Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thoughts: Rest Days, Importance of Jelqing


Thoughts: Rest Days, Importance of Jelqing

I’m posting this here because I cannot post in the Penis Enlargement yet. Please let me preface by saying that these ideas are only meant for those who have successfully completed the newbie routine. Always listen to your body, do your own research, and be smart.

Getting into it, I’m really starting to believe in Bib‘s methodology of not taking rest days (when it comes to gaining length at least). I think this is one reason why guys that are seriously dedicated to extending (when combined with manuals or hanging) for an appreciable amount of time see the best length gains. Staying in an extended state doesn’t allow the penis to shrink and heal back stronger with scar tissue as it wants.

When we stretch our penis, we inevitably form contusions in the smooth muscle. These contusions are basically tiny knots that want to heal back stronger with scar tissue. I feel that stretching every day (prolonged time under tension) allows us to stay one step ahead of our penis, and not shrink and heal shorter. The trick, I believe, is to create just enough cumulative, yet controlled damage to stay in the “gain zone” and not get hurt.

I’m well aware that none of this is new thinking by any means. It is just a realization of what I’ve come to believe. However, one thing that I feel is drastically underemphasized is the importance of ***Jelqing***!

Jelqing, I feel, has the ability to work and massage out the contusions we create during our exercise, while also improving blood flow to our penis. IMO, this is critical.

It is essentially the equivalent of foam rolling a muscle after a hard workout. During hard strength training, contusions are inevitably formed in the muscle. This is why top athletes get deep tissue massage weekly, and also why massage is proven to not only increase range of motion, but performance in general. Foam rolling and other forms of active release are also a valuable tool to an injured athlete. For instance, it is important for an athlete to work out contusions in a strained hamstring (after rest of course) to break up some of the scar tissue that has formed, and encourage the rest of the scar tissue to be more pliable, and run in a favorable direction. This way, the injured muscle is less likely to become re-injured.

Jelqing, when performed properly, is like foam rolling and active release for our penis. It allows us to work out the contusions from prior exercise and stay healthy within that “gain zone”. Anyway, let me know if you guys agree.

Last edited by Braun : 12-07-2020 at .

I think you have provided a very logical explanation. Thanks for the insight.

I used to think like that and did not gain through it. I just learned this year, definetely, that erect penis grow during rest days, not “working” days.

What benefits through this methodology of “no rest days” is only the flaccid state of the penis. Neither Bib did it, Bib did hanging for 4 days (mon~thursday), on the 5th day (friday) he went soft on hanging and he never did on weekends, as he is a family man. In short, a 5on2off routine.

I understand the principle you are using to jelq, but you are comparing two different tissues to have the same application in virtue of the consequences of foam rolling. Undoubtedly, jelq has its merits, positive and negative effects on the penis, but regarding an advanced routine like hanging or clamping, I would definetely say that edging is by far the best option as an “after training” for such external stress and deformities on the penis, in order to refill blood or renew blood into venous compartiments, like that make sure that your erection is working fine and maintain in that state, although for a little while, something like 10 minutes.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

Very timely subject as I’m also struggling with no rest vs rest day approach. Currently hanging 3 20 min sets daily. Weekends cutting down to 1 or 2 sets but still hanging. Thinking of incorporating a wench ADS in the evenings to keep things extended for healing.

It’s weird. Subconsciously I almost feel like taking a full day or 2 off is automatically going to erase any gains and have my dick become tough and resistant to stretching. I know this isn’t the case, but that thought lingers in the back of my mind.

Also been reading on decon breaks. Still lots to learn but the idea of working smarter not harder sounds ideal. It would definitely be tough to not do any PE for a month or so though.

Everyone needs rest.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

C3ifador, thank you for your input. I am under the impression that Bib was a great preacher of “never let the penis rest” (unless you are hurt of course), and attempting to do at least one set of light hanging on “rest days” to keep the tissues elongated. However, I would not be surprised if he did in fact take 2 days of rest a week.

Personally, I think that 5, on 2 off is a great work to rest ratio for PE. That is what I have been following. I’m just experimenting with doing light stretching on my off days.

Also, I don’t disagree with your sentiment regarding edging. It is an extremely useful tool to use post-workout, and is undoubtedly great for maintaining penile health.

Titleist, regarding the rest days, I agree with you also. Everyone needs rest, of course. I only wonder if doing very light stretching or jelqing would be beneficial to perform on said rest days.

After all, light stretching and jelqing is, in fact, a warmup for most advanced PE guys. I feel that it has the benefits of keeping the tissues pliable and elongated, and getting more blood in the penis than no activity at all.

But, then again, maybe edging/sex is all we need to maintain the elongated and pliable state of our tissues without healing back smaller. It very well might be. I am simply under the assumption that light stretching or light jelqing on rest days could have its benefits (provided it stays light). I’ll be experimenting with this approach. Regardless, everyone should listen to their body. If you feel like you need rest, take it.

Last edited by Braun : 12-07-2020 at .

Originally Posted by Braun

C3ifador, thank you for your input. I am under the impression that Bib was a great preacher of “never let the penis rest” (unless you are hurt of course), and attempting to do at least one set of light hanging on “rest days” to keep the tissues elongated. However, I would not be surprised if he did in fact take 2 days of rest a week.

Personally, I think that 5, on 2 off is a great work to rest ratio for PE. That is what I have been following. I’m just experimenting with doing light stretching on my off days.

Also, I don’t disagree with your sentiment regarding edging. It is an extremely useful tool to use post-workout, and is undoubtedly great for maintaining penile health.

Braun, rest days mean that you should not do PE. If you do light stretching on your called “off days”, then in my understanding you have no rest days, you have working and light working routines. As you are experimenting, keep it for as long as you should experiment, but always listen to your PI’s. Be safe.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

I use soap to do a few “jelqs” on my flaccid penis while in the shower

I don’t think it does anything much to make it grow but I do think it helps keep the tissues soft and other things like that to help prime it to grow from the hanging

But I haven’t done experimentation to know if it is effective

Originally Posted by c3ifador
Braun, rest days mean that you should not do PE. If you do light stretching on your called “off days”, then in my understanding you have no rest days, you have working and light working routines. As you are experimenting, keep it for as long as you should experiment, but always listen to your PI’s. Be safe.

Of course, C3ifador. Best believe, if I do not wake up with morning wood, then that day will become a rest day for me (or a light working day in your words). PI’s should always be monitored.

Keep in mind fellas, I am very in tune with my body. In the gym, I’ve worked out hard for the past 15 years. At my best, I’ve managed a 585 lb deadlift weighing only 185 lbs. I’ve also deadlifted 435 lbs for 15 reps. I have videos of both. When I started lifting, I weighed only 155 lbs and at my biggest, I was 199 lbs (at 7% body fat). Needless to say, I did a lot of experimenting to get to that level of strength and size. If something feels off or isn’t working, I will ditch it. Also, I don’t feel that many people stick with routines long enough to learn anything from it or realize the gains they could have. That goes for both PE and the gym.

I will continue to experiment with performing very light stretching and/or jelqing on rest days. Whatever I gain or learn from it, I will let you guys know. As always, any input is welcome and appreciated. Stay safe gentlemen.

I agree to an extent. In my hanging routine I don’t incorporate planned rest days. I monitor my PI’s and adjust accordingly. If my EQ is shot then I’ll either do a light day or rest. Usually it’s a light day. I’ve gained 3/8” EL since I started up this last time in early August. That’s with fulcrum hanging where it’s supposed to be harder to gain. So what I’m doing seems to be working just fine. When I start doing a dedicated girth routine I’ll definitely go back to planned rest since girth work is much harder on the penis in my opinion.

2011 BPEL 5.65 MSEG 4.125

2021 7 5/8 X 5 3/8

Goal: Just keep on trucking

I’m after girth not length but either way, Rest is absolutely needed. I used to obsess about my routine and worry about time off and losing progress. More often than not, I’ve noticed a benefit to extra rest days. Rest is part of the puzzle for continued gains.

Typically, the more you push and ignore rest days, the quicker you will stall.

Its not discussed as much as the actual exercises here at thunders place but rest is equally important in the long run (in my opinion)

Originally Posted by Braun
Titleist, regarding the rest days, I agree with you also. Everyone needs rest, of course. I only wonder if doing very light stretching or jelqing would be beneficial to perform on said rest days.

Rest is complete rest.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

But my experience is with girth based manuals and pumping routines. I can’t speak about hanging or extending routines and can’t argue with anyone’s positive experiences with very little rest.

Originally Posted by Titleist
Rest is complete rest.

Ok, fair enough. In that case, I suppose I’m experimenting with no rest days and replacing them with two very light days. By light I mean around 10-15 minutes of stretching and jelqing. I’ve never tried it before, so I’ll be sure to watch my PI’s and adjust accordingly. If I feel my unit needs absolute rest, I’ll take it, of course.

The rest vs no rest debate is always an interesting one to me. There’s so many variables such as goals (length vs girth), total work volume, time under tension, etc. I raise the question: Two guys are doing the exact same amount of weekly work, except one splits it evenly over 7 days and the other only does 4 days a week. Which one do you guys believe would benefit more? I honestly don’t know the answer.

I feel what it ultimately comes down to is what you can recover from, and what you believe works for you. The power of the mind is a very real factor. Regardless, I’m not saying guys shouldn’t rest. By all means, take adequate rest days. I just think that some of the logic (when it comes to gaining length at least) favors less rest, more time under tension, and keeping the tissues in a fatigued state. Ironically, I’m not even prioritizing length at the moment.

At the end of the day, these are simply my thoughts. I don’t, however, want the old rest day debate to overshadow the other idea I had regarding the importance of jelqing. I feel that jelling is critical as it compliments and enhances other forms of PE, while also keeping the tissues pliable and healthy (similar to foam rolling). I suppose I should have made the two thoughts separate threads. Anyway, if anyone has any other thoughts regarding either ideas, they are welcome!

Change of Thought

Regarding rest days, I’ve changed my school of thought. I already believed that when working girth, rest days were needed, but thought that length may be able to be worked every day.

Well, after scouring the forums for hours the past few days and reading up on other perspectives, I’ve decided to heed the advice of some of the big gainers such as Titleist. thoughtfulgold, and others. There’s a reason that these guys have lasted so long and are still around (with impressive gains to boot).

That and quite frankly, it just makes sense. Try to prevent over-conditioning. Get the most out of the least amount of work. Take a break from time to time. It’s really no different than the gym. No one can progress linearly forever. It’s impossible. We have to schedule our training in blocks or waves for it to remain effective. Otherwise, the body will build up a resistance, or become overworked and start to regress. It’s only a question of how long until it happens.

From here on out, I’ll be incorporating at least 2 rest days a week, and a week or two off periodically.

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