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Turkey neck solution? No surgery..

Turkey neck solution? No surgery..

This is a link to the DTR product which is a foreskin restoring product that looks promising: what is a DTR

I’m thinking that by wrapping our balls up and then using this product it could basically get rid of a turkey neck because growing more shaft skin is what we try to do when getting rid of a turkey neck right?

Any thoughts? Has anyone used this product?

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I own one. No need to wrap your balls, but even if you did the tension on the shaft skin you want to expand would be minimal as you need to fold your skin over when rolling up onto the bell, which is going to take a lot of the skin most cut guys have. Essentially there is very little shaft skin to work with for those us that were circumcised and tapeless devices are one of the least effective ways to tension that skin because of how much has to be used in applying the device.

The DTR will put great tension on the skin in the inner fold, and much less on the outer fold. IMO you would be better off doing manual stretching specifically targetted to the area below your circ scar and above where your turkey neck ends. It is simple just use an OK grip at those two points and apply tension in opposite directions (use sensible tension though as you don’t want to cause injury to the skin).

- Chris

That product looks excellent, can it be purchased or is it a do it yourself thing?

Yes, Chuck sells them - great guy. IIRC he is on vacation or something right now. I think somebody posted something along those lines at one of the FR forums recently, but if you are interested definitely email him.

- Chris

I have one. Depends on how bad your turkey neck is. It has actually made things worse for me. You might not be as bad off as I am though.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

That looks like a very interesting device.

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