Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The salty truth about Jelqing


Originally Posted by chronostone

I have gained 1.375 inches in BPEL since Sept. 4, 2007. Most of that was in the first 4 months. I once gained 3/8 to 1/2 inch in a month.

This was from jelqing. I did not and still do not stretch as a formal part of my routine. The only “stretching” I do was and is measuring BPSFL from 0 to 5 times per day.

The erection level I use is less than hard, or still flexible. If I can’t compress with my grip, but only hit “hardness”, it is too hard for me.

Overall, I have had the best luck with 100-200 jelqs at 3 seconds each. I have varied this since I started, and I am currently at about 100 jelqs.

I have also varied the amount of time off, but throughout I have taken 3 days off regularly, like at least twice per month. I also take days off “as needed” if I feel I need to.

The only injuries I have had are either the result of jelqing at too high of an erection level, (discoloration, spots), or from gripping too hard trying to learn how to stretch. All injuries have been minor and have gone away in short order.

I have not tracked girth gains. My wife looked at me like I was crazy about a month ago when I asked her if she thought I had gained girth. The look and response were like I was stupid for asking, of course I have gained girth!

I have read others getting over 0.5” length from jelqing as well. I believe Kevin12 is currently at about 0.75” gain, and that has been from jelqing less than 100 jelqs per session. He found that more than that did not produce results for him. There seem to be others that have found the same, mainly in the thread started by J123 that I am sure you have read.

As far as your thoughts about how can one gain from a partial erection: This is a completely oversimplified analogy, but it may explain my opinion on the subject. If you want to make a piece of glass longer, do you do it while it is hard and unyielding, or do you do it while it is soft and pliable? If you do it while it is hard, you’ll break it… However, this is just my opinion. I have read about guys getting good gains from high erection jelqing. I have also read about some fairly serious injuries from high erection jelqing.

So overall, I am quite happy with my experience with jelqing. 1.375 inches happy, to be exact.

That’s impressive. it sounds like your thoughts on jelqing are very similar to mine. My wife’s reaction has also been very similar. Actually, last weekend I asked her if she could tell a difference since my starting back and she gave me that “are you nuts” look and said “well, I know it’s getting harder to fit my mouth around it for sure”. I think, for me anyway, jelqing is the number one best exercise for girth hands down. I am not currently jelqing in my routine at all. I am trying to stay strict on my pre-set plan, but I am very strongly considering starting my jelq back every other day or three days per week and experimenting with golf weights for the first time. I do what my body tells me to do. If I feel discomfort, I slow down. If I see loss of EQ, I slow down, etc. PE tools to me (golf weights, Andro, etc.) is like being a kid in a toy store on Christmas eve! one of these days I will eventually try a pump just to see how I react, but there will always be that old favorite grower - the classic jelq!

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

Originally Posted by Irishman79
Sorry goon I’m not trying to hi-jack your thread, it’s just there seems to be a lot of experienced guys posting here.

No, it’s fine. In fact, this is the kind of stuff I expected to be found here.

When I get that 100%+ expansion feeling it is almost always associated with red spots and bruises.

Fact is, I have probably weakened some of those vessels and not let them heal completely. It does not seem to take much effort these days to cause that, but there is no pain involved directly. I still get the occasional “pang” in the shaft several hours after a good PE session. Who the heck knows what that could be.

"Debate the idea..."

I love these threads about jelqing (thanks, goonbaby). They are so informative. I only recently started jelqing, and had a lot of trouble the first two days. I’m getting better, but the other day I was definitely using too much pressure, thinking, “Hell! My penis can take this! And how will I get anywhere unles I put some real pressure into it?”

Luckily I didn’t hurt myself, but now I know from reading this thread that “easy does it”.

Jelqing seems like kind of a miracle exercise for the penis. I wonder what genius came up with it? Because you have to put some work into it before seeing gains, so it’s kind of a strange idea to “stumble upon”. Good for them!

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

Originally Posted by goonbaby
I still get the occasional “pang” in the shaft several hours after a good PE session. Who the heck knows what that could be.

Yeah, I get that too.. No ideas as to why.

Goal: B====D ---> B=========D

Originally Posted by Cernunnos
I love these threads about jelqing (thanks, goonbaby). They are so informative. I only recently started jelqing, and had a lot of trouble the first two days. I’m getting better, but the other day I was definitely using too much pressure, thinking, “Hell! My penis can take this! And how will I get anywhere unles I put some real pressure into it?”

Luckily I didn’t hurt myself, but now I know from reading this thread that “easy does it”.

Jelqing seems like kind of a miracle exercise for the penis. I wonder what genius came up with it? Because you have to put some work into it before seeing gains, so it’s kind of a strange idea to “stumble upon”. Good for them!


When you a make an OK grip at the base hold it there for a few seconds before you start to move it up. But keep the grip lite, like jelqing an egg.
You will get nice and plump.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole

When you a make an OK grip at the base hold it there for a few seconds before you start to move it up. But keep the grip lite, like jelqing an egg.
You will get nice and plump.

Thanks for the advice, mr KP. So you’re saying hold the OK grip at the basre for a few moments, while the other OK grip is still at the glans, before commencing the next milking motion?

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

Yes, the idea is a constant and consistent milking motion that’s pushing blood from base to glans. Maintaining the grip just below the glans until your “ok” grip starts leaving the base. Occasionally, I will hold my grip below the glans, grip at the base and kegel blood in and then push the grips toward the center to get heavy expansion, holding for 5-10 seconds. You just have to be careful and listen to your body when doing this. This creates a massive amount of mid-shaft pressure and if overdone could cause trauma to the vessels.

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

Originally Posted by chronostone

I have gained 1.375 inches in BPEL since Sept. 4, 2007. Most of that was in the first 4 months. I once gained 3/8 to 1/2 inch in a month.

So overall, I am quite happy with my experience with jelqing. 1.375 inches happy, to be exact.

Uh, its 1.25 inches, not 1.375…

I guess I always have that next goal stuck in my head, and math has always been a problem for me.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

Originally Posted by goonbaby
I never noticed any gains from Jelqing until I started doing 300 reps with warm up in the mornings.

Sometimes I get a tenderness in one of the veins on the left side of my shaft and it takes about three days off to ease the ache.

I perform jelqs at about 85-90% erect for the first 100 reps and then my erections subside enough to really pull hard.

Much of the swell I see from a good long session is edema - NOT expansion.

I hate starting new threads about old subjects.

I started to notice gains when i went from 2 on 1 off to 3 on 1 off.

Originally Posted by chronostone

I guess I always have that next goal stuck in my head, and math has always been a problem for me.

Don’t sweat it. I get the feeling math is a “problem” for a LOT of guys around here.

"Debate the idea..."

I have gained about 0.7” jelqing over 2 years which sounds mediocre (or is it?) but that is without any consistency at all, doing approximately only 25-30 jelq sessions over 2 years, totally at random times, all the time thinking “its working” then thinking “its not” and quitting, not having the heart to do it, not bothering about the size of my unit so much certain times etc.

I jelqed from anything from 10 minutes up to 45 minutes, never longer than 45 minutes.

1. What have you learned about consistency in your personal routines?
I have learned that it requires great skill to jelq properly. By properly, I mean get a really good “pump” and feel the expansion taking place without it hurting. Actually a good pump to me feels slightly pleasurable, not in a sexual way, not at all, it is just a “nice” feeling. Imagine someone hands you a $50 bill and says “Keep it buddy” you’d get a nice feeling, well there you go, except the feeling jelqing isn’t quite as nice as being handed $50 for free.

2. What have you learned about injuries and any long-term effects they had?
I seem to know what will injure me and get close to that point, without ever getting an injury. I have had the red spots on the head etc, I never worried about them and don’t get them now my unit seems to have “hardened up” to PE workouts.

3. When did you first know FOR CERTAIN that you had made a significant gain?
Very recently. I remember when I first did PE it was say 2 years ago. I only did it on and off. I never even measured my unit apart from in the very beginning, phew! That’s the vital measurement, well back then before embarking upon PE, I was at 6.25 inches BPEL. Now 2 years on and roughly 25-30 jelq sessions of 20 minutes on average later, my unit is 6.85 inches or thereabouts. So I gained 0.5” up to a few weeks ago and from then to now another 0.1” I think (I hope, I pray) from the 3 or 4 jelq sessions I have done the last week. So my point here is when doing the jelqing I seem to really gain a lot! 0.1” from 3 or 4 twenty minute sessions, its about 1500-2000 jelqs with say 15-20 “amazing” pumps, at high pressure (but not injury provoking, only you can handle this and judge right, its a hard skill though I think, be careful!)

4. How much “time-under-load” resulted in the most gain for you personally?
I jelq so the pressure is always there and do a tighter grip when my unit feels the right erection level (about 60%-70%). My unit spends 20 minutes under constant load, but in that time maybe 1 minute of it (split into like 4 parts of 15 seconds each) I do a pretty tight grip and get the feeling of growth taking place, or that is, expansion in the head, even more than the jelqing I am doing anyway which to me is like a primer for those tighter moments. This is just my own method I have come to find feels natural, or like growth is happening.

5. What were your physical indicators associated with gaining specifically from jelqing?
I really didn’t get any. I just noticed my unit was fatter in my hand the other night. That will be the jelqing.

6. Any jelqing advice you might like to pass on to those considering the newbie routine?
Its how I started and everyone should.

7. What would you tell a newbie to expect after their first jelqing session? How about their 100Th?
Expect to need a 3 day break not 1 day! Expect little to no growth in the very beginning, it takes
Consistency. I am not even up to my 50Th session and have gained the good part of 1”.

8. How many jelq repetitions do you currently perform in a 24 hour period and at what erection level?
I jelq for 20 minutes, I don’t count. I worked out this equates to about 400-500 jelqs. I do that every
Other day @ 60%-70% erection level. I say I do that, well I did that the last 6 days and 3 jelq sessions
Seems to have given me an extra 0.1” somehow, long may it continue but I fear its all newbie gains.

I see no logic in keeping on doing something that is clearly proven not to work for you.. Once you gave it a try for many months you should move on without any regrets.. Find what works better for you and you only. Everyone is built different you know.. In your case I would advice lot of tunica tugs and squeezes.. Jelqing alone is not worth it.. It only needs to cement and get your EQ higher by working the smooth muscles out and pushing blood in every little blood vessel.. Just my opinion and I m looking forward to seeing other members thoughts

Start (october 2010) : BPEL 18,5 cm ; EL 17,5 cm ; MSEG 13,75 cm ,BEG 14,25 cm ;FL 12 cm ; FG 10,75 cm ; BPFSL 18,5 cm

3 months later ( January 2011) : BPEL 19 cm ; EL 18 cm ; MSEG 14 cm ; BEG 14,5 cm FL (hard to say if it grows due to size shifting of the soft state.. The same as before or bigger!) ; FG 11 cm ; BPFSL 19 cm***all hard sizes taken @ my hardest and doing a kegel***Goal: cementing a round 18 x 14 hard coupled with a good EQ.

I don’t think I got anything from jelqing other than EQ, but I have to say that that is enough in and of it’s self.

I have recently begun to hang, and even though I’ve not measured, there is obvious visible difference in my size and EQ, so it’s difficult to sort out the jelq and the hanging results as both have the potential to have contributed.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by goonbaby
I have tried jelqing at every possible erection level. Most of the time I get obvious bruising. Occassionally pain. When things go well I just get lymph build up. After several months of focusing on jelqing properly I’m wondering why we have so much anecdotal “evidence” and some just can’t get it to work.

How is it possible for this exercise to cause permanent increase in the size of the penis if:

a) you must keep a less-than full erection whilst tuggin’
b) you use a light to moderate grip (similar to masturbation)


It doesn’t work.. go home and stop pe leave it to the rest of us

I can’t say that it worked. I used a lot of manual stretching in the routine also. I’m pretty sure it couldn’t have hurt and I feel it’s great for EQ. Newbie routine works for sure. As to what part is the effective part? Probably different for everyone, and likely a combination of it all. Like BigGirtha said “Do everything and never let it turtle.”

Start (aug '09) 6x5

Current [(AUG'10) 7 x 5.25] [(OCT'10) 7.25 x 5.3] [(OCT'12) 7.5 x 5.5]

Death is real, it comes without warning and it cannot be escaped, therefore, Penis Enlargement


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