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The Captn's Wench: PE Device

Why, oh why, did I wait 4 years to make this device? This this is a work of genius. Fits better than my bib starter ever did.


I am really interested in possibly building one of these. Thank you so much, CaptnHook for sharing your expertise.

My question is, what are some verified results of using the Wench and how long did it take?

I would think the results wouldn’t differ too much from any other hanger. It’s all a matter of your technique as I understand it. This looks good though, in my non-expert opinion. Once I’m thoroughly conditioned I will have to invest some time to make one of these to get the length I want.

I built one. But having hard time using it. Since I am uncut the wench wont stay on properly. It slips off when i try to do manual stretching. If anyone who is uncut is using this without any problem. Can you please help me out. I have used different ways of wrapping but it did not help. Searched the forums and found 2 good wrapping methods for uncut but still did not work. Any help is greatly appreciated.

My first experiences with PE came with this device. Granted, I’m young, I’ve just started.. I first used my wench as a hanging device despite all the warnings, then I started jelq, and now I’ve started to use the wench as an ADS. I’m also cheap so I opted for one of those big rectangular erasers cut in half for replacing the grippers (which I also cannot find for the life of me).

I’ve got to add my support by saying that the wench is extremely comfortable. I just need to find better gripping materials and a way to prevent twisting while hanging.

If you’re still around: Thanks, Captn.

I would like to know if anyone is able to explain to me how you are able to hang while using the wench? I saw something in the thread that mentioned using the Cable Clamp but it doesn’t make sense to me. Thanks.

Nevermind. I made one today and figured it out.

Originally Posted by toofpick
Nevermind. I made one today and figured it out.

It makes a great little hanger, I really like it.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yea. I have to agree with you Dino. I’m on my 2nd 1 hour session now and it feels great. I like the fact that I can still do shit while hanging (cook, clean, etc).

I can’t find a nylon strap like that in my local Walmart or Lowes! Can anyone suggest another location to check? I really don’t want to order from online and have to wait.

I ended up buying some harnesses for a roof rack and just cutting it from there. They were like $9.

Working on getting ABSURDLY thick - Latest picture - Late 2010

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
It makes a great little hanger, I really like it.

I really enjoyed it as well. My ligs are pretty stubborn and once I got up to 18 pounds it still worked fairly well for a few sets but my blood flow wasn’t as good as I liked. Of course, part of it was probably a function of my poor craftsmanship! I got 0.25” (not newbie gains) in 2 months of use.

I’m using the Bib now but if for some reason I stop gaining, I’ll go back to this hanger.

Working on getting ABSURDLY thick - Latest picture - Late 2010

I don’t know what the material is, but I used the handle of a reusable bag from my local grocery store in lieu of the nylon strap.

Length for show. Girth for "Whoa"!

NBPEL: Start: $1.50; Current: $1.75; Goal: $2

MSEG: Start: <TP Tube; Current: >TP Tube; Goal: >>PT Tube.

Originally Posted by retention_head

… but I used the handle of a reusable bag from my local grocery store in lieu of the nylon strap.

I did some thing similar to this. Just be creative, and use any thing available.

Thanks for the help I used something similar to what you guys suggested!


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