Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Too Much?

Too Much?

For how long do you kegal per day? Is there such a thing as too much kegaling? This question is aimed mostly at the guys who can control when they can orgasm.

Haven’t you heard the saying “Too much of anything is bad”? It applies here.

How many minutes ideal?

Several source recommend about 3 min/day. Possibly you can double this after a month, but at 3 min/day you’ll have a strong BC muscle after a month or two. Much more, and you get fatigue.

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Kegel your ass away! Kegel as long as you want for as often as you want. Try to make it a game show called “How long can you hold a Kegel”


Originally Posted by xlmagnum
Haven’t you heard the saying “Too much of anything is bad”? It applies here.

I would love to hear how it applies here.

Look at kegals like push ups.

You could train for endurance by doing hundreds a day or

you could train for strength and have someone sit on your back.

Or you could mix it up by training for strength and endurance.

Remember you are training a muscle. Muscles get stronger when stimulation is balanced with rest.

The closer you get to kageling to failure (when you can do another, or can’t hold it any longer) the more rest you need to recover.

So you can do a set when ever you think of it all day, provided you don’t really tire yourself. That is, quit when its still fairly easy.

Or, you can do a couple sets to failure, and take a day or two off afterward.

I personally like to kagel for strength of contraction. I will get a partial erection of about 50-80% and squeeze it with my hand. I then kagel against that pressure, kagel and try to hold it for 10 seconds. I will do as many sets as I can, with about 15-30 second rest between sets.

I know when to quit, when I can no longer hold the kagel against the pressure for the full 10 seconds. Then I stop the exercise. I wait 2-3 days then do it again.

You will know that you are getting stronger when you can either do more sets, or the same amount of sets against a stronger grip pressure.

The proof will be in stronger, harder erections ( as long as you are not overdoing the other PE exercises).

I’m no newbie to PE or kegals. I have worked up to about 40 minutes per day everyday, holding the kegals for different amounts of time. I think 40 mins is too much so I do 20 mins per day now. What do you guys think.

interesting, I do kegels by the number of repetitions, i.e. I make sure I do 100 kegels each set. Anytime, anywhere. Not by the amount of time… :)

I agree with Nine: I really think it would be hard to over Kegal, probably the more the better, but Sparky has a point; any exercise needs a rest period to rebuild and repair. The beauty of this exercise is you can do it anywhere or anytime, at work, while talking to people, driving your car. But if you want to do some super kegals, here are some tips. Dr. Ruth used to suggest for a man to hang a wet towel over their erect penis and try to lift it by kegaling. Well here is one better. (Probably not advisable for newbies) When hanging SD or BTC try to lift your weights with a kegal. I can lift 25 pounds by kegaling, but can only do a few at a time. This is the ultimate kegal. Shows how low my LOT is. Guys with a high LOT probably wouldn’t be able to lift the weight unless hanging up OTS with a pulley.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by soon10x7
I’m no newbie to PE or kegals. I have worked up to about 40 minutes per day everyday, holding the kegals for different amounts of time. I think 40 mins is too much so I do 20 mins per day now. What do you guys think.

I don’t think too much kegalling will hurt, but it probably won’t do you so much good either. You better spend the time and effort on other exercises to maximize your gains.
20-40 minutes sounds like too much for me, I would stop already at 5 minutes. But, then again, if you’re enjoying it, just keep going.



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