Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Broscience of Thunder's Place

Dicky, star, bmur,

I’m good. I am interested to know how other people felt about this place and how it comes across to people who are a bit newer than me. So lots of accusatory questions and very few answers. I know what I think, it’s not that interesting to me.


You might like this: Nice points, well made. These are the kind of things that make people insecure.

Ireland and star,

What is underground science? I mean is it things like perpetual motion machines and occult tesla stuff on the deep web? Is that roughly where we are in terms of acceptance and reliability?

How low level do we actually have to good before we hit something published in a reputable journal that has an actual direct bearing on what we do?


Nice summary. Pithy.


Yeah, you picked my personal reason for accepting the veracity of PE. We have a lot of dubious information though here (which is probably countered a few posts later). So I guess I was in the same boat as Poonmaster on that.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Well, this site is pretty underground, it’s not very high up on the Google ladder. I like to think it’s almost the deep web, as far as such a place exists. Maybe call it the unseen web?

Edit: I found this gem: http://www.nhs. uk/Livewell/pen … nlargement.aspx . "But there is no scientific evidence to suggest jelqing can increase penis size." says Professor Wylie. Professor Wylie. I imagine a penis with a lab coat and a fabulous beard.

The problem with scientific evidence is that you need to standardize protocol and standardize the way and moments of measurement. If there’s one thing I learned here it’s that everybody who gained, gained using a slightly different routine. Some gain slow, some gain fast. That’s impossible to turn into an official randomized control trial or cohort study. So all we have is anecdotal evidence, and when using the right pair of Anti-Bullshit goggles, I saw that that evidence was pretty convincing.

It’s the best kind of broscience: broscience that actually works.

The same goes for magical hangover cures, not one of those works for all people. For me, it’s bacon and eggs, a litre of drink yoghurt and 2 paracetamol (acetaminophen for the American bros). Hangovers last 1 hour tops.

* 7 July 2015 (start): BPEL 17 cm (6.7") / EG 13 cm (5.1")

* 6 december 2015 (latest): BPEL: 18.7 cm (7.4") / EG 13.6 cm (5.4")

note: I study medicine, will be honest and skeptical, but I never mean to offend :) My picture thread: TCG's pictures, gains and rants.

Originally Posted by memento
Dicky, star, bmur,

I’m good. I am interested to know how other people felt about this place and how it comes across to people who are a bit newer than me. So lots of accusatory questions and very few answers. I know what I think, it’s not that interesting to me.


You might like this: Nice points, well made. These are the kind of things that make people insecure.

Ireland and star,

What is underground science? I mean is it things like perpetual motion machines and occult tesla stuff on the deep web? Is that roughly where we are in terms of acceptance and reliability?

How low level do we actually have to good before we hit something published in a reputable journal that has an actual direct bearing on what we do?


Nice summary. Pithy.


Yeah, you picked my personal reason for accepting the veracity of PE. We have a lot of dubious information though here (which is probably countered a few posts later). So I guess I was in the same boat as Poonmaster on that.

Good to know on the thunderplace. Org issue, thanks for the link.

Science, in its most general sense, is the search for truth - the attempt to build and refine models that best approximate reality.

What makes an endeavor “science-y” enough to call a science, seems largely to be the extent of the rigour applied - ensuring a high probability that our measurements and their interpretation are accurate, that our models are predictive, etc.

Take psychology for instance; it’s easily one of the most important and useful of the sciences, but the notorious difficulty of understanding the processes of the mind makes progress painfully slow - even ambiguous. As such, physicists and the like often scoff at their efforts.

I think, to anyone with enough intuition perusing these forums, there would obviously appear to be a high probability that there’s something actually going on here beyond mere placebo. Eventually, I’m sure mainstream science will start catching on, and more rigorous testing will occur; though surely you all must see the inherent difficulties of such studies. Long term, serious ethical and liability issues (think clamping), so many variables (e.g. EQ differences due to, say, a change in diet), standardization (what are they gonna do, invent a jelqing machine?), etc.. It will take time.

But honestly, you fellows might want to savor this period in which few know that they can grow their dick. It’s not quite the same, but imagine how bodybuilding would change if steroids became legal; huge guys popping up everywhere, and suddenly everyone would feel pressured to juice just to keep up with changing standards, for better and worse.

Girls, I hope you’re really into that having-your-kidneys-punched feeling :D

The best thing this site ever did for me was not learning how to isolate different parts of muscles down south, to kegel, reverse kegel, etc.

It was not to learn how to jelq correctly, how to stretch properly, or the importance of using heat.

It certainly was not my brief experiment with clamping, or research into pumping or ADS or any of the other myriad of devices that you can find simply by perusing the search function.

It wasn’t progress pictures, horror stories about surgeries and implants, or even going from a little under 5” to over 6” BPEL in a little under a year my first time starting out.

The best part of this forum for me, and always will be the incredible amount of useful information, helpful moderators, awesome and knowledgeable community, and realizing that most of our dicks truly are so close in size to each other + most women really don’t give a shit as long as you are close to the median and know what you’re doing. This website has helped boost my confidence in my anxiety about my size, which helped with performance in general, and the added bonus of gaining some size helped immensely. Yes, if you read and browse the different topics and subjects and follow routines and stay consistent you will see results eventually. Broscience or not, the articles and videos provided have, without a doubt, helped me gain volume and I know I am not alone. From having seen so many guys post here and seen fast and slow gainers, big EQ bumps, and everything in between, the techniques do work. But for me, the biggest contribution this site made to my life was not make my dick bigger, but to help put the reality of average penis size into perspective for me. But getting a bigger dick definitely comes in a close second.

[March 2015] 5.5" BPEL 4.5" EG

[January 2016] 6.25" BPEL 4.75" EG

[Goal] 7.5" BPEL 5.25" EG

The reason I trust this site is it doesn’t request payment before it offers information.

My name is sarcastic.

To put it simply. This sight is 100% free, but provides hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of comments and useful insight that dates back to the early 2000’s. Even if some of the info is false, a huge chunk is true. HUUUUUGEEEEE. (Trump). As stated by someone prior to my comment, this can’t be measured as a science because one person cannot take the routine of another and get the same results. We all gain at different rates, but what we all find true about PE is that it has some type of positive influence on our lives. Whether we actually do gain size, EQ, or we just read the forum and participate in discussions for our own reasons like size anxiety, or whatever it may be. Bottom line, this stuff works. I have gained in EQ, size(stay tuned for progress pic in the future), and ejaculate volume, and also in confidence. All for free. That is why I donated, so we can try and preserve this site in all its glory without Thunder having to sell out and put ADS on here that we don’t want to see. Broscience, well maybe, call it whatever you want. IT WORKS.

I did not mean ALL DAY STRETCHER but you all know that.

Start - 11/02/15: BPEL: 6.2" EG: 5"

Current - 07/15/16: BPEL 6.75" EG: 5.2"

Goal: 8" x 5.5"

Being new around this board I never have questioned that PE works. I am not surprised that western medicine thumbs it nose at the efficacy of PE. No financial gain and treating symptoms with drugs is the norm. ED is not a condition it is a symptom and look how it gets treated by western medicine. I understand that severe medical conditions can cause ED and should be ruled out as a cause first before starting PE. That said, why not prescribe a newbie routine to guy having issues? If my doc would have prescribed PE I would not have spent the last 15 years feeling the way I did.

The term bro science really does not fit what goes on here in my opinion. I have always related bro science with the body building community when using performance enhancing drugs and post cycle therapy of such drugs. The PE experiences posted on this site are no different than following someone’s workout routine in a magazine for bigger biceps. We are more like exercise physiologists when it comes to building a high performance penis. PE is effective and approaches ED in a responsible manner that addresses the causes rather than treating symptoms with drugs.

All it would take to bring PE into the mainstream would be a well publicized penis wellness clinic that generates $$$$ and the proven results shown here on a daily basis. I can see it now.memberships, personal trainers, personalized work out plans, natural supplement counseling, free weights, stretchers, pumps, and guaranteed results or your money back. On second thought, I’ll take the bro science.

I hope that Thunder is able to make money operating this website. I have been inspired by the information that is available here and it has impacted my condition greatly since joining. I thank all that have shared their experiences.

Ok here is my take on it whether it matters or not. I started looking into pe when I was having ed problems. I first came across pegym and matters of size. They have decent info but the people there can be disrespectful and rude. They push products on you for no othy reason than that’s what spondsors the sites.

Now I am not big into gimmicks and stuff. So I started searching for a different site. I found this site when looking on matters of size and how they were kinda putting this site down. Something about pictures of dld or something.

I came here posted and felt welcome. People provided me info on what worked and did not. This site is clean. By that meaning the info is clear and there is a standard to be upheld while posting. Which makes the information easier to take in.

As for the science, is already been proven over many years of scientific research on how the body works and science in general.

(Example) Let’s look at how muscle work. It is my understanding that muscle stretching under weighted tension with induce hyperplasia. Although this study is talking about skeletal muscles and not smooth muscles and other stuff.
Skeletal muscle fiber hyperplasia
Now I could have misread this article. I am just saying there is evidence this stuff works. Thunder could easily publish or have someone publish a paper saying that this works due to over whelming evidenced that our penises are growing. There is no doubt it does happen. There is scientific documented proof here.

Also out of all the sites this one gave me the most faith here. Bro science is true. That’s what people don’t realize. Bro science works although sometimes a little out there when talking about gym related stuff.

This site is awesome and so are the people who make this forum what it is. As a newbie I could have not asked for a better source of guidance and info.

As for the money who cares. If he makes a million or fifty. He is providing a safe and tidy place for people who are truly interested in growing there penis a place to share there evidence and research.

My wife and I have already spoken and have decided that I will be donating when I hit me goal. He will have provided me a great service for free. So why not donate?
I would have paid alot for the info and thanks to this website none of us have to

Im starting to think most things does not work actually, and only a few excersis really work. (After 3 years of PE)

(Continuation of previous reply)

I’ve tried basically everything, jelq, stretching, any kind of manual exercise, name it and I’ve probably done it :p Bathmate, normal pump, hanging with bib, ADS, clamping + all clamping variations, done them all.
After the first year and a half I gained length steadily and could easily track my progress, my girth on the other hand did not gain much at all. After that I hit a HARD plateau that I’m beginning to think will never end (now 1.5 years later).

I have tried taking longer breaks and doing less/more or just doing exactly the same as I used to do. Nothing seems to work anymore, I’m getting really sad because I’m truly starting to believe my penis will always be on the smaller side, at least girthwise. (Lenght is average)

The things that I would say work, or worked best for me while I could still gain, were:

BIB hanger

Things that does not work/will never work (for me at least):


Things that I don’t think help penis length/girth but might be good for EQ.

Supra slammers
Dry jelqs
Horse squeeze

Basically all manual exercises is just broscience in my opinion, I don’t see the reason of inventing new stretching moves all the time since they are all basically the same but with a little twist. They are good as a warm up to an actual workout but not much more. I don’t know what to do to break this plateau, or if it even is a platue. Maybe I’ve truly reached my “final form” haha… which is kind of anticlimactic and not what I had in mind :( I think I’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work. Oh and I never truly gained anything in girth during these 3 years. Therefore most things on here could definitely be considered broscience.

Originally Posted by Gothfinger
Im starting to think most things does not work actually, and only a few excersis really work. (After 3 years of PE)

I’d have to agree after 6 years !
The only thing that’s given me solid gains has been hanging, tried pretty much everything.
Girth is a nightmare, don’t know if anything will work.

Gothfinger, do not take this as a personal attack because it is not.

You need to change your attitude man. Be more positive and optimistic. PE takes time, as you know. Some of those manual exercises you listed definitely work, they have for me at least. Maybe spend some time looking into dry jelqing. That is a good grassroots gaining method for girth and length. A huge part of PE is having a positive mental attitude, and believing in yourself. Tell yourself it works, and that IT WILL WORK. This may sound cheesy or cliche but it works. Look into subliminal messages for PE, and subconscious thoughts. Have confidence and be proud of the work you have done because you have gained!

Keep in mind that other things work for certain people and certain things work on other people.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.


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