Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The 5" club

Jcbawlmerhon, pumping really gets the girth going. You can supplement these gains by incorporating a stretching routine beforehand.

If the average is 6 BP , is obviously that the author of this 3d means “all 5 BP club” because 5 NBP ( so 5.5 BP) is completely average and not small.

now 7(18 cm) BP , 5.9(15 cm) MEG

Click me: my photos

This thread only 5 pages long.

I seen that the original poster had a melt down and left, but I will still post for others.

At my start my penis was around 5.5”bp in length, and now when I have been doing PE for at least 4 weeks and have no shrinkage, I am around 8”bp in length. You just have to be diligent and consistent fighting for every 1/16th of an inch you can get.
I had gained easily over the beginning months but then my length got to a point where it quit shooting up and I was tested by this.
There were times I felt like I was getting nowhere but I just quit thinking about gaining while doing consistent PE and eventually when I took the ruler out I would be super excited to see an increase.

I was worried with my length being too small in the start, now I worry a lot that when I take a wife whom I love, I will be too long for her, and I have really learned having a larger than average penis is not really a need like I thought it was in the past.

My girth on the other hand is something I have not been successful with yet, I am working on that now though. :)

Originally Posted by bluray
I seen that the original poster had a melt down and left, but I will still post for others.

At my start my penis was around 5.5”bp in length, and now when I have been doing PE for at least 4 weeks and have no shrinkage, I am around 8”bp in length. You just have to be diligent and consistent fighting for every 1/16th of an inch you can get.
I had gained easily over the beginning months but then my length got to a point where it quit shooting up and I was tested by this.
There were times I felt like I was getting nowhere but I just quit thinking about gaining while doing consistent PE and eventually when I took the ruler out I would be super excited to see an increase.

I was worried with my length being too small in the start, now I worry a lot that when I take a wife whom I love, I will be too long for her, and I have really learned having a larger than average penis is not really a need like I thought it was in the past.

My girth on the other hand is something I have not been successful with yet, I am working on that now though. :)

What routine did you use to gain all that length? Were manual stretches an important part of your routine and your gains?

And yeah, I was going to ask about your girth. So it didn’t increase at all, eh? Were you actually trying to increase girth, but it still never came? That’s what worries me the most - I really need girth but I refuse to jelq again (injury prone here) so I just have to hope that manual stretching and pumping will increase it :/

Hello guys. I'm new here. I just started to PE yesterday

My goal for now is to get a length of 7.0 to 7.5 if I can make it happen and I want to achieve a girth of 6.0 for now. I’m currently 5.8 inches in length and around 5.30 to 5.5 in girth measured today. I’m also trying to lose fat because I’m over weight for 60 to 70 lbs. I heard that by losing weight I can gain the hidden penis part that my fat is hiding.

For now my girlfriend has never complain about my girth or my length. But I want to achieve this stated size to make me feel better about myself. I do not think is a so impossible or the hardest goal to get. Please give me some advice to help me get the best results and performance in this quest. Thanks.

I’ll join your club. I started about 10 days ago with BPEL 5.5” (NBPEL 5” even) and EG of 4.5”. Here’s hoping I can get into the next club sooner rather than later.


I’m only a little over 5 inches.. I just joined this site and am going to learn all these acronyms BP, NBPEL, what is all this stuff??

Seeing everyone whinge about their 6’+ makes me sick and more worried. If they’re 6’ & 7’+ and worried.. Then what about me! Holy shit girls must want monster cocks!!

Oh shit oh shit oh shit I have to start stretching jelqing quick smart.

Maybe timtron haha. I wish I was 7 inches or 7.5 I would never worry that much. Currently I am at maximum erection 6.0-6.1 and in girth I have 5.25. I want to hit the 7.0x5.5 as my first goal and then maybe I will shoot later for the 7.5-8.0x6 more or less. What do you guys think? With patience we all can make this happen so stay focused on this PE journey.

My Starting Pics.

Originally Posted by timtron
I’m only a little over 5 inches.. I just joined this site and am going to learn all these acronyms BP, NBPEL, what is all this stuff??

Seeing everyone whinge about their 6’+ makes me sick and more worried. If they’re 6’ & 7’+ and worried.. Then what about me! Holy shit girls must want monster cocks!!

Oh shit oh shit oh shit I have to start stretching jelqing quick smart.

Place your mouse over the (underlined) acronym and all will be revealed

Go slow and steady on the newbie routine, and before you know it you will be gaining size and feeling better about your new length without any injuries from over zealous panic PE

I recently took a decon break and gained some girth and for some strange reason my girth really swells during wet jelqs now and makes my dick look shorter.

This anxiety makes it difficult to stay on my decon break, but I know I need to ready at least another month ot so to get past thus pesky length plateau.

So yes, seven inchers get penis anxiety too.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I am finally not worrying about length. I’m vertically challenged, but my 6.5 inch dick makes me proud. I am determined to reach deeper and deeper into the very finest pussies.

I earned every bit of my length, because like you guys I hated being average. really, an average dick is for nine out of ten guys, about 5 or 6 inches at most, certainly no dangerously powerful probe. It’s better to be the one out of ten guys with the 6.5 or better.

Trust me I’ve had both.

You guys like tenbris make me smile. I love your drive, just remember, to go from 5 by 4.5 or whatever to having actual COCK presence, and a sick long hang, takes brutal nauseous conviction. Other areas of your life must suffer. When I think about how hard I fight in my PE routines (Daily: 15+ hours in extender, 60 minutes of stretching, 25-30 minutes water pump.Stretching, then pumping usually broken up in two or three sessions. 5 or 6 masturbation/edging sessions per week.), it makes me absolutely crazed. In a good way, like I know the fountain of male virility, enlargement, and power and have unleashed it. And when I think about an actual dickhead looking at me in the mirror where there used to be air..,.my dick keeps going into space it did not take up before….it reminds me that sex gods exist, they are us, we are creating a divine sexual being incarnate in our flesh.

It is absolutely impossible to feel this ecstatic….Unless your born as a grower with an average erection (total prey for female mind assassination, sorry but it’s true) and become a SHOWER with a dick not so out of place in some kind of porno…

Start: 5.75 x 4.5 Current: 7 x 5.25

Such Spartan training is for the champ. -Bruce Lee

Yes thanks man. We are creating ourselves the finest dicks on Earth. We are to become what every man in the world wants to be and that is to be a sex god!!!

Dia 1/Day 1- 15 mayo/May 2013- 15 cm X 13 cm. Ahora/Now- 16cm X 13.7cm.

The Size Myth In The Porn Industry

I dunno whatever happened to this guy, but I gave up just like he did. I think I joined this site a couple years before him and had some success early on (newbie gains) in the girth department…but all of that fizzled after a while due to lack of interest/frustration/lack of desired progress…so yup, I gave up on it. My reason for quitting was a little different though…found a good gf who was ok with my “below average” length/girth and one thing lead to another and I lost interest in PE for many years. I mean I was getting laid and in a relationship…and I guess that was good enough for me. I tried coming back several times here and there after that relationship ended…but then I got into another one and again was able to make do despite not packing much downstairs. Throughout the time I was able to stay consistent with working out/body building…but PEing just never managed to stick, possibly due to frustration like this guy had with months & months of working at it and not ending up with anything to show for it except a sore head (both of them). Back when I joined this site I was in my early 20s…now I’m creeping up on 30 and I think back and wonder what if I had just managed to stick with this for more than a year and actually ended up gaining something and sustaining it. I feel like by now it’s a little too late for me to be concerned about my package any longer, but reading this guy’s thread definitely hit home to me, since I can relate to it even more than those of you reading it so many years later

I have been with my wife now just past five years and have been PEing for just over three years and gained pretty much an inch and a half since then and recently it seems that as much as we want to be together, we just keep fighting.

So maybe its time to move on find just what my new unit does to more excitable girls, and not want to marry one of them so much.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"


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