Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Icy Clamp - sounds good and bad

You would think more people would be trying this given the positive feedback.

My cable clamp is in storage until I move or I would give it a whirl!

I’m not really sure as to the effect of cooling such a large amount in your penis is. However, I generally feel that these heat (or lack thereof) methods are quite dangerous for sperm production. A lot of guys have been heating their entire unit with UV lamps and such - I’d expect extreme cold would cause similar problems.

Keep posting, I’d love to know the results.

6.4 inches reached and maintaned. It works, gentlemen.


Hi El,

Tell me in a 3 clamp session, are you just icing on the last round and then only for the final three minutes?


BTW, “Iceyourelwino” might be a nice name for this technique. Boys, we need more data and research on this idea.

This does indeed look promising. I would definitely try this out if I had more PE experience. I’m just past my 3-month marker, but once I get to my 6-month marker I may try this out and give some feedback.

So what is the exact routine? Do you clamp normally for a bit, then leave the clamp on and dip in ice cold water? For how long? How many times?

How much did you gain doing this?

Originally Posted by El Wino
6.4 inches reached and maintaned. It works, gentlemen.

I tried this for a bit and then stopped… wasn’t sure if it was doing anything.

Can you post exactly what you did El Wino? Did you ice while the clamp was still on? Did you subsequently warm your cock back up? Please let us know. If I know what you did I’ll test out the same thing and see what happens.


I have been giving this a try and think you are right. Forging steel is my thought exactly. The glad seems to try to contract but can’t because of the trapped blood; consequently, there is a feeling of a deep stressing of the flesh. The unit gets very cold and numb, so be careful handling while removing the clamp. I have been warming immediately after removing the clamp by showering and jelqing (30-50). It takes at least three minutes in some fairly hot water in the shower to restore the body temperature. I am doing three sets per day on a 2 day on one day rest regiment. I have worked on several set-ups and now have one that works well, however, I won’t be drinking lemonade from that pitcher again. I will be working this for the next couple of months. I will report back. Be careful, because this technique does give the old boy a pounding.


An update.
5 minute warm up with clay wrap warmed in microwave
5 to 10 minutes of jelqing
10 minute clamp (single or double clamp)
5 minutes of jelqing
10 minute clamp (double or triple with a single mid shaft)
5 minutes of jelqing
7 minutes of multi clamp and then a 3 minutes plunge into the pitch of ice water.
5 minutes in the shower jelqing to warm
Finish shower and do some stretches

The ice plunge is the bang at the end of the session. I am hoping it will cement gains.
EQ has been fabulous! It is so strong it is waking me at night.
Will continue to work and report back.

Originally Posted by itreallyworks
An update.
5 minute warm up with clay wrap warmed in microwave
5 to 10 minutes of jelqing
10 minute clamp (single or double clamp)
5 minutes of jelqing
10 minute clamp (double or triple with a single mid shaft)
5 minutes of jelqing
7 minutes of multi clamp and then a 3 minutes plunge into the pitch of ice water.
5 minutes in the shower jelqing to warm
Finish shower and do some stretches

The ice plunge is the bang at the end of the session. I am hoping it will cement gains.
EQ has been fabulous! It is so strong it is waking me at night.
Will continue to work and report back.

Do you believe your EQ got better because of the icy clamp?

Can not say for sure it was just that, but it has not hurt the EQ any. Today I did one 10 minute clamp after the icy plunge just to see if the unit had a response. The forth clamping session (no icy plunge) was solid and very engorged. I know that if I had tried a fourth clamp session without the icy, it would have been difficult to get the old boy pumped up to do it. I hope someone with some understanding of physiology will comment. The icy plunge seems to be good for vascular health.

Normally I get a 1/4” expansion during my clamping session which goes away right after. I tried this last night and right after my dick was 1/8” bigger than what it normally is. I’m not sure if the gain was temporary, I’ll keep trying it and measuring to see if it stuck and let you guys know.


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