Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The salty truth about Jelqing

Originally Posted by goonbaby
How is it possible for this exercise to cause permanent increase in the size of the penis if:

a) you must keep a less-than full erection whilst tuggin’
b) you use a light to moderate grip (similar to masturbation)


I am just a newbie and still trying to find my Jelq technique. I have being going by the feeling of expansion (pressure) i.e. I will get a roughly 90% erection and push the blood up through my penis; sometimes i will have to losen my grip half ways along my shaft as the pressure is quite intense. However, the bottom half (base to mid shaft) feels no pressure or expansion at all. I feel like i am not working the base of my penis at all. Also, i don’t know is this a problem, but i don’t count the number of jelqs i complete but instead time the duration I jelq for (e.g. 10 mins). I base everything on that feeling of pressure i.e. each jelq might take 5 seconds instead of 2 but i will ensure the pressure is strong.

I’ve had a few drinks, so I am not sure as to whether I am explaining myself properly. I will start a thread tomorrow explaining exactly what I mean.

I would appreciate advice, thanks guys

Life is too short to be little -Disraeli

March '08 BPEL 6.25 EG 5.3. I am not sure whether I measured correctly.

April '08 BPEL 6.7 EG 5.5 GOAL 8X6 SHORT-TERM GOAL 7X5.7

I have always used a lite grip Goonbaby. Whether I did 20, 30 second jelqs or 800, 3 second jelqs. However what I consider lite may strangle a newbie’s dick. But it is extremely light to me. It is like what Sparkyx said. Keep it in the pleasure zone. Do not go out of the pleasure zone. I know PE is work but work does not always have to hurt.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by Irishman79

I am just a newbie and still trying to find my Jelq technique. I have being going by the feeling of expansion (pressure) i.e. I will get a roughly 90% erection and push the blood up through my penis; sometimes i will have to losen my grip half ways along my shaft as the pressure is quite intense. However, the bottom half (base to mid shaft) feels no pressure or expansion at all. I feel like i am not working the base of my penis at all. Also, i don’t know is this a problem, but i don’t count the number of jelqs i complete but instead time the duration I jelq for (e.g. 10 mins). I base everything on that feeling of pressure i.e. each jelq might take 5 seconds instead of 2 but i will ensure the pressure is strong.

I’ve had a few drinks, so I am not sure as to whether I am explaining myself properly. I will start a thread tomorrow explaining exactly what I mean.

I would appreciate advice, thanks guys

It’s “I” not “i” Please.

Horny Bastard

I think if you jelque with the attitude of stimulating smooth muscle growth rather than stretching the tunica, I think you might do better.

Read this;
G_want7’s log

at post 47 I get into the fundamentals of the system. Its still in the development phase, but I think you would benefit from it.

My take is you are way over doing it. I think its best to jelque with the idea that you take it to a normal very hard erection tension level, then just a "bit" past that. If you constantly overstress the smooth muscle and the tunica, it never will react properly. I think it should stay in the pleasant range. The biggest mistake most guys make is to use way too much force.

Thats why if you think in terms of smooth muscle growth, it puts your head in a different space.

If you’d like to try my FEB system, PM me and I will answer any questions you have. I haven’t really gone public with it yet (its own thread) because I am still working out the kinks, but I think at this point it is probably more effective than what you are currently doing.

Originally Posted by goonbaby
How is it possible for this exercise to cause permanent increase in the size of the penis if:

a) you must keep a less-than full erection whilst tuggin’
b) you use a light to moderate grip (similar to masturbation)


Sometimes smart guys are too smart for their own good. Lots of guys just took those directions as “truth” did it and got good gains. When you analysis it, with your understanding, it doesn’t make sense, so you up the force and DON’T gain.

HOWEVER, as Stagestop has found, that the IGF-1 stimulates smooth muscle growth, and that increased, slight constant pressure in turns expands the tunica.

SOOOOO, maybe the majority of what we are doing is stimulating smooth muscle growth, through “who knows” what actual mechanism, and that is what expands the tunica.

PLUS I really believe very high EQ, results in much harder and frequent nite wood with either cements or actually causes gains.

If you beat your dick to shit, not only do you prevent smooth muscle growth, you dramatically reduce or eliminate nite wood. Of course these are just my thoughts on it.

Sup guys.

When I started PE something like two and a half years ago, I was doing something similar to the noobie routine involving 5 minutes of jelq, and 5 minutes of two more jelq variation exercises at first, then I upped it to 10. During this time I experienced significant gains, but, in my mind, it was more because of the manual stretching before my jelq routine - though I’m sure the jelq was necessary for my gains, I feel as though without the stretch my gains wouldn’t have been as good.

Reticently I have come to the conclusion that wet jelqing is messy and is far more likely, for me, to cause discoloration / spots / injury, and is also harder to maintain a constant erection level than dry jelqing.

In case your wondering, I started as a little over 6 x 5 - probably 6.2 by 5.2 or something, I was never really into measuring - and now I’m up to 7.5 (I’m skinny as hell, so bone press or not is more or less the same) by 5.7 to 6, depending on how horny I am / when the last time I PE’d.

As far as advice for noobies, it has been said here probably 10000 times, but seriously, take it EASY at first. Way easy. Find a routine that doesn’t cause discoloration / spots / PAIN (if you experience ANY pain, your going too hard) and be consistent. Consistency is key - if you up your routine too soon or even if you just want to up it a little bit, if you happen to pass that threshold and hurt yourself (even a minor wound like bruising or soreness the next day along with decreased erection) then all the work you have done so far is for not.

Originally Posted by mravg
It’s “I” not “i” Please.

Apologies Mravg,

I’m normally very good; just happened to have had a few beers last night. I’m used to using Word, where it capitalises for you.

Life is too short to be little -Disraeli

March '08 BPEL 6.25 EG 5.3. I am not sure whether I measured correctly.

April '08 BPEL 6.7 EG 5.5 GOAL 8X6 SHORT-TERM GOAL 7X5.7

I have seen most, if not all, of my girth gain from what can best be described as “sporadic” wet jelqing. I use a tighter grip but not a strangle hold! I jelq at a more rapid rate than most, probably 7-10 second strokes and about every 10th time or so, I will hold at the glans, grasp at the base and balloon the mid-shaft with higher pressure. I jelq around the 30-60% range. If I begin to get erect I will break for 20 seconds or so and then resume. I use allot of water base lube, similar to KY. I pre-warm in a cup of water that is very warm( just cool enough to tolerate), for about 1-2 minutes and I also post warm at the same rate. I usually jelq for 15-20 minutes before I shower at night. I started at around 4.125” girth and symmetrical base to glans. I have not jelqed a great deal and am now a bit over 5.25” symmetrical from base to glans. I have never had an injury from jelqing and I would say within two weeks of starting my EQ improved dramatically and my wife noticed girth gains within the first 30 days. I hang much heavier post jelq, but it subsides rather quickly. My gains however are permanent. I have never seen any length gain from jelqing.

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

Originally Posted by 9_in_richard
I have seen most, if not all, of my girth gain from what can best be described as “sporadic” wet jelqing. I use a tighter grip but not a strangle hold! I jelq at a more rapid rate than most, probably 7-10 second strokes and about every 10th time or so, I will hold at the glans, grasp at the base and balloon the mid-shaft with higher pressure. I jelq around the 30-60% range. If I begin to get erect I will break for 20 seconds or so and then resume. I use allot of water base lube, similar to KY. I pre-warm in a cup of water that is very warm( just cool enough to tolerate), for about 1-2 minutes and I also post warm at the same rate. I usually jelq for 15-20 minutes before I shower at night. I started at around 4.125” girth and symmetrical base to glans. I have not jelqed a great deal and am now a bit over 5.25” symmetrical from base to glans. I have never had an injury from jelqing and I would say within two weeks of starting my EQ improved dramatically and my wife noticed girth gains within the first 30 days. I hang much heavier post jelq, but it subsides rather quickly. My gains however are permanent. I have never seen any length gain from jelqing.

So, not to doubt you, I hear you saying that you have gained OVER an inch in girth from jelqing about 15-20 minutes every day without a single injury?

Your wife noticed a difference in the first month?

Are you absolutely certain these measurements and time periods are correct? Do you keep a log?

The reason I’m asking in this manner is due to the large number of PE hopefuls that THINK they have given PE a serious go…only to never really gain anything. Truthfully, a lot of guys make claims but few have any real documentation to back it up. As a guy that really appreciates cold hard facts…I need more than just hearsay.

"Debate the idea..."

Originally Posted by goonbaby
I have tried jelqing at every possible erection level. Most of the time I get obvious bruising. Occassionally pain. When things go well I just get lymph build up. After several months of focusing on jelqing properly I’m wondering why we have so much anecdotal “evidence” and some just can’t get it to work.

How is it possible for this exercise to cause permanent increase in the size of the penis if:

a) you must keep a less-than full erection whilst tuggin’
b) you use a light to moderate grip (similar to masturbation)


A couple of thoughts: 1) The massaging action of jelqing may be both encouraging softening (and increased pliability) of the tunica albuginea and encouraging better function of the helicine arterioles in the cavernosae. This would make the ‘balloon’ more distensible and provide better blood flow to distend it, i.e. a bigger penis. 2) As someone mentioned earlier, jelqing may stimulate the release of growth factors.

All that said, when I was jelqing a lot, I saw most of my gains while using constrictors. This made sense from the whole tissue remodeling hypothesis, but then some guys do not ever use constrictors and still manage to gain girth with the soft-dick approach. I pretty much have not jelqed in the last two plus years, but now that I am approaching my length goal, I am beginning to get interested in choking the rooster again. Perhaps I will do the soft dick approach and see if it works for me…


Yes, those gains are honest gains. If you are lying about such a trivial thing on the internet to people whom you will never meet, then you have some serious issues! The only proof I could offer is that my wife could testify (in court if necessary..LOL) that my girth was VERY noticeably increased in a short amount of time. I should also say though that I supplement allot(L-arginine,ginko,etc), I take testosterone injections weekly which I believe aids tremendously in tissue recovery, I gain girth quickly but length not so much. I always had a (in my opinion) thinner than average penis at around 4.125”. As I aged, as a smoker for 27 years, and gained weight, I lost probably an inch in length (from 7” down to 6”). I have since gained that inch back due to PE, but haven’t budged in length past my initial mark of 7” in the past 3 months. I believe that my girth has gotten bigger since starting back into PE three months ago. I would guess that I have gained another 1/8” girth in the past 3 months using the Andro-Penis only. I have not however gained any more length. I seem to gain girth very easily. part of my new routine is not to measure until the end of each phase of training. I believe that the anxiety involved in constantly measuring puts a serious damper on my ability to gain. I hope that those who have corresponded with me during my time here can feel confident that my results and methods are an honest interpretation, However, if they are simply too much for certain members to swallow then there just isn’t anything one can say in that regard. My wife loves the girth gains, i love the girth gains and that’s all that matters to me.

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine


I have gained 1.375 inches in BPEL since Sept. 4, 2007. Most of that was in the first 4 months. I once gained 3/8 to 1/2 inch in a month.

This was from jelqing. I did not and still do not stretch as a formal part of my routine. The only “stretching” I do was and is measuring BPSFL from 0 to 5 times per day.

The erection level I use is less than hard, or still flexible. If I can’t compress with my grip, but only hit “hardness”, it is too hard for me.

Overall, I have had the best luck with 100-200 jelqs at 3 seconds each. I have varied this since I started, and I am currently at about 100 jelqs.

I have also varied the amount of time off, but throughout I have taken 3 days off regularly, like at least twice per month. I also take days off “as needed” if I feel I need to.

The only injuries I have had are either the result of jelqing at too high of an erection level, (discoloration, spots), or from gripping too hard trying to learn how to stretch. All injuries have been minor and have gone away in short order.

I have not tracked girth gains. My wife looked at me like I was crazy about a month ago when I asked her if she thought I had gained girth. The look and response were like I was stupid for asking, of course I have gained girth!

I have read others getting over 0.5” length from jelqing as well. I believe Kevin12 is currently at about 0.75” gain, and that has been from jelqing less than 100 jelqs per session. He found that more than that did not produce results for him. There seem to be others that have found the same, mainly in the thread started by J123 that I am sure you have read.

As far as your thoughts about how can one gain from a partial erection: This is a completely oversimplified analogy, but it may explain my opinion on the subject. If you want to make a piece of glass longer, do you do it while it is hard and unyielding, or do you do it while it is soft and pliable? If you do it while it is hard, you’ll break it… However, this is just my opinion. I have read about guys getting good gains from high erection jelqing. I have also read about some fairly serious injuries from high erection jelqing.

So overall, I am quite happy with my experience with jelqing. 1.375 inches happy, to be exact.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

Originally Posted by goonbaby
Jelqing has pros and cons. I don’t necessarily like the discoloration I am beginning to notice. The shaft feels a little tougher as well. I wonder if this might be the precursor to scar tissue.

Similiar experience.

You need to dial back your PE in general. It’s common sense. If you get an injury in the gym, like bad soreness, you don’t hit that muscle group for awhile to let the muscle repair.

Stay warm doing fowfers and jerking off or edging for a half hour to an hour.

I think jelqing is making my dick thicker (I’m already 8” x close to 6” around with a goal of 9” x 6.5”).

But from everything I’ve read, if you want real noticeable length gains you need to hang…

8.5'' here we come!


I have to admit that I always thought jelqing to be a light exercise. But recently have started again. The main effect that I think people over look is the stretching (lengthwise) that is going on during the jelq.

Please help because I don’t want to waste the next month with incorrect technique. I have two questions;

1. As we jelq from base to head; should we feel pressure in the penis from the expanding blood?
2. At the end of the stroke should the head be completely engorged ?(I mean almost beyond 100% if you know what I mean)

Sorry goon I’m not trying to hi-jack your thread, it’s just there seems to be a lot of experienced guys posting here.

Life is too short to be little -Disraeli

March '08 BPEL 6.25 EG 5.3. I am not sure whether I measured correctly.

April '08 BPEL 6.7 EG 5.5 GOAL 8X6 SHORT-TERM GOAL 7X5.7


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