I am finally not worrying about length. I’m vertically challenged, but my 6.5 inch dick makes me proud. I am determined to reach deeper and deeper into the very finest pussies.
I earned every bit of my length, because like you guys I hated being average. really, an average dick is for nine out of ten guys, about 5 or 6 inches at most, certainly no dangerously powerful probe. It’s better to be the one out of ten guys with the 6.5 or better.
Trust me I’ve had both.
You guys like tenbris make me smile. I love your drive, just remember, to go from 5 by 4.5 or whatever to having actual COCK presence, and a sick long hang, takes brutal nauseous conviction. Other areas of your life must suffer. When I think about how hard I fight in my PE routines (Daily: 15+ hours in extender, 60 minutes of stretching, 25-30 minutes water pump.Stretching, then pumping usually broken up in two or three sessions. 5 or 6 masturbation/edging sessions per week.), it makes me absolutely crazed. In a good way, like I know the fountain of male virility, enlargement, and power and have unleashed it. And when I think about an actual dickhead looking at me in the mirror where there used to be air..,.my dick keeps going into space it did not take up before….it reminds me that sex gods exist, they are us, we are creating a divine sexual being incarnate in our flesh.
It is absolutely impossible to feel this ecstatic….Unless your born as a grower with an average erection (total prey for female mind assassination, sorry but it’s true) and become a SHOWER with a dick not so out of place in some kind of porno…