Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Theory of Penis Relativity

I has always been my dream to be in a conversation with some women and somehow the conversation gets turned around to dick size and someone accuses me of having a small dick and for me to just be able to wip it out and have everyones jaws hit the ground. That would be probably the best thing that I think could happen. I know it might sound silly but its my dream. And I hope I am a person who can get my desired goal out of hardwork and dedication. I am aware that there are people who gain little to nothing with any form of PE and I hope that I am not one of them and that I can, as Adam Sandlers says—“do it”. And Padawan, thank you for the encouraging words.

Originally Posted by Theloner
I has always been my dream to be in a conversation with some women and somehow the conversation gets turned around to dick size and someone accuses me of having a small dick and for me to just be able to wip it out and have everyones jaws hit the ground. That would be probably the best thing that I think could happen. I know it might sound silly but its my dream. And I hope I am a person who can get my desired goal out of hardwork and dedication. I am aware that there are people who gain little to nothing with any form of PE and I hope that I am not one of them and that I can, as Adam Sandlers says—“do it”. And Padawan, thank you for the encouraging words.

Dman fucking good post, Loner

Just remember, bigger than the other guys she has been with means “big.” There is no absolute Platonic ideal of “bigness”. It’s relative. I am gunning hard for that magic 5.75 girth, because I have the length. But I have a long way to go. Now I need to quit typing and go put a clamp on. Buh-bye!

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Originally Posted by Theloner
I has always been my dream to be in a conversation with some women and somehow the conversation gets turned around to dick size and someone accuses me of having a small dick and for me to just be able to wip it out and have everyones jaws hit the ground. That would be probably the best thing that I think could happen. I know it might sound silly but it’s my dream. And I hope I am a person who can get my desired goal out of hardwork and dedication. I am aware that there are people who gain little to nothing with any form of PE and I hope that I am not one of them and that I can, as Adam Sandlers says—“do it”. And Padawan, thank you for the encouraging words.

Dreaming instead of doing is vanity.
Make your dream come true!
Go for it!
Work it!
Jelq it!
Kegel it!
Stretch it!
Keep it warm!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Well, I am waiting for my Bib to come threw the mail and then I will be in full go mode. I really believe that I have what it takes to commit to PEing for years at an end. I have a goal and I will do whatever it take to accomplish that goal. I am not saying that I will not faulter on my journey becasue I believe everyone faulters at some point in life when something is difficult or takes more commitment than just waking up in the morning. However, the true test to commitment is not in doing whatever it is that someone finds hard, the true test is to take the hits and when you fall off the horse to get right back on and tell yourself that tommorrow will be a better day and with time it will get easier. I am not just taking about PEing, I am talking about life in general. Becasue no matter what we are, we have two things in common here at this site: 1. The desire for a larger and healthier unit and 2. We all have to live our own respective lives. I know I am long winded, but it seems that I found some inspiration this time around.

Originally Posted by baywatch
How does a woman actually say one has a big cock? Especially like the first time she sees it.

She will say “Omg, that is going to leave a mark!”

Start around 2006-03 -- BPEL: 6.2" EG: 4.8"

Current 2008-04-27 ---- BPEL: 7.4" EG: 5.2" BaseGirth:6.1"

Later ------------------ BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.9" :spin:

When I whip it out I make sure when they first see it to sort of press down around the base so it’s extended to its full 8; that first impression is really fun! And my unit is sort of wide and flat so from the top it looks thicker than it really is.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Originally Posted by dangleman
When I whip it out I make sure when they first see it to sort of press down around the base so it’s extended to it’s full 8; that first impression is really fun! And my unit is sort of wide and flat so from the top it looks thicker than it really is.

It is nice to have an 8” dick isn’t it?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Yeah, I am lucky because of the wide/flat design - I always let them see it from that angle first, because from that angle, as you can see in my pics, I look to have 6” girth mid-shaft. That plus the 8 length almost always gets a positive response. I especially like being warned to “take it easy with that thing”! LOL

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

So what are the stated words, Dangleman? Like what does a woman say? Whats have some said?

Baywatch - I don’t want to be an ass and a show-off, that is why I didn’t answer before. But in the interest of pumping up other guys here to keep on workin’ it: they have said:
“Wow, be careful with that thing”
“How do you think you’re going to get that inside me?”
“You’re the biggest I have had” (many girls)
“Please go slow”
“You missed a calling in porn” (this was a professional)
“You do know that only reason I’m dating you is that you have a big dick, right?”

Anyway - to me, it’s GIRTH that matters most, and I have a long way to go for the 5.75” mid-shaft where you enter the very top percentage. That is what I am working on now that I have length pretty much wrapped up.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Originally Posted by dangleman
disi - I am not necessarily saying that the 7 x 5.75 number is IDEAL, or that you should necessarily stop at that number. What I am saying is that it’s a good number to SHOOT for - where you will make a sudden leap from being “big” to being “in the top 5%) - probably the biggest most girls have seen.

dangleman, I agree with the basic premise of your thread, but not at all with 7 x 5.75 being in the “top 5%” - not at all. Such a measurement wouldn’t even put you in the top 10% (according to Kinsey & several other very detailed studies I’ve read over the years).

That’s certainly a more than respectable measurement, especially the girth, but it’s far from being a “shocker.”

Originally Posted by wadzilla
dangleman, I agree with the basic premise of your thread, but not at all with 7 x 5.75 being in the “top 5%” - not at all. Such a measurement wouldn’t even put you in the top 10% (according to Kinsey & several other very detailed studies I’ve read over the years).

That’s certainly a more than respectable measurement, especially the girth, but it’s far from being a “shocker.”


^^Based on Kinsey data

7 inches puts one into the top 9-10% for length

5.75 puts on into the top 5-7% for girth

I would imagine that looking at BOTH combined measurements of a 7 x 5.75 would place you in the top 5% at least.

Only 1/10 would be longer

Only 1/13 would be thicker.

So the probability that one would be longer AND thicker would be simply be the individual probability of each multiplied together, much like the probability of flipping three heads in a row would be 1/2*1/2*1/2 = 1 in 8.

So……1/10 * 1/13 = pretty rare.

06/21/07 NBP = 7.75(tape) FSL = 7.875 EG = 5.00 Volume= 15.42

09/13/07 NBP = 8.375 FSL = 8.75 EG = 5.38 Volume = 19.29 (+25%)

12/26/07 NBP = 8.625 FSL = 8.75 EG = 5.50 Volume = 20.82 (+35%)

Last edited by newguy01 : 12-07-2007 at .

The two aren’t independent. It’s top 10% for sure, even according to self-surveys. It might make you top 5% if you measure yourself more honestly than the average guy. I don’t know what wadzilla is on about with his comment.

Why are we always using Kinsey’s reports? They are old and were taken when sex was still taboo. Also when nobody knew about P.E or Thunder’s Place.;)

Why don’t we go with Masters and Johnson? OK! I know they tried to convert homosexuals. Bunch of crazy and pathetic researchers.

I have decided whatever I do I will move forward in life


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