Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The salty truth about Jelqing


The salty truth about Jelqing

Alright, most here don’t need to see another thread about jelqing. It is the quintessential PE exercise and practiced by thousands of us daily. Some do well with it, and some struggle to get it right or see any long term benefit from the struggle.

This thread exists to expose the cold hard facts about what Jelqing really is and what one can expect from its practice. There are always things about PE that surprise us a few sessions into a new routine. I’m hoping that this thread will serve as a repository of unvarnished truth concerning what is reasonable to expect from jelqing and what is not.

I am asking all of you who have made gains in excess of .5” in erect girth or .75” in erect length associated with jelqing in your routine to share some of the things that you noticed about the exercise - things that surprised you, disappointed you, etc.

Sample subject matter:

What have you learned about consistency in your personal routines?

What have you learned about injuries and any long-term effects they had?

When did you first know FOR CERTAIN that you had made a significant gain?

How much “time-under-load” resulted in the most gain for you personally?

What were your physical indicators associated with gaining specifically from jelqing?

Any jelqing advice you might like to pass on to those considering the newbie routine?

What would you tell a newbie to expect after their first jelqing session? How about their 100th?

How many jelq repetitions do you currently perform in a 24 hour period and at what erection level?

You get the idea…

I never noticed any gains from Jelqing until I started doing 300 reps with warm up in the mornings.

Sometimes I get a tenderness in one of the veins on the left side of my shaft and it takes about three days off to ease the ache.

I perform jelqs at about 85-90% erect for the first 100 reps and then my erections subside enough to really pull hard.

Much of the swell I see from a good long session is edema - NOT expansion.

I hate starting new threads about old subjects.

"Debate the idea..."

Originally Posted by goonbaby

I hate starting new threads about old subjects.

WE never get boring threads around here from you, reinvent the wheel if you must, but perhaps you’ll find some hidden overlooked process or function for better and greater explotiablity.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I lackadaisically jelqed in the beginning. Frankly thought that “newbie” routines were for other people. I liked the concept of tension and used an ADS almost exclusively for the first 18 months of my PE career.

I have since scrapped that prideful notion and am currently jelqing like a so-an-so. I do at least 200 every morning (my goal is 300 but sometimes I’m just not feelin’ it) and then I do sets of 50 throughout the day.

In my opinion 50 jelqs is not nearly enough to do anything by itself, but if I wrung out the old sausage that morning like I should have…the intermediate sets keep it plumpy all the live-long day.

I still slap on the ADS for anywhere from 4-6 hours during the day usually after letting the meat cool, but I am one who could never say that I have been very consistent. In fact, the only consistent thing I did was ADS usage and I kept a totally annal retentive log. I rarely missed a day and it was a minimum of 8 hours 5 days a week for at least 9 months. I gained everything during that time. After taking a decon break, I could never regain my momentum.

I have recently seen a very modest gain in erect girth of 1/16” since I started jelqing. That’s not much on a ruler, but I can sure tell it when I hold the thing in my hand. My flaccid is dramatically larger - but not nearly big enough.

I’m jelqing for girth because that is what I believe will be most noticeable to my wifey initially. (Jelqing is positively REQUIRED just prior to sex in my not-so-humble opinion.) I am also of the opinion that jelqing is not primarily a length exercise.

Jelqing has pros and cons. I don’t necessarily like the discoloration I am beginning to notice. The shaft feels a little tougher as well. I wonder if this might be the precursor to scar tissue.

"Debate the idea..."

That’s my I’m here, Teaser, I’m learning how to exploit myself.


"Debate the idea..."

Originally Posted by goonbaby
. (Jelqing is positively REQUIRED just prior to sex in my not-so-humble opinion.)

So do you do this with lotion before sex? If so what about oral sex, does this stop your partner from performing this on you? Is the lotion edible or do you simply go jelq for x amount of time a few hours or so before you engage in intercourse?

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

I jelq, doing it for quite a few years now. I done 800 jelqs and as little as 20. My motto proved to be effective to me is the seconds it takes to jelq. More than 5 seconds is suitable. Also I keep my grip lite. To date I have never even had a purple dot, no injuries what so ever. I agree with Sparkyx keep the erections 100% the next day and keep the PE in the pleasure zone.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

So do you do this with lotion before sex? If so what about oral sex, does this stop your partner from performing this on you? Is the lotion edible or do you simply go jelq for x amount of time a few hours or so before you engage in intercourse?

My wife does not like oral sex. She has only offered it 3 times in 14 years. I don’t ask for it.

In fact I don’t ever “ask” for sex anymore. I stopped all that stuff about 3 years ago. Back then I might have cared about things like edible lotions and such…now I just wait for her to drop a few subtle hints and then take over. We both enjoy it, but she it far too prudish to be comfortable with lubes, toys, novel positions, or even talking about sex. Being a proper “southern belle” those things are simply not comfortable topic of conversation. I’m straying a bit off topic.

I perform my first 100 jelqs with a lube (whatever I have handy) and a heat lamp or hair dryer, and then I do my next 100 in the shower. After I towel off, I do another 100 dry and then get dressed and head off to work.
After about 2-3 hours I put on my ADS (vacu-hanger) and wear it for about 4-6 hours depending on how it feels. I’ve learned the hard way that wearing my ADS for 8+ hours at a time is easily possible but can lead to hyper-sensitivity and injuries I can only describe as “hickies” that tend to scab and become quite painful if I attempt to push on and keep using the ADS. If I allow for a few hours of down time between exercises and ADS then I do not seem to have that problem. I can log up to 12 hours a day under tension…but I no longer try to do that in one session.

My wife does not know about PE even though I have been involved in some form of it for almost 3.5 years.
I have changed my routine so much and so many times in the last 18 months that I can not honestly say I have been consistent enough to expect gains. I decided to take a more practical and serious approach this time and in February I started jelqing like I meant it.

I do most of my heavy work in the mornings when the family is sleeping. I have sex exclusively at night after the kids are asleep. My pre-coitus jelqing is not actually considered part of the PE routine, but I will steal away to the bathroom or bedroom for 15-20 minutes before bed and do as many slow-hard jelqs as I can to re-plump. The difference is quite noticeable to me.

For me, the goal of sex is at least one significant orgasm for my wife. One of her less subtle hints that she is in the mood often comes in the form of a question once we are in bed, “will you give me an orgasm tonight?” What am I supposed to do with that? Since her pleasure is my personal goal (and my pleasure is practically guaranteed) I de-emphasize what I might like until after she has had her first. She is usually in the “plateau” stage before I even attempt to enter and lube is not needed if I take it slow.

I think I have addressed everything except your comments.

I plan on doing more reps as soon as my hands can take it and when I feel like the penis can handle more. Right now 300 slow jelqs are the not-so-comfortable limit. It feels pretty worked over by then. I do take my time however. Each stroke is between 3 and 7 seconds - and some are coupled with tight squeezes. My grip is almost exclusively overhand and as firm as I can get it without causing pain.

I have noticed that the bumps that appear on the glans disappear at about 40-50 reps and they get smoothed out when the lymph fluid begins to appear. I can see that this might stretch the skin…I am not so sure it indicates anything like the tunica or CC is being expanded.

I have not yet had any trouble with erection quality since I started PE.

"Debate the idea..."

I understand plumping up a little before sex, but oral sex is a must for me and my girlfriend. I also want to give my girlfriend the ultimate pleasure, but I expect the same in return. I would not be able to be with someone who is not willing to completely satisfy me sexually especially when I am willing to do any of their wishes. I’m gonna talk to my girlfriend about using an edible lotion so I may jelq before sex or do like you said and jelq in the shower before.

Best of luck to you in your PE journey. It’s a interesting, long journey and, from my brief experience with it, seems to be beneficial. I did some PE’ing years ago, but wasn’t able to stay with it because I was stimulated to much and couldn’t control myself. I thought jelqing was bullshit until recently. Now I’m enjoying my commitment to this practice and learning more and more as I continue.

I live alone and it’s allowed me to PE as much as I choose and whenever. I’ve stayed with the newbie routine and increased to 30 minutes of jelqing with a 3-5 second jelq. I did feel a soreness once I increased the time. I try to count how many jelqs I do, but I lose count. I averaged a 4 second jelq and used that as my basis to determine that I do around 450 jelqs in a 30 minute session. I think I am going to try 5-7 second jelqs within the same time period and see how that feels. I have had an extreme increase erection quality since starting PE’ing.

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

I have tried jelqing at every possible erection level. Most of the time I get obvious bruising. Occassionally pain. When things go well I just get lymph build up. After several months of focusing on jelqing properly I’m wondering why we have so much anecdotal “evidence” and some just can’t get it to work.

How is it possible for this exercise to cause permanent increase in the size of the penis if:

a) you must keep a less-than full erection whilst tuggin’
b) you use a light to moderate grip (similar to masturbation)


"Debate the idea..."

Salty indeed.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
Salty indeed.


One of these days I’m going to start a thread that sets this whole place on it’s figurative ear. I just can seem to find a groove, mravg. Help a guy out would you?

I don’t want to spill the beans and tell the newbies jelqing is a waste of time.

"Debate the idea..."

Originally Posted by goonbaby
How is it possible for this exercise to cause permanent increase in the size of the penis if:

a) you must keep a less-than full erection whilst tuggin’
b) you use a light to moderate grip (similar to masturbation)


I wonder the same thing.

Gainers from jelqing…please chime in if you will. Answers to his questions would be godly helpful.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

I gained from jelqing. I lost ground when I jelqed with a strangle grip thinking it was the best to induce growth. Now It is back to square one in four days after a month off. The overstress caused some loss of size. Not all the gains are gone that is for sure. But it works great for me and using Kingpoles logic of the egg shell it induces amazing wood.

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