The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75
3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75
Current 7.85" BPEL (7.25" NPBEL) x 5.75" MSEG| 6.25" BEG | 5" Flaccid Length
Goal 8" NBPEL x 6.25" MSEG
Historical graph since start including all Measures and Goals -
Start 2008-09-01: 5,9" X 4,5", 2012-03-31: 7,3" X 5.4" - Goal 7,5" X 5,5"
Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.
Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)