Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

"Ultimate" ADS

Someone try this out for us. I just want to know if this thing can stay on for hours.

"The past may hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it." "Life moves pretty fast. One should stop and look around from time to time, before it passes you by." BigCatLion Hear My Roar

i ordered one a few days ago, ill let you know how it works when i receive it. Ive heard good things about it from supra.


I got mine today and put it on. It doesnt want to come off and i bet im pulling with 10 pounds of force on it. It might not be good for guys that are really tight cut cause it does need some skin to create the suction force need to pull the penis shaft. I wore it for 2 hours and my dick looked fine and it didnt even come off. I went outside and dug some holes for some plants i need to plant and it still didnt come off through all of that. Truly amazing and i got a incredible dick stretch from it. Im sticking with this from now on i think. Gonna try to wear it 8 hours tomorrow. Supra told me he has been wearing his 12 hours per day.


Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

One more thing you remember Bib talking about how when you hang you need to stretch some skin with your dick also otherwise your dick will become to big for the skin? This is kinda the same principle I think. I love this thing now that Ive tried it. Im going to wear it before and after doing my hanging sets everday with my wench. Supra even told me today on AIM that he slept with it on last night with no discomfort to his penis.

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

That is Supras pic of him using it

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

Hey erm, what size cone did you get? My stats are the same as yours, but slightly less girth.

"The past may hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it." "Life moves pretty fast. One should stop and look around from time to time, before it passes you by." BigCatLion Hear My Roar

I think the design looks very clever and it’s as compact as it can get however you’re stretching your shaft by pulling on your glans. I don’t want to gain if it means my glans moves higher up my shaft or deforms.

I only want to use my glans for anti-slippage purposes, preventing my hanger/stretcher from coming off but with minimal force applied to my glans. My tunica and ligs are stronger than my glans and those are the ones I want to take all the force. I wouldn’t like my glans taking the same force as I apply to them.

Good Point PIET!

"The past may hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it." "Life moves pretty fast. One should stop and look around from time to time, before it passes you by." BigCatLion Hear My Roar

It really doesnt feel like all the pressure is on the glans though. You would just have to try it to see what I mean. I thought I would wear it though and see what kind of results I can get with it. I dont think it would deform anyway. It does give a good stretch to penis shaft also not just the glans and plus your not pulling hard enough to deform your penis. Its not like your trying to pull your penis head off. It just enough pull to make cell’smultiply. I just got the regular sized cone and it works fine cause my head is under 1.75 across

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

I will have to order myself and check it out.

"The past may hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it." "Life moves pretty fast. One should stop and look around from time to time, before it passes you by." BigCatLion Hear My Roar

Several have commented on other sites I use including MoS. Yes, there is a foreskin replacement product sold. That is his primary purpose at the site. However the “TLC Tugger” is not a foreskin restorer from all who have used it. The ventless forms a suction on the head only and places the traction on the inner shaft not the skin. Most refer to the benefit of stopping retraction after hanging but, some use it as just an ADS. While simple in it’s construction and use from the users statements, all have had good things to say about it. I may get one and try it myself.

This device is absolute genius. I’m going to wear mine as close to 24hours a day as I can.

It can be worn almost invisibly and comfortably. No coldness or numbness.

It is not something I would wear, however for those who like it why not just build a homemade version. Tom Hubbard has instructions on his page how to make something similar: - bad link Penis workshop

This one is meant for skinrestoration but if you use a closed ‘B’ you have a ventless tugger. Instead of the weight you can attach it to a strap around leg/waist. Putting this one together would take as long as filling out the order :)

Originally Posted by Wt282

On some of the foreskin restoration sites, the devices would come loose and fall down the user’s pants leg. They would say “oh I must have a hole in my pocket” and very quickly pick up their devices.

Oops! Quickly retrieve the dick-stretcher before somebody says, “Hey, man, what the HELL is that thing? Something to stretch your dick?”

And you quickly scoop it off the floor as the women in office point and laugh at you.

I just got mine in the mail yesterday. First let me say that the guy who runs the site is VERY customer oriented. I accidentally ordered the tugger and not the VENTLESS tugger (the regular is for foreskin retoration) and sent him an email late the night I received the confirmation email he sends out after getting your order. He changed the order and shipped it immediately (in fact, if Monday hadn’t been a holiday, I would have gotten the wrong one because he turns the orders around so quickly). I ordered it Monday and got it in the mail Friday.

Second, let me say that it is very easy to use. There is a little stretching of skin that seems to be required at first (kinda like using a hanger, the skin has to stretch a bit first) but it holds very comfortably, and I think that the skin stretch will make it possible to pull harder and harder. There will be a limited amount the skin can stretch, though, without a vent, so I’m not worried about getting too much skin stretch down the line. Basically, it will stretch along with th e increasing shaft length.

Lastly, I have been wearing it easily for several hours at a time without impeding any activity. I haven’t worn it to work yet, but I plan to. As for it falling out of my pants, it can’t, because it is attached to the strap around the knee, so it won’t fall past your pant leg. It’s an ingenious device, and I’m feeling pretty good about the potential for gains.

I’ll keep you guys posted.


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