And in my opinion and experience, girth is easier to gain than length. I’m quite certain that if you work hard, you can gain length. But I’m very confident that you’ll be able to put on more girth, which is the really important measurement for women in the end! Once you get to 5” girth, you’ll feel very different about your self!

Originally Posted by motivated
Is that 5.25” BP or NBP? If it’s BP, how much of a fat pad do you have?

If your length is below average, it’s only just below average. If you are around 5.25” NBP, length isn’t a big issue. And in my opinion and experience, girth is easier to gain than length. I’m quite certain that if you work hard, you can gain length. But I’m very confident that you’ll be able to put on more girth, which is the really important measurement for women in the end! Once you get to 5” girth, you’ll feel very different about your self!

Agreed. If the length is NBP then you are really not that short at all.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

Well I started off 4.75” NBP inches, and with very inconsistent PE I am at 5.2” NBP. It definetly sucks to be so small, I only wish PE was abit easier. Its hard to get the privacy at times, and some of the exercises are tedious. Like stretching and getting slightly erect, or jelqing and getting too much skin caught up. Its hard going, but with a good routine and serious hard work gains are possible!

I still class myself as in the 5” club - I’m well under 6” NBP, which is after all how the rest of the world sees it. Plus, I trutle something rotten, especially in cold weather or when I’m running around a lot. I have a seriously retractable undercarriage, leaves me with a thumb-sized peewee, literally.

But, I’m growing! Slowly! Been at it just over five months, and making some real progress. I doubt I’ll ever have what I’d call a large cock, but what I have now is better than when I started. Don’t despair, and especially don’t give up. You WILL gain… how much is down to time and dedication. Take it easy, jelq jelq jelq and stretch stretch stretch - but gently!

Luck and length!


Life is not a rehearsal... we only get one go at it so make sure it's worthwhile!

Started 12 Sep 2005 BPEL=5.75" EG=4.7" Current 19 Apr 2006 (7 months) BPEL=+0.8" EG=+0.4" :up:

my stats

I started with exactly the same size, 5” bp x 4. Now about 6.875 bp x 5.25. Just keep on doing the routines mentioned here and you’ll be surprise some day. I can’t even do the the V stretch for a while because it’s just too short. I end up using a small dowel (.5” dia.) held by the other hand to do it but it eventually got me over the 6.5 range. Just don’t stop. Now I stretch for 12-15 minutes, jelq for 12-15 minutes and do some squeeze along with long keegals 30 seconds about 10 times.


Don’t mean to make anyone feel bad, but I still feel small at 5.75 x 5 NPB. I’m about an inch longer ELBP and have actually had a girl push my hips away, saying it hurt when I went in all the way. As great as it was hearing that, I still feel small. My dick is sort of banana shaped, thicker in the middle, with smaller base and definately has a smaller than average head. Yeah, it measures 5” in girth on it’s best days, but that is in one spot only. My immediate goals are modest. In truth I be happy being a solid 6”er NPB and a uniformly girthy cock at 5” or so, with a more impressive head.

After about a month off, I’m back, double and triple clamping and this week, added about 20 minutes of stretches. Never been a big fan of stretches, but they are easy with a rubber glove. I just warm my cock with a microwave heating pad, then stretch while watching TV.

Hey Mister Grey, I started with 4.5 girth and 5.5 length. A little bigger than you but I think I might know how you feel. My first goal was to get to the 6x5 to say I was average, and know I’m there and if feels awesome. But not as good as 6.5x5.5 is going to feel! Anyway, when I first started I gained .25 in length really fast and then it took my 1.5 years to throw on my extra .35 of length. Was it worth it? YES. My girth didn’t go up intill I really conditioned my self so that I could do my intense workouts. For me, I needed to do my jelqs at 90% erection do get anything out of it. Is what I’m trying to say is there is no right workout for anybody you have to find what works for you. And also, even though I have not gained that much I still am really happy with my gains which are approaching average. Last work of advice. Workout for like 3 months without measuring, and just trust your workout plan. Then when you go to measure you might have a huge boost in confidence. My state of mind was always, hey if I’m increasing in size, no matter how slow that’s good. In 2-3 years, although it sounds far off, I will be huge! And 2-3 years is going to come faster then you think. For example, in two years, at my current rate of growth, which is probally faster now that I know what I’m doing, I will be around 7x5.5, but I’m guessing that to be closer to 7.25x5.75. -All from a 5.5x4.5!


Starting, Feb. 04' BPEL 5.5, EG 4.5, Feb 06' BEPEL 6.00, EG 5.0

Summer goal- 6.25 BPEL, 5.25 EG, HELP ME GET IT!

I started at about 5” bpe. Now, I am at almost 6.75” bpe. My routine is short and sweet. I do 5 mins of stretching and 5 mins of jelqing. Two days on two days off. It took me about two years of experimenting to find the best routine for me. I took a year off and lost some size, but I put it back on right away.

I started PEing in Aug 05 at 5.25 x 4.25. I am 6ft-2in at 280 lbs so I looked small. By Jan 06, I was 6.375 X 5.125. I have not made any length gains in the last 2 months, so it seems I am at the end of my newbie gains. So I am change my rune and I am starting to hang.

The key to this is dedication and time.

My strategy is to focus on length first, than on girth. My end goal was 7.25 x 5.5, but now it is 8x6, or when my wife tells me to quick or no more sex.

My routine:
Started with newbie routine in Aug 05.
1. Started hanging with 7.5 lbs 5 sets of 20min sections every day in the straight down direction while setting in a chair. I am trying to hang for 10 or more hours a week. Resting only when required. I actually started with 5 lbs but I did not feel any fatigue, so I added 2.5 lbs and what a difference. I feel fatigue now.
2. After hanging, I manual stretch in all directions for 10 to 15 minute.
3. Then 30 minutes of jelqing.
I warmup before each PE section with hot water in a cup.

I think your size is normal, don’t worry.


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