Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Icy Clamp - sounds good and bad


I guess no one is really trying this. I’ve been doing it for about a week and I can’t say that it has done much for me yet. I get this burning feeling when I stick my unit in the cold water. It’s the same feeling I get on my extremities in the winter, the feeling of frostbite. I know that El wino has gotten some good results from this, has anyone else?

I’ve really want to try this.I will start today give and keep and update.

I’m currently doing this. I really don’t know if it’s working or not, but I’m pretty sure it’s not adversely effecting the results so I’m gonna keep doing it.

I pm’d El Wino to ask EXACTLY what he did, but he hasn’t responded yet. When he does I’m going to copy his icing routine and see what happens.

Hey. The routine was 7 minutes normal clamping, to get the dick to maximum expansion with the expanded blood vessels. Then I apply the ice, or actually place the penis in a bowl of water with ice for the last 3 minutes.

IMMEDIATELY after I remove it I take of the clamps and massage the penis for twenty seconds with my hands to stimulates blood flow and to warm it up and then I place it under warm water for a little longer after it has recovered its normal temperature.

That’s the routine I used.

Be careful guys….low oxygenation and freezing temperatures are the well known recipe for losing extremities.

Hey El Wino,

Any updates on this?

I’m trying a new thing tonight. I’m going to ice throughout a girth session, i.e. do some exercises, ice, continue exercises, ice, etc. Don’t think anyone’s ever tried this, but something I read the other day on keeping things cool to produce more micro-tears gave me the idea. Anyway, not sure what to expect, thought I might as well try it though.

This thread dead?

Originally Posted by hidden master
This thread dead?

No, not if you want to resurrect it.

Nice! Hey tnt, I’ve seen you around since I started lurking years ago, just barely joined. My input on this would be: what if you were fully expanded in a clamp and then get into an ice bath? Your gains would have to be solidified right there. :P I messed with ice water alot but that was before I started clamping. I must try this.

Originally Posted by hidden master
Nice! Hey tnt, I’ve seen you around since I started lurking years ago, just barely joined. My input on this would be: what if you were fully expanded in a clamp and then get into an ice bath? Your gains would have to be solidified right there. :P I messed with ice water alot but that was before I started clamping. I must try this.

You know hm, I have never tried the ice thing but many swear by it. If I were to start PEing again, I would give it a shot. I can’t PE no more because I am a grower and I need NO MORE GAINS, so ms tnt says.
I wish I could have tried it.. What about you? Try it., Buy a bag of ice and use only a quarter to a third of the ice during your last session of clamping. I was friends with El Wino and he did all kinds of experimenting.

These exercises are because somebody tried something, But we must know that every thing we do here is dangerous. Be careful and do all precautions when PEing. Give it a shot and post back of what you think
about The Icy Clamp exercise. Go for it hidden master.

K tnt, I feel like I’ve been assigned to a secret mission. Ill rendezvous with you at o six hundred hours. Lol. Or like I’m a young padawan. I have tried icy cold swimming many times, I can tell you this is going to suck! But it must be done. Thanks for the experimental and positive attitude.

-Hidden sack ‘13


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