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The Captn's Wench: PE Device

Just made one of these here wenches, but I’m registering five to six “clicks” with my clamp. Anything lower just pulls the skin, not the insides of the penis. Am I doing something wrong?

The reaper cannot claim you if the reaper cannot catch you.

If 5 or 6 clicks works for you then go with it. I had a problem, and also read others who did as well, with the skin vs. inner penis feeling.

Horny Bastard

It’s working great for me!

I think jelqing for a while before you put the wench on makes a huge difference. It plumps your dick up enough so that the hanger has something to grip and hold on to, and the more blood there is in your dick, the less loose skin there is to be stretched uncomfortably.

Originally Posted by StoneColder

I think jelqing for a while before you put the wench on makes a huge difference. It plumps your dick up enough so that the hanger has something to grip and hold on to, and the more blood there is in your dick, the less loose skin there is to be stretched uncomfortably.

This is true, but for some reason the last time I tried this I got a nasty case of discoloration. I was semi-erect at the time and had just increased the weight over 15# for the first time in ages, so it may have been a combination of factors that lead to the discloration.

My rule of thumb is that having your penis be slighly plump is OK, but hanging with an erection, no matter how slight, can be a problem.

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Originally Posted by StoneColder
I think jelqing for a while before you put the wench on makes a huge difference. It plumps your dick up enough so that the hanger has something to grip and hold on to, and the more blood there is in your dick, the less loose skin there is to be stretched uncomfortably.

SC, it is a really good idea to get all of the blood out of the head of your penis before using any type of hanger. The increase in blood pressure in the portion of the penis in front of the hanger can cause some real damage to the head of your penis if you do not.


Originally Posted by GlandMaster
SC, it is a really good idea to get all of the blood out of the head of your penis before using any type of hanger. The increase in blood pressure in the portion of the penis in front of the hanger can cause some real damage to the head of your penis if you do not.


This is a contradiction of what I read here before. So which way is right?

(Started 2/21/06) BPEL 7.125 - NBPEL 5.625 - MSEG 5.625

(As of 8/23/07) BPEL 7.5 - NBPEL 6.000 - MSEG 5.87

2nd goal is BPEL 7.750 NBPEL of 6.250" and EG 6" - Long term goal is NBPEL 8" - Girth 6.50

Sorry, wi2bb, but can you point out exactly where someone suggested hanging in a semi-erect state, or with lots of blood pooled in their glans?


I think wi2bb is referring to my statement that hanging in a “plump” state can be beneficial. I’ll try to explain.

For me, hanging with a completely shriveled flaccid is very difficult. I need some blood in my glans and in the CC’s in front of the hanger, or else the hanger tends to slide forward and cause pain. Perhaps this is because my girth tapers down strongly near the glans.

I’ve learned to adjust the “grip” of the hanger by varying the amount of blood in my glans (and distal CC’s). This is a very effective technique for me, and makes hanging anything over 10# possible.

It’s a bit of a tightrope walk, however. Too much blood in the glans can be painful and injurious. One has to monitor this closely. However, too little can also be a problem, IMO, since—due to the shape of my penis—I need some distal girth for the hanger to bite into.

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Great post, Modesto: I am just the opposite, “girthy”, so in my case the struggle is to eliminate as much blood from my unit as possible.

My concern is that guys that are new to hanging would use too much “plumping”, and pop something on their first hang. I would say start with as little blood in there as possible and then go from there.


Good point, GM. Safety needs to come first.

I think my gains would be much better by now if my dick were more of a cylinder and less of a carrot. I’m hoping to enlarge my glans a bit by doing some vacuum hanging. Then (I hope) clamp-type hangers will work better for me.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I also have a hard time telling if I’m getting the “inner structure” stretch or just stretching my skin. I’m cut but have a loose skin that it can still ride over the glans when a force is applied. This happens sometimes when I use the wench and this prevents me to reach the 20 min per set. I had to put it again when I feel like it’s about to fall. To think I’m just using a 2.5 lb weight for a start (I’ve just started last night, btw). What could be the problem? Does this mean that I can’t use the wench properly because of the way I was cut? How can I be assured that I’m stretching the inner structure and not the skin? Hehe it’s quite a headache reading all the posts in this long-life-spanned thread, so I just scanned all the pages, but didn’t find exact answers.

Also may I know what’s the best angle? I’m doing it at an angle towards the floor while sitting at the edge of my bed.


Can we ask people to post pics while using the wench? Hey captn, do you have some? I guess you’re the most reliable one to demonstrate your invention!

Originally Posted by GlandMaster
SC, it is a really good idea to get all of the blood out of the head of your penis before using any type of hanger. The increase in blood pressure in the portion of the penis in front of the hanger can cause some real damage to the head of your penis if you do not.


GM, I’m still kind of new to PEing so when you say get all of the blood out of the head of my penis, how am I to go about doing that? I’m still on the newbie routine and before I start I use my rice sock to warm up my penis. With the newbie routine all we were informed to do is a warm up before and after PEing, am I suppose to do something else in order to get the blood out of my penis head?

Also, I thought that the skin on your penis is suppose to come up some when using the wench. Because the edges come up and rub against the gland causing pain and irritation when stretching. At least that is what I was told. If this is not true how can I stop excessive skin stretching? I can only get about one click with my cable clam when I have my wench on, because any tighter and it hurts like hell and it cuts off too much blood flow, and I fell that it puts too much stress on the veins below my gland (which happen to be very delicate and prone to strain which is what I hear), is this wrong since what everyone is saying about getting the blood out?

One more thing, I felt when using my wench, it was only stretching the base of my penis and the mid section. I heard about constructing a “Wenchette”. Has anyone else done this.

Hi Cap - great job.

unfortunately, i live in germany, it’s very tedious often to find all the materials reguired to assemble stuff like the wench as suggested in your article, for instance.

now i woul love to have such a wench and my question is: would you be so kind to get one assembled for me and send it over to germany? of course i would pay all the materials, purchase and assembly time, genious bonus, packaging and shipping at an appropriate rate.

i would pay in cash or whatever is convenient for you.

thank you for your consideration.


ps: i remember having read about the “wenchette” - is it an alternative or an other must-have?


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