Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Broscience of Thunder's Place


Yeah I have gained .5 ” from manual work just stretching. People think magic happens over night. It does not. Its just like working out. It takes years to build a good size muscle. Of doing the same thing on a consistent basis.

Originally Posted by Gothfinger
Im starting to think most things does not work actually, and only a few excersis really work. (After 3 years of PE)

the only thing I have not used is a hanger (soon to change) I have gained 2.1 inches .5” of which was regained due to inactivty of PE For me everything has worked except probably the pumping, independently mind, Right now I have been at this (most definitely on and off) 7 years. and now I need to combine things to get results. even pumping with clamping after 6 months you gona see some nice girth growth.. jelq and clamping more girth. Just keep trying new ways or old ways that still work.

Originally Posted by huskies.78
Gothfinger, do not take this as a personal attack because it is not.

You need to change your attitude man. Be more positive and optimistic. PE takes time, as you know. Some of those manual exercises you listed definitely work, they have for me at least. Maybe spend some time looking into dry jelqing. That is a good grassroots gaining method for girth and length. A huge part of PE is having a positive mental attitude, and believing in yourself. Tell yourself it works, and that IT WILL WORK. This may sound cheesy or cliche but it works. Look into subliminal messages for PE, and subconscious thoughts. Have confidence and be proud of the work you have done because you have gained!

But the whole idea that all one needs is a positive attitude is kind of ridiculous. It should not matter whether you believe it or not, if you do the exercises and follow a strict schedule you should see regardless. If you go to the gym and do biceps-curl and believe your muscles will never grow, you will be wrong because they will still grow.

But sure maybe the positive attitude might make you more motivated and because of that you will do more PE and therefore get more gains. Who knows, I will try one last time a couple of months and see if anything happens. Will be doing ADS, hanging and jelqing.


Whatever works to get the job done! Try it, it can’t hurt. Just tell your conscious mind to settle the negative thoughts of not gaining, and only allow thoughts of big gains and screaming women(or men) for positive reinforcement! You are right about being negative and lifting and your muscles will still grow while being negative(of course) . But if you spent the same amount of time in the gym as the negative guy did, except your only change was your positive mental attitude, you would experience much more

Muscle growth than Negative Nancy. Do not be a negative Nancy. There are studies out there that back up what I’m saying, just google PMA Harvard or something of the sort. It has a lot to do with the positive thoughts transforming into physical motivation.

Start - 11/02/15: BPEL: 6.2" EG: 5"

Current - 07/15/16: BPEL 6.75" EG: 5.2"

Goal: 8" x 5.5"

Originally Posted by huskies.78
Whatever works to get the job done! Try it, it can’t hurt. Just tell your conscious mind to settle the negative thoughts of not gaining, and only allow thoughts of big gains and screaming women(or men) for positive reinforcement! You are right about being negative and lifting and your muscles will still grow while being negative(of course) . But if you spent the same amount of time in the gym as the negative guy did, except your only change was your positive mental attitude, you would experience much more
Muscle growth than Negative Nancy. Do not be a negative Nancy. There are studies out there that back up what I’m saying, just google PMA Harvard or something of the sort. It has a lot to do with the positive thoughts transforming into physical motivation.

Yea thx, I do think you’re partially right that a positive attitude does change some things. I’ll keep trying some more :) And focus harder hehe

Good luck with your future PE endeavors.

Start - 11/02/15: BPEL: 6.2" EG: 5"

Current - 07/15/16: BPEL 6.75" EG: 5.2"

Goal: 8" x 5.5"

I think its good that you are questioning the efficacy of all this, as it is a sign of good critical thinking. Yes you are right, there is nothing more than personal experience and anecdotal evidence to back all this up. Anecdotal evidence shouldn’t be completely discarded though, it isnt strong in small quantities but if there is enough anecdotal evidence from a large enough sample size, it can hold some weight.

I think there is enough anecdotal evidence around to lend a measure of credibility to PE exercises.

Originally Posted by mecaguy03
I think its good that you are questioning the efficacy of all this, as it is a sign of good critical thinking. Yes you are right, there is nothing more than personal experience and anecdotal evidence to back all this up. Anecdotal evidence shouldn’t be completely discarded though, it isnt strong in small quantities but if there is enough anecdotal evidence from a large enough sample size, it can hold some weight.

I think there is enough anecdotal evidence around to lend a measure of credibility to PE exercises.

Personally, I think the issue is that even the anecdotal evidence is not verifiable or even presented with compelling visual evidence. The stickied before and after thread is very questionable at best and those are supposed to be the best examples?

Probably the best example I have seen with some evidence is one of the progress threads where he shows how he can no longer fit his penis into a TP roll and before he could. That is a real world size reference that is likely to stay static, I would go further to measure each one if I was trying to prove it but that is just me. On the flip side though, you don’t know if that is temporary swelling/fluid creating that situation but it definitely seems more legitimate.

I think it would actually be better if we could get everyone who has done this and NOT seen gains actually post and compare. Nearly everyone claiming gains is not presenting photo proof or is doing so in a variable way(although I will give credit that there does seem to be some encouragement of consistent measuring). I have shown in my thread attempts to be consistent but also show situations where it would be easy for me to claim a gain due to camera angle or by measuring slightly differently.

The other thing is as more and more people make the claim, the probability that there are that many complete fakes out there goes down. It is possible there are a couple hundred thousand delusional individuals or just plain exihibitionists(and some of those are obvious). So as more people claim gains, it seems less likely it is all EQ based or mismeasurment or plain fraud. But again, it seems so odd there are many people who start out with pics, then they supposedly make huge gains but never post a measurement pic again to verify them and don’t take pics with things as a size reference, even when I request it.

Either way, many of the concepts of PE also seem plausible and are at least worth pursuing for a decent time period to see what happens. At least that is how I am approaching it. We will see what happens and the results will speak for themselves, I just hope more people also approach it in an objective scientific way and we can get some more verified objective data.

I still think we could fund a campaign to conduct a very expansive study of PE to truly determine the efficacy of various PE. :)

Starting stats: 1/09/16

BPEL: 6.25" EG:4.25"

Goal: 7"x4.75"


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