Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Using porn with PE

I’ve found lately that what works in getting me aroused for PE (and other things) is erotic stories and written sexual experiences. For a while now, I’ve found myself not getting sexually excited by visual porn. I think because it’s so ridiculously available at my fingertips (the porn I mean…lol), it holds no interest to me…no newness to it. And sexual feelings are all about excitement, anticipation and the thought of things to come (or cum!)

A written account of something sexual lets my imagination go wild without the aid of a video or photographs and there’s nothing more titillating than some long, drawn-out written description of a hot sex act. There are websites out there for those of us who get turned on by erotic writing. In my view, it’s not exactly on the same level as porn especially if it is well-written. Just a suggestion…

same problem.

I’m also 22 and have this same problem. Porn has desensitized me and made me reliant on external stimuli. I really need to kick the habbit like you guys are saying, so I can get back up to normal (pun intended, lol).

Im2, this whole time I thought I was pretty much alone. Look what porn is doing to us young guys man!

We should all put together a law-firm and sue these porn companies!….

Unfortunately however, we would all be known as ‘Those f*****g bastards who tried to stop the porn industry’..

Anyway, I want to start my PE session but I don’t know how i’m going to keep my erection without lookin at porn! arrrrrgh

If the porn is essential just peek at it and look away. You have to cut back on porn in general, i.e vids, dvds, mags or net surfing, thats the only way you are going to see an improvement. And yes i can relate, i try to avoid it as much as i can so now it has a greater effect. Porn is good but is addictive and does have an influence on us. I sometimes think geez im a dirty perverted basted, and then i think of other peoples normal lives and I feel even more guilt.

I know im young at 18, but I never look at porn during the session as I find that it gets me too hard!

I’m not boasting because i’m sure it’s my age and it also causes a problem getting too hard and having to temporarly stop the session to get back to the desired hardness :(

Without porn I find I can use my imagination and switch that on and off to achieve the desired hardness (much like the throttle on a car)

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

a little more

I’m also in my lower twenties. I’m 23 yrs old. I also can’t look at porn during PE unless I had my pump on. I’d get to hard for jelqing, and manual stretching would be impossible ofcourse.

I just see how it affected my satisfaction with my lover. I also would not get it up unless we were being very passionate. Other than that as I mentioned earlier, I would finger her and dry jelq it up.

When I first began looking at pictures at the age of 13 or so. I felt like I was doing it to learn. I looked at the woman’s labia, and tried to find their uretha and everything. As a child I wasn’t around gils enough to play doctor or explore, or talk about such things. My mom also kept me out of sex ed in school thinking that they would send us in the wrong directions with their teachings. I then began to study size as soon as I started watching videos. I watched them every chance that I got at friends houses as a teenager. Then at about 18, I discovered the net.

I had slacked off on porn when I was 16 because I was with my first love that year. I was in love and didn’t care anymore how other women looked at all. I was in love. Everything with her was like magic. Well, I had almost fisted her accidentally while fingering her and adding fingers once. After we had broken up. I hated my dick with a passion. I then discovered fisting on the net and learned all about it. I looked at pictures when possible a bit, but the stories are what really set me off. I began to read stories about anyone or anything that had a big cock or dildo penetrating a woman. I even began to wish that I were born female and had become lez. I hated having a dick that was worthless. I wanted to experiece fisting women and experience vaginal penetration first hand. I was off my rocker for a couple of months.

Since then I’ve only been reading to much and occasionally viewing porn.
I really havn’t been masturbating to it at all due to the fact that I get on the school’s computers. I can’t…… But, I know that I’ve got to control myself.

Now, I just want to see pics of pics of sexy women now and then and will look at awsome amatuer fisting, dildo, or strapon pics casually for just a glance. I kind of just critique them now.

I still mostly just masterbate to fantasies of women with women mostly. Every now and then I’ll throw in the couple experimenting with the very well endowed guy for her fantasy. I’m just about never in them.

Oh well jelqist, I hope that you don’t mind that I’ve posted so much on this thread. It has helped me to realize quite a bit. Thanks. Good luck straightening out. I will give it a good go.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

I think I’ll also add a little to this discussion. I don’t post often but this has brought me out…

I too find that looking at porn will thoroughly desensitize you. I’m 18, and I can get an erection fine, but I have noticed that it is much more difficult to get a credible erection when not viewing porn. I’ve been watchin porn for a few years now and for the longest time, I didn’t think I was damaging myself in the least bit. Every day I would watch somethin and over the years it has just piled up. Some guys can just get hard when there’s a naked girl next to them or when the slightest thought of actual sex (meaning they are gonna get some) creeps into their mind. Me, I found that I have to do a lot more foreplay, or like in the porn movies - get a blowjob to get a big hard on. It’s damaging to my confidence b/c I’m like in my prime sexually and am worried about whether or not I’ll have a sufficient enough erection to put on a condom and nail the girl. Add to that, the fact that I’m a grower and not a shower, so I would like to be pretty aroused when I take my dick out, but I’m not and it doesn’t look as big as it can get. BTw, i’m 6.5 * 4.5.

I can get so hard so quickly with a porn movie and the very, very sad fact is that sometimes the porn feels better than the real thing. With porn I don’t have to worry about an erection or anything b/c I’ve trained my dick over the many years to get an erection from porn. My dick has become accustomed to that stimuli - porn, and now that it’s accustomed, it needs it. We are the generation of computer porn and with fast internet and everything being file shared, it’s no problem to obtain it. Back in the day, the most you could look at was some nudie mags or some rented videos or whatever, so nobody really had to deal with this problem of porno desensitization. Now, this generation must and I think there are quite a few of us that are dealing with it. I can get an erection with a girl, but what I hate is that it’s not as strong as the surge I get with porno.

I’ve read about this on Dr. Lin’s site - the whole overmasturbation/desensitation thing. Porno just adds to the whole mixture. I’ve come (actually been coming) to a realization that I need to give it up and I have decreased my viewing a lot, but I need to give it up completely in order to have the fun fun sex that I desire. I’m going to start tonight. I’ve felt and known about the side effects of all this porno and now others are starting to come out with the same problems. It’s no secret, there’s no denying, and it’s all very simple to understand - so it’s time to give it up period.

Wow, only read this thread today… lot of personal stories of great importance about dealing with one’s sexuality. Only simple point to add: being an office surfer has positive aspects. You can’t watch porn in the office bathroom. I am concentrating on the sexy look of my cock, but the 100% erect jelqing which I like, I achieve by visualizing sexual fantasies. :-Y

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

If I had the Internet when I was 12, I’d be way more jaded than I am now, and a hell of a lot sooner.

It’s not just boys. Little girls are corrupted too. I see 15 & 16 year old girls with fucking tongue piercings. Uh… maybe I’m from planet X, but what do you think a tongue ring is supposed to be used for? Kids are lemmings, I know, monkey see, monkey do…but… these girls are horny, and want to get fucked, but look like fucking babies! Most of the time, they not only look like babies, they have babies!! Go figure.

If they’re not gonna use condoms, hasn’t anyone heard of pulling the fuck out?! Or does it “feel too good” for those fucktards (who are no higher up in thought-processes than fucking animals) to stop for a second, pull your shrimp-dick out and spill your bastardizing seed elsewhere?

Sorry for the mini-rant.

Becoming.... Godsize

Now this is why they are so worried about the violence in TV. Some people just can’t define the difference between reality and fairy tales. ;) I never get 100% hard while watching porn, but it does help with my girth routine, keeping an erection. I actually can’t do my girth routine without porn. :D

Still… I only get 100% hard when getting busy. This really makes it difficult for me to get realistic measurements… ;)

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."


Yes, I feel strange admitting all of this. I mean I’ve been one hell of a porn advocate and wish that their were fewer restrictions on porn content and the whole nine yards. I am happy that it is available and that we have the freedom to view it, but the simple fact is I’d better let myself get sensitive to normal sex again. It like hating candy companies because you can get fat eating to much of that tasty stuff.

I have also quit since yesterday. I’ve don’t usually get an erection from watching porn alone without touching myself, but I usually can’t help touching myself when reading something hot.

What it still comes down to for me is the availability of all sex acts to fantasize about and see on the net. It makes my reality boring. That sucks. I’d love to get it up again from just seeing my partner in erotic ways.

It is gonna be hard for me. I’m going to toss my magazines and stash my “hard to find” porn vids of fisting and such. I may pull up the How-to one again later once I’ve got a partner and I’m working like a well oiled machine.

I wouldn’t trade my views and knowledge about sex that I have now for anything. Now I just have to store that info and let my natural youth and sex drive come back and be stimulated by a wonderful woman in the future. Until then I’m going to PE away!

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Well, it has been just about a week now that I have stayed away from porn and erotica. I’m feeling better.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

It has been a week and I have also stayed away, i am going to try and keep it up (literally).

Good Luck Kojack. I feel better about the whole thing aswell.

That is great. Let’s keep up with this.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE. is for sale

Hello - not plugging any particular site here … just the one I use to keep the tension (not full erection) on while I am pumping. This an EROTICA site - written, not visual (you get to do the visual between your ears - good place for it, anyway).

It, and other sites like it allow you to experience vitrually any sexual situation of any kind - hetero or homoerotic, BDSM or the like, and erotic literature forces oneto create visiaul and other sensory imagery in the MOST SEXUAL site of the body - the brain. (sex takes place between the legs - SEX HAPPENS in the mind)

Find an erotica site with NO VISUAL IMAGES, and exercise your best sex organ for a while … it has really done wonders for me - and has really sparked a whole new appreciation for sexuality in general.

Piss on the obvious pussy shots - nothing to the imagination. That is why I prefer my wife NOT getting into bed naked - I like to help the process, and like it when she undresses me - if only to yank off my shorts. It adds a different dimension to the lovemaking.

Enjoy the erotica - dump the porn.


"Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if treason prosper, none dare call it treason." - Harrington



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