Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Icy Clamp - sounds good and bad

You’re a braver man then I, El Wino. Keep us posted.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

If I had a milimeter in gain for everytime someone asked me who the chick in my av is, I’d have to wear my wock around my neck when I went out.

She’s Coco, Ice-T’s wife and she was on Playboy just this last month.

As for you, Kazoo, if you don’t put your dick out there you’ll never catch up with the Wino! The Wino’s girth is at 6.2, are you coming or what?

Chill that willy!

Haha, I’ll push it, pull it, slam it, squeeze it, clamp it - hell, I’ll even slap it around it if works, but I am NOT soaking my dick in ice cold water… that’s just crazy :) .

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

2mm gain. I think this thing works.

Is that more than you would expect to gain from just normal clamping?

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Yes it has been. Gain up to 3mm. But I’ll only report it when I stop doing it to see if it’s temporary.

My input.
1. Get a Cup that fits your erect dick inside +a little extra. Fill it with 1/2 ice and then put water in it until it gets up to the 3/4 mark on the cup. Pour roughly 1/8-1/3 cups of salt in there, stir it a little.
2. Get a hose clamp or something that is compact/won’t take up much more room than your normal cock. Clam it intensely.
3.Waiting time
4. Get the cup of ice cold water and go for it, keeping the clam ON. Make sure that there is a seal around your Body and the cups edge.

If the cooling gets too intense. Pull out and if it has gone limp at all.. Apply heat and repeating as many times as you want. Or just 1 Super cold freeze.

This is what I might try, ill move up to it once I get my dick used to long normal clamping sessions

Alright… I’m trying this tonight, lol… why the hell not?

So are you putting your wang in the water with the clamp on or without? I supposed I’ll try it with the clamp on… then I’ll measure tomorrow morning and see what happens.

I tried it today, it felt good but it’s too soon to seee if it works or not. I like the idea tho. I usually do a 10 min cool down with ice while wearing a traction device at the end of my manual workouts. I’ll update my progress if any in a couple days.

I'm on my way to 8th and Long. Yeah, she's cummin too!

Start: 2002 NBPL= ~6in, Eg=?, Current: NBPL= 7.6 EGmid= 5.7

Goal: NBPL= 8.5 EGmid= 6.5

Oh man that was kind of painful.

How long do you usually leave your cock in the water El Wino? I left it in for maybe two minutes with the clamp on, then another minute with it off. I took it out cause I was actually kind of worried about what would happen if I left it in there.

Last edited by Mick : 06-07-2008 at .

Very promising results the morning after. I can’t claim anything yet as maybe it’s just a coincidence and I had a good PE session last night, but whatever happened something worked.

I measured 6.25” in girth this morning, which is only slightly less than my post-workout size. I remember measuring a few nights ago just hours after a PE session and I was only at maybe 6.15.

I’m definitely going to try this again tonight. As of yet no negative effects, so I don’t see a reason not to continue.

Oh, and after going into the ice water and leaving it there, there was actually some pain. No shrinkage whatsoever however, my cock stayed very full. After some time it actually seemed to get quite warm… warmer than normal.

It’s so cold! But hey, I tried it and will likely keep doing it :)

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Originally Posted by Mick
Very promising results the morning after. I can’t claim anything yet as maybe it’s just a coincidence and I had a good PE session last night, but whatever happened something worked.

I measured 6.25” in girth this morning, which is only slightly less than my post-workout size. I remember measuring a few nights ago just hours after a PE session and I was only at maybe 6.15.

I’m definitely going to try this again tonight. As of yet no negative effects, so I don’t see a reason not to continue.

Oh, and after going into the ice water and leaving it there, there was actually some pain. No shrinkage whatsoever however, my cock stayed very full. After some time it actually seemed to get quite warm.. Warmer than normal.

Very good, post any further findings, especially long term effects once you do it more.

No one else has any updates on this?

I’ve been really busy the past week and haven’t been doing this consistently. I can’t say for sure, but when I do do it I seem to be a little bit bigger than normal the next day (and still possible right now a little bit even though I haven’t done it for a couple of days). I’m going to start again tomorrow night and hopefully continue for a while.

keep posted!:D


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