Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Today I was wrapping in preperation of hanging and I noticed something that I found to be pretty interesting. When I wrap, I get to about an inch away from the base of my penis, however I’m already begining to wrap onto the top of my scrotum by that time. To me, this seems to mean that my ligs are extended, and my Tunica shorter, or it could just mean that I have less skin stretch on the bottom of my penis. Does anyone else have this same situation? I’m not really sure if it’s just me but thought I would bring it up.

Current stats- 7.75" BPEL X 5.25 EG Goals- 8.5BPEL X 6.00 EG

I would say it is because you’ve lengthened your ligs, i.e. exposed some inner penis that needs skin to cover it. You’ve probably felt the skin stretch on top, but since there is no real resistence your shaft underside can just borrow from the scrotum skin.

Stretch the underside skin every day, preferably with a heat source like a shower. Also, if you can be bothered, wrap your scrotum for your last hanging set, to prevent the skin being borrowed and thus forcing it to stretch.

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