Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The why my dick isn't growing thread!


The why my dick isn't growing thread!

So why aren’t we getting a gain? Or why aren’t we getting anymore gains? What the fuck happen? Is it our fault or what? How come we don’t get the gains we used to is it because you can only gain so much and than it’s over? Or are other factors at play?

I have been thinking about it lately and wondering why I haven’t really been able to gain of late and I was thinking it’s at least part my fault. I will use today as an example I had the whole day to myself granted I had to get some work done around the house but had I been thinking about growing dick I very easily could have worn one of my all day stretchers that fit very easily under my loose jeans. I also spent several hours by the computer and watching TV and I very easily could have worn my extender or hung with the bib but I didn’t.

The old Dino would not have wasted this time I would have incorporated the PE into my schedule. I can’t take full blame it really does get harder to get gains after your dick gets tough as nails but I have to admit to being a slacker lately. My lack of motivation is from not being unhappy with my size but it’s not my goal that I’m stuck at and I really need to hit it. While I don’t have the time to hang like I used to, their are times when I’m surfing or researching the stock market or just dicking around playing a game and I should be utilizing that time and multitasking by doing PE. It takes nothing to strap on a extender while surfing the net or reading the forum. I would never even waste 20 minutes when I was really serious even when I was in the bathroom I was doing a stretch here or there.

So this is a thread to look at yourself and your PE and try to understand what’s wrong and what you can do to right it and get gaining. So are you motivated enough or are you fooling yourself and just going through the motions and really not giving it all you could to succeed. So take a look and post it here and let us know what your going to do different to get some gains. I already started, I made sure my extender was on before I came back on the forum. I’m done messing around I will know longer waste anytime that I could be growing dick with!!

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

The body adapts very quickly. I’m just starting PE, but I’d imagine you have to be aware of plateaus and avoiding doing the same workouts all the time. When I go to the gym, I rotate my workout plan about every 4 - 6 weeks. Otherwise, my body adapts to the kind of stress I’m putting on it and stops getting stronger.

If you’re hitting a plateau in PE, change up your routine for a month and see what happens. If your body has adapted to the devices/exercises you currently use, you may not be able to continue without changing it up or taking a break.

That’s the other part. In bodybuilding, you have to take a break now and then just to let your body catch up and recharge. Then you’re ready to go again. I’d imagine this applies to PE as well.

Also, after changing up your workout for a cycle, you can come back to an old workout plan and start making gains on it again.

A good method to use might be to do extensive stretching work with minimal jelqing for four weeks, then switch to maintenance stretching with intense jelqing for the next four. Generally if you pound one area of your body very intensely for weeks at a time, it will continue to react for weeks after the initial stresses are gone.

This would allow you to rest a part of your unit while you workout other areas.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
—Albert Einstein, (attributed)

If what you’re doing isn’t working, completely change up your workout (devices, exercises, time, etc.) and see what happens.

Starting Stats Oct 29, 2007: 7 3/8" BPEL; 5 3/8" EG

Nov 7, 2007 7 3/4" BPEL; 5 3/8" EG

Goal: 8x6

Thanks Kwon I’m kinda up on all the latest and greatest and tried all the different angles and routines. I also have been working out in the gym for a long time so I know what works and what doesn’t. The problem I found with myself was I was only going through the motions and not taking avantage of time that I could have PE’ed in. It’s like going to the gym and never moving up in weight or time on a machine and instead of getting that last rep your stopping at 8 instead of 10. And putting off those sit ups till tomorrow:) . I have been writing it off to 100% hard gaining because I already have gained so much but in reality part of the problem was my lack of effort and me putting it off all the time.

With length I’m a firm believer that more is better the more hanging the more stretching the better, with girth rest is more important. The biggest gainers have been guys that hung huge hours. I really don’t believe I need anymore time off I need to be motivated and use my time well and when a chance to grow dick comes by I need to jump on it and not put it off till next time when I have more time. Like I just started reading a book and I’m going to combine reading with PE like I used to do when I was a gung ho mother farker

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yes, we need a “beat ourselves to death” thread. I too am guilty of procrastination. Had a repair operation on my stomach earlier this year and a few months after that I lost my job of 17 years. I got started again after the operation but the loss of the job took the wind out of my sails. So in effect I didn’t do any serious PE for several months. When I landed a new job I’m back in the ball game. I’m committed again and it has brought some nice results.

When you decon for whatever reason your going to loose some length. I know the drugs from the operations I’ve had knocked my biology for a loop. Well when I got back on the tread mill and applied myself I found gains came very quickly and a restoration of dick confirmation has made enthusiasm climb.

Dino your exactly right when you say that motivation is the key. When you miss a day here and there it makes a big difference. When you only apply half heatedly you get less then half hearted results. Consistency and dedication are what work, period.

I’d bet that those that haven’t gained anything for whatever period of time, if they look back and be totally honest, they could pick out just what we’re talking about. inconsistency and apathy or at least a lack of faith.
I may not be being fair here because life happens to all of us, but I think your setting a good example of being honest with ourselves and then doing something about it.

A mutual gung ho mother farker

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

I’m glad your doing better Monty I also went through some job changes so believe me I know how that can take the wind out of ones sails. My I’m glad to see your back in the game and motivated.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’m doing what I call PE salad try to cycle different jelqing grips, with fowfers, erect fowfers. Erect kegels, ballooning, 100% erect jelqing and just rotate these over and over again just to see what happens.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I think people simply to fail to step it up as they progress for whatever reasons. They get stuck somewhere along the way with routines that just ain’t enough anymore and the progress stalls.

My Measurements | My Favorites

Dino, whats your FL & FG compared to your EL & EG?

It’s quite possible that you’ve really exhausted much of the elasticity from your unit; therefore, further gains might be nearly impossible - no matter what you do.

The same psychological phenomenon happens to many weight lifters. Even in my case I experienced that (and, like you said, not because I was unhappy with my gains). But gains become so damn tough - if they come at all - that it tends to rob the joy from the activity. Furthermore, without those “rewards,” it becomes increasingly more difficult to stick with it.

So don’t blame yourself. That day will inevitably come for everyone (in almost any activity).

I did manual stretches for 2 months and gained some. I also gained some great girth from clamping and lost both gains because I took a month off and didn’t cement. What a waste, I’m not going to take any breaks this time around. I was on a roll, pe was like eating and brushing my teeth. Just for the record how long should one pe before taking a break?

I am starting to get bored of doing PE. I don’t have the same motivation as I did in the first two weeks.

My gains from stretching has stopped as well. Yet girth is so easy, unfortunately I already have more than enough. I might need a more powerful infrared light.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
[.] Yet girth is so easy, unfortunately I already have more than enough. I might need a more powerful infrared light.

How can you say girth is so easy?

Originally Posted by wadzilla

It’s quite possible that you’ve really exhausted much of the elasticity from your unit; therefore, further gains might be nearly impossible - no matter what you do.

The same psychological phenomenon happens to many weight lifters. Even in my case I experienced that (and, like you said, not because I was unhappy with my gains). But gains become so damn tough - if they come at all - that it tends to rob the joy from the activity. Furthermore, without those “rewards,” it becomes increasingly more difficult to stick with it.

So don’t blame yourself. That day will inevitably come for everyone (in almost any activity).

You may be right Bro, but I never really committed to wearing an all day stretcher so I’m going to give it a try. But you may be right I hung for a year and gained only .25 and I put at least 10 hours a week in usually more. But I’m thinking a constant stretch may be just the thing so I’m going to give the ADS a try and if that don’t work than who knows I may have reached my max expansion.


Don’t get bored already PE is a long haul hobby:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yeah, I know Dino9X7. It’s hard though, and I don’t really know where that boringness is coming from.

Hey Dino I am not that old with PE but I am having problems to gain. I think all the time why I am not gaining, I am not exercising enough or I am exercising to much?? Sometimes I think I am doing jelqs wrong because I can maintain the same erection during the whole routine, and sometimes I think I am doing stretches wrong. Sometimes I think it’s the heat that doing that difference (like firegoat always say), but I am always trying to keep up and try new things, I am now testing a split routine to see what happens, I don’t measure anymore, just once in a while, I think measuring and always get the “no gains” results it’s really depressing.

Until Jan 2008, I am not changing my routine and if I do not get gain I will stick again with the old newbie routine, and try to apply propper heat that time.

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