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Trick Little Portable Heat Pad

Trick Little Portable Heat Pad

Went to a scuba diving trade show and one booth was selling these neat little heating pads. I guess you’re supposed to drop them inside your wetsuit, but I immediately thought of PE uses :chuckle: It’s a sealed bag of basically salt in a liquid state that when a "clicker" is pushed starts a reaction that crystalizes the salt and produces 130 degrees of heat. Smaller sizes last about an hour and the larger sizes about two. They are reuseable. The only drawback I see to using one all the time is to get them back to the liquid state you have to place them in boiling water for 6 minutes, but that might be better than standing in front of a microwave waiting for a rice sock to heat up.

http://www.rehe … m/products.html

Nice find! I believe I will be ordering one of these.


I have one of those and take it with when hiking in the winter. I don’t use it every day like you would for PE; but, I have had it for abouut 10 years and it is still going strong.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I had something similar and it didn’t really work out that well for me. It seemed like after removing the pack from heat, the pack got too hard too quickly or something. Also it’s quicker and easier for me to use the microwave/rice sock.


Originally Posted by Sizemeister

It seemed like after removing the pack from heat, the pack got too hard too quickly or something.

You mean once the pack got hot, or was yours one that you actually had to heat up? If you work or knead this one a time or two, it will stay flexible/moldable. The rice sock is definately the easiest due to having to boil these suckers to reuse them, but these could work great for stealth situations or when a microwave isn’t accessible. They could be very handy on trips where I’m staying in a hotel or in a friend/relatives guest room.

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