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"Ultimate" ADS


"Ultimate" ADS

Pinch of salt time. Hope it’s ok to link to other forums as this link goes to MOS.

What does everyone think of this?

If this kind of linking is not allowed please remove, thanks.

The VLC has no vent. With it, you may experience up to an eighth-inch of shaft lengthening per year. I don’t recommend this; I offer it based on requests from tuggers. To me, it’s unproven…

Hmmm, doesn’t sound too promising.

I really don’t get it, it’s looks like a piss poor hanger and who wants that much extra skin. I’m already dealing with turkey neck and pound puppy dick.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

All very dubious. Apparently this ventless version grips with a vacuum, but I cannot see how it could be effective.

Dino9x7, the page is mainly about foreskin restoration except the product “TLC Ventless™ Tugger” is an ADS. It seems to produce a vacuum around the glans when tension is applied.

You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was. - Irish proverb

Thanks estatic I thought the stretcher also gave you extra skin. But I just don’t see how it would be effective, I can’t imagine it would stay on but who knows if anybody tries it keep us posted.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Re: "Ultimate" ADS

Originally posted by ICM
Pinch of salt time. Hope it's ok to link to other forums as this link goes to MOS.

What does everyone think of this?

If this kind of linking is not allowed please remove, thanks.

The TLC tugger? That’s been around for a while now. There might even be a post about it on this site- but for what it’s worth, I’ve read somewhere (either this site or peforum) that there were some complications with it that were unsafe. The only ADS device I’d opt for would be a home made foreskin restoration device. I’ve gained pretty good using manual techniques for about 90 minutes each night, but if I want a more intense stretch then I’d go for making a hanger (which I bought parts for today :) ) I’m sure the TLC tugger can give you a good stretch, but I’d rather not be standing in line at school and suddenly feel my penis become numb. Just my opinion.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Well im going to try it and ill post some results from wearing it hear. Ive talked to Supra a lot and he says it pulls your meat really good with no bad side effects at all

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

Oh wait… the TLC tugger IS the foreskin device. This is some new product then on their site. I got it confused with the JES extender- which looked like a torture device from the middle ages. This tugger … appears to be a modified version of their foreskin device- only plugged up?

Q: What's the VLC? What's this about shaft lengthening?

A: The standard TLC has a vent hole. This allows air in. Without it, the seal of your skin against the tugger would cause a vacuum when tension was applied. With the vent, the glans can lift away from the tugger so you can draw a nice tube of skin.

Without the vent, your glans stays snugly in the recess of the tugger, and some of the tugging force is imparted to the core of the penile shaft as a whole instead of to the skin tube. It's analogous to the difference between your body being lifted by your turtleneck collar vs being lifted by your skull.

The VLC has no vent. With it, you may experience up to an eighth-inch of shaft lengthening per year. I don't recommend this; I offer it based on requests from tuggers. To me, it's unproven, and it could slow your gains in skin coverage for two reasons:
a) your longer shaft requires ever more skin to cover it
b) some of the tension that could be focused on your skin tube is directed to your shaft

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

I need to know more about this.

"The past may hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it." "Life moves pretty fast. One should stop and look around from time to time, before it passes you by." BigCatLion Hear My Roar

I would like a recommendation from someone on this site that has used it before. Though, it does spark an interest. We need someone to test it out. I can see myself at work in a meeting and the suction loose its power, and hearing it, and the strap making a snapping sound as it unravels. How could you explain that?

"The past may hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it." "Life moves pretty fast. One should stop and look around from time to time, before it passes you by." BigCatLion Hear My Roar

On some of the foreskin restoration sites, the devices would come loose and fall down the user’s pants leg. They would say “oh I must have a hole in my pocket” and very quickly pick up their devices.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Anybody try this ADS method.

"The past may hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it." "Life moves pretty fast. One should stop and look around from time to time, before it passes you by." BigCatLion Hear My Roar

G-Damn, I am a thread killer.

"The past may hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it." "Life moves pretty fast. One should stop and look around from time to time, before it passes you by." BigCatLion Hear My Roar

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