Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tissue Growth

Tissue Growth

I am wondering what part of the diet promotes tissue growth? Nutritionally, would it it be vitamins and protein that would help develop the tissue faster?


good question! I’m hoping for good answers to

GOAL for December 2007: 8 X Red Bull

GOAL for December 2025: 14 X 10

Supplement L-Lysine and L-Arg.. Something are amino acid supplements that turn into nitrous oxide which is a building block of tissue. Or just go to GNC and look for bodybuilding supplements.

Click on my PE diet sticky. If you’re interested, the experiment is going to start May 1st.

That thread has the nutritional info on a bunch of NEEDED vitamins and what foods to consume to get those vitamins.


I appreciate your response and insight.
I checked out the PE diet, and also your routine thread, where you gained .75 inches of length in one month. Would you attribute most of your length gains to stretching or the jelqing?-and diet

I am desperate for some length, that really all I have been after- and I have only gained a half inch in one year. I put so much time into PE too-it’s freakin frustrating. Anyway, after hanging for like 7 months or so I am going back to manual workouts, and jelqing I have been reading is beneficial to length I started back up with them.. If you think you gained mostly from jelq’s, did you do it once or twice a day?


You need a positive energy balance (calories), all three macro-nutrients (protein, fat, and carbs), plus essential vitamins and minerals.

Carbs are needed to create an insulin response and drive the nutrients into cells. Fats are needed for a number of complicated hormonal reasons.

Just cut out all the junk, eat as healthy as you can and you’ll be fine.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

I just thought I would throw this in from my mentor, Bigger. Negative Energy Balance

Originally Posted by the tiger

I appreciate your response and insight.
I checked out the PE diet, and also your routine thread, where you gained .75 inches of length in one month. Would you attribute most of your length gains to stretching or the jelqing?-and diet

I am desperate for some length, that really all I have been after- and I have only gained a half inch in one year. I put so much time into PE too-it’s freakin frustrating. Anyway, after hanging for like 7 months or so I am going back to manual workouts, and jelqing I have been reading is beneficial to length I started back up with them.. If you think you gained mostly from jelq’s, did you do it once or twice a day?


None of my gains came from this diet, since I just made it a week ago. Most of my length gains came from stretching/hanging and jelqing. That is why I want to test this diet out to see if it makes a difference in combination with exercises.

1/2” in a year isn’t bad at all. Some would pawn their left testicle for that gain.

I usually had two jelq sessions a day.

I know you’re frustrated, but don’t be. I’ve said this more times than I can count, but I’ll say it again…Time with your penis is not wasted time.

Originally Posted by Mr. Nine

I just thought I would throw this in from my mentor, Bigger. Negative Energy Balance

The opposite of creating an anabolic environment, Bib’s protocol is designed to promote tissue breakdown and slow healing time. Essentially, the idea is that more catabolic you are the easier gains will come. When I was hanging, it was the method I followed.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

I suspect that what happens between workouts is more important than what happens during workouts. Basically, we stretch, we squeeze. Nothing too high-tech about that, and it’s not too tough to really hammer the tissues during impaction exercises.

I believe that we need “just enough” stimulation - avoiding trauma, of course - to “coax” growth. But the systemic environment of our bodies is critical to what happens to those tissues between workouts. I really believe that this is the “key” to making good gains.

I think it’s important to avoid the cell destructors - like tobacco; anything that harms circulation - too much caffeine, deep-fried garbage, gravies, heavy sauces. I also think it’s important to stay properly hydrated and get plenty of sound sleep.

In terms of supps, I’d say a good multi-vitamin/mineral, ginseng, and a lot of anti-oxidants like C & E (which help to combat cell death, free radicals, etc.).

And, that big gainer I knew was a fitness nut, very healthy & active, and he supplemented a lot.

I have no surveys or studies to back this up, but I really suspect that this may have a profound effect. We keep saying things like “some guys are easy gainers,” etc. Why? And why can some guys do a super high-tech, lengthy, detailed, grueling routine & gain nothing, while some guys do a very simple routine & make mad gains?

I think we should realize by now that the big difference isn’t simply in the routine or in some “secret new exercise.”

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