Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Average Gains and Starting Measurements

Originally Posted by Useless
Gets harder and slower at some point … but gains won’t stop if you continue to grind at it.


Yes, gains will eventually stop. This is a statement that shouldn’t be made.Of course gains will stop.

This account is another iteration of the previously banned deadwood187 (see his previous end). He delights in trolling this board for some reason.

I think what we’re seeing here is that the first 1-2 cm are easy to gain, and as the real challenge comes to gain more than that, many drop off, or are satisfied with their new size.

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.

Originally Posted by juiice
I think what we’re seeing here is that the first 1-2 cm are easy to gain, and as the real challenge comes to gain more than that, many drop off, or are satisfied with their new size.

I’m up about an inch (so 2.54cm) and I’m finding it incredibly hard to move forwards. Starting to focus more on girth for now and then probably double back at length again. End goal is at least 2”x1” (so 5.08cm x 2.54cm) gain if not a bit more. Willing to keep at it for years though if that’s what it takes.

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"

When you Google average human penis circumference, 4.8” seems to be the most accurate. So as a group, are TP members above average in girth than the regular population? 4.9” of girth used to be the old average when I used to Google it back around 2003-2015. Not sure what year the average went down. I still feel like 5.0”-5.1” EG is small, which is what I’m at when I don’t do PE. I think I started out at 4.9” EG. I just feel that most men are thicker than me. I haven’t been able to keep a regular PE routine for a while and my unit is very unconditioned. I was injured and had to take time off. My penis doesn’t hurt when I don’t do PE but it feels like it gets soar if I do too much PE. The pain isn’t bad but I feel soar sometimes. I don’t know if this is normal. I don’t know if this is a psychological issue because I focus on the sensation in my penis and I am always on the lookout for any pain. It’s like I need to start over too and do some type of light newbie routine over to recondition myself. I’m lowering the pressure and not clamping anymore. I took about another month off. It seems like it keeps getting better over time but I don’t know if I am preventing myself from fully healing while doing any form of PE. I am not even sure if I’m still injured most of the time. Any way, sorry to hijack the thread, I just felt like venting. I’m pumping right now as I type this, with a Thermi Paq heating pad at around 3mlHg. I’ve been pumping for about 30 minutes. I might be overdoing it but the pressure drops to around 1.5-2.0mlHg. I’m going to do this every other day or some thing and do some edging. I just need to get my dick into shape again. Like some type of penis rehabilitation program to overcome an injury.

Current stats: [7.5 BPEL * 4.9 EG]

GOAL: [8 NBPEL * 6 EG]

Perception is reality.

I d like to see .. In more detail.. The same study but only about the gains when the users have data from over a year.. I mean to study only members with more than a year of presence on thunders.

And the same with 2 years.

Can I assist? I know a thing or two on R language

Starting (03/2016): 14cm (5'5) BPEL, 12,5cm (4'9) EG ----> Current: 14cm (5'5) BPEL, 12,5cm (4'9) EG ----> Goal: Pringles

I just wanted to know if 5.0EG is unimpressive to a woman and if some or most women think this size is “fine” or adequate; and would be disappointed, secretly wishing you were around 5.6EG at least. As a man, I am very unimpressed with my 5EG penis. As a matter of fact, I can’t even get an erection if I see a porn and the dude in it is 5EG. I rather watch solo girl than have to watch an average dick penetrate a hot chick. Also, not being able to do PE as much as I used to depresses the shit out of me. I’m just just too careful these days. The slightest ache or pain in my dick has me on red alert, causing me to hold back on PE and take too much time off. I’m not gaining anything at this point. It’s been 16 months since my jelqing injury. I put too much pressure on my glans and went over it with the standard OK grip and it started aching and throbbing horribly and wouldn’t stop for 6 weeks. I had no ED issues. It took 6 months to completely feel better but at that point it turned into a psychological pain as well. I do over think about it but I can’t say for sure if I’m still injured. I have done full blown sessions and not have been in pain, but a few times I felt my erections go kind of weak and numb while in the clamp and it psychologically made my dick run and hide in a corner. I feel soar sometimes like a day or two after doing PE at this point. Very little but the more I think about it the worse the pain gets. Cannabis makes the pain worse because I start thinking about it, so it might be psychological since weed is supposed to help with pain. Hopefully this goes away. I’m about to pump. I haven’t done PE for 3 days. My dick did used to ache pretty bad 8-12 months after the injury from pumping too much. It was like I was either aggravating the injury or my dick was just soar because it was unconditioned from not doing any PE in 6 months. I’m willing to bet a little of both.

Current stats: [7.5 BPEL * 4.9 EG]

GOAL: [8 NBPEL * 6 EG]

Perception is reality.

5.0 Girth is not unimpressive at all. Yes there are size queens out there who will want more, but there are also girls who have small vaginas that will find 5 inch girth to be a bit of a challenge to fit. 5 inch girth is right at the average, and thus you should realize that pretty much every other man you see will have less girth than you, and these men are all most likely having sex. From this it can be assumed that every other man a woman has sex with is smaller than you girth wise. If this still bothers you, then work hard and do your PE. You should take some time and figure out the difference between a good sore and a bad sore. If your penis feels like it did when you injured yourself, then you should avoid that pain. Otherwise, and as long as you have not been too aggressive with your PE, then you can assume that that small soreness is simply a good workout. You should take a look at the PI thread here for more information about positive and negative indicators when it comes to PE.

You’re welcome to try to compile that data, any help is much appreciated. I did this work in MATLAB, and I don’t know anything about R, so I won’t be able to help out much with coding to find the data you want.

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.

Well I certainly appreciate the effort that went into it.

And yes, self-reporting. Blah. While its an error factor in both measure modes, it is particularly an issue with girth. Because people observe different timings for when they take girth measurements and that dramatically affects values (i.e., right after PE vs. 2-3 days after NO PE - a massive difference in inflammation). So for me, the girth is truly a phantom thing. And I don’t suspect we’ll be able to document that one too well because we just can’t get guys to standardize those measurements. Too much ego or excitement involved with measuring right when a dick is fully pumped up.

Thanks again, bro.

Yeah I also noticed the inflated stats. It’s very high as compared to the internationally measured averages over 2 decades.

The average BP length is on average 5 3/4 and EG 4 5/8.

Either people on here are being dishonest, measuring incorrectly or the site is filled with guys who have big penises and want bigger ones. It might be a bit of all three.

Start: June, 2011 BPEL: 7.4" EG: 4.8"

Current: March 2015 BPEL: 8.1" EG: 5.1"

Goal: BPEL: 8.5" EG: 5.7"

Originally Posted by Pavlovsdog
Yeah I also noticed the inflated stats. It’s very high as compared to the internationally measured averages over 2 decades.

The average BP length is on average 5 3/4 and EG 4 5/8.

Either people on here are being dishonest, measuring incorrectly or the site is filled with guys who have big penises and want bigger ones. It might be a bit of all three.

I think it is because those who are smaller just lurk, vs the others who post. I guess I fit into the latter of you comment (big wanting bigger), but honestly it still looks small-ish to me. I’ve measured enough to know I am not doing it wrong, but I doubt I’m alone so there are probably others who are doing PE even though according to studies they are already big.

Also no matter how many studies I do read, I still can’t shake the thought that anything between 6-7” NBPEL x 5-5.5” is still pretty much the real average out there that most girls are sleeping with. To me big doesn’t really start until above those states, very close to 8” NBPEL x 6”, and huge is above those numbers as well.

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"

Every woman I’ve been with said it was the thickest she’s been with. Some couldn’t fit me in their mouth, others could. Either way I always have perceived myself as below average. Even now I feel small. 5.5 nbpel is just not enough when you have a larger then average girth.

My Progress Log With Pictures!

NBPEL: 6 inches MSEG: 6.25 inches

Goal: keep my curve and get to 7 x 7

Very interesting thread!
I thought, as a new member, I could somehow contribute to the discussion.

Below you can find, in case you haven´t seen this before, perhaps the best compilation of studies on average penis-dimensions:

(In inches: )
Let´s consider the first 2 studies, since the third one seems to be a way off the results in Wessels et al. 1996 and Schneider et al. 2001.
So, the studies state average penile size as follows:
Avg. Length – 15.74cm
Avg. Girth – 12.3cm

Avg. Length – 14.48cm
Avg. Girth – 12.4cm

If you have access to and read the studies, you will find some interesting info about the protocols used:
(1) Penile length in the flaccid and erect states: guidelines for penile augmentation - PubMed

"We performed a prospective study of flaccid and erect penile dimensions in 80 physically normal men at our institution. All patients were evaluated for sexual dysfunction but had no congenital or acquired abnormalities of the penis. Patients were excluded if they had a history of Peyronie’s disease, radical prostatectomy, urethroplasty or other penile surgery (except circumcision). Patient age and race were recorded…
All patients underwent intracavernous injection of prostaglandin El for evaluation of erectile dysfunction. After a period of privacy and self-stimulation, penile length and circumference were measured at full erection. If full rigidity was not obtained a mixture of phentolamine, papaverine and Prostaglandin El was injected to enhance erection, and measurements were repeated. Confidentiality was maintained in accordance with criteria of the committee on human research at our university…"

In Wessels et al. 1996 patients received injections of Prostaglandin E1, which is used in treatment of erectile dysfunction and has “vasodilatory properties”. So the EQ could be inflated, perhaps by up to 0,5+ cm (0.2 in), what is not uncommon with that type of drugs, however, I do not know for sure.

(2) Does penile size in younger men cause problems in condom use? a prospective measurement of penile dimensions in 111 young and 32 older men - PubMed

"We performed a prospective measurement of penile dimensions in the flaccid and erect state in 111 young men, 18 to 19 years old (group A), and, as a control, in 32 older men, 40 to 68 years old (group B). All patients were examined by one examiner (T.S.).
The young men were recruited by advertising in schools. All measurements were performed in the same room at the same temperature. As shown in Figure 1, we measured the penile length in the flaccid state from the pubic-penile skin junction to the meatus with a ruler. The prepubic fat pad was pushed to the bone at the maximum. The penile width was measured at the base and the glans penis with a caliper. Patients were left for a period in privacy and after self-stimulation (visual and manual), all measurements were repeated at full erection.

A full erection was defined as E5 on a scale from E0 to E5 (E0, no response; E5, full rigidity and full tumescence). All patients with an insufficient erection (E0 to E4) after visual, manual and/or pharmacologic stimulation were excluded from the study.

Our results are shown in Table I and Figure 2. The mean flaccid length (base to meatus) in group A (8.60 cm) and group B (9.22 cm) was signifi- cantly different, with longer penises in group B. The mean erect length (base to meatus) was 14.48 cm in group A and 14.18 cm in group B…"

So, there was a self-selection bias, participants (relevant to the compilation) were 18-19 years old, probably with good EQ, which was controlled with a subjective scale. BUT, let´s be realistic and consider, that it is quite difficult to maintain or even get a near your maximum erection while measured by a doctor, on the other hand the difference could not be that great, since they should have a good EQ to qualify as E5 - we can add something like 0.5-0.7cm to their result of 14,48cm.
In my opinion, based on these studies, it is safe to assume, that the average length is about 15-15.5cm (or less) without any pharmacologic assistance.

Same is true regarding girth measurements:
Wessels et al. 1996 has somewhat inflated scores, because of the drug used and Schneider only measured width:

The mean erect width at the base was significantly different, with 3.95 cm in group A and 3.50 cm in group B. A comparison of the erect width of the glans was also significantly different, with a mean erect width in group A of 3.49 cm and 3.32 cm in group B."

The score of 12.4cm is based on the width of 3.95cm, assuming a penis as a perfect cylinder, which is clearly not the case, since it is a bit “flat” and therefore will have a greater width with the same circumference. It means, that the girth of 12,4cm is probably inflated as well and it was measured at the base, so the average MEG would be lower than 12.3-12.4cm, like something around 12cm.

So the average seems to be 15-15.5cm BPEL and 12-12.2cm MEG, or less.
Length: 5.9-6.1 in, Girth: 4.7-4.73 in.

But, we can try to verify the data, using a somewhat different approach.
Since a male penis is a product of sexual selection, we can study female preferences .
I think, the best way to do so is not in relying on some subjective “measurements” by females, but in using some hard (lol) facts, namely – preferred dildo sizes=)
In my opinion, the US-market fits quite well, since it has big population size, good income to afford the toys and usage of these is more or less accepted, meaning an average woman (not only „sex obsessed”) could buy it.

So, let´s take a look on top-5 Amazon bestsellers in the category:
http://www.amaz … v_hpc_4_3777811
Some state length of 9 inches and so on, but you must look at “incertable length”. I just copy and paste:
1) insertable to 5.13", 3.5" in girth
2) 6.25" insertable length, 2.25" max insertable diameter
3) Girth: 5.0" Insertable length 6.25"
4) Insertable Length - 5.5 inches, Girth - 4.75 inches
5) inside diameter of approx. 1.5 inches, and 6.5 insertable
There are some bigger … samples in top-10, but these are the bestsellers.

Consider, that a person will likely find a sample more attractive if it is around the average or a bit larger. And, of course, you have to compare it with your actual length, that you are able to use during intercourse – BPEL is a good approximation of it (if a person is not severely overweight)
In my opinion, we could conclude, that the average stats of BPEL: 5.9-6.1 in, Girth: 4.7-4.73 in. Are pretty close to reality=)

As for our somewhat larger stats on Thunders place, I think it is a self-selection bias and only 2 or even 1 week of PE could inflate the size a bit, due to better EQ, more increased tissue elasticity and inflammation - so you have to pause your PE for at least a week to get accurate measurements, IMHO.

Sorry for my English=)

Last edited by cawkzilla : 03-30-2016 at .

Very informative post, cawkzilla!



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