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Turkey neck gets in the way of jelqing

Turkey neck gets in the way of jelqing

Havent Pe’d in a couple of weeks and thought I would get back into it tonight. After my warm up I tried to Jelq, however I could not get my hands to slide down my shaft properly as I kept rolling my turkey neck down my shaft, and this limits the amount of the force I apply on my dick. I never had this problem to the point where I had to stop what I was doing. The thing is I used the same lube as every other time! Anyone else have this problem?

I jelq one-handed with a reverse grip. With my other hand at the base I push in the fat pad with every stroke. This helps keeps that turkey neck at bay and ensures you are stroking your entire shaft.

You need to start stretching your balls to stretch and pull back some of that skin

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Try this, I have a Velcro strap that I wrap around my balls. Not to tight just tight enough to keep then at the bottom of your sack. Then I sit Indian style on the sofa with a piece of cardboard under my ass to keep the sofa clean. Ha ha. I can press my left heal of my foot up against my sack to keep my balls stretched down. This works very well I jelq with two hands and get the full shaft.

To sum it up, sit, keep balls stretched down, jelq.

Started: 7-01-05 BPEL 6.50 in NBP 6.00 EG 4.75 in Now: BPEL 7.5 in NBP 7.0 EG 5 inch (midshaft) Goal: Girth!!

I have the same problem. I tuck my balls underneath me derriere and I can do this because they hang low anyway, its a solution round the problem.

"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." Friedrich Nietzsche My Journey Start(march 24th 2005): 6.5"BPEL-5.0"EG. Now(Feb 1st 2006):7.5"BPEL-5.375"EG

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