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Using porn with PE


Using porn with PE

I have a bit of a dilemma.

I want to give up looking at porn because I fear that it is making me to reliant on visual stimulation and is affecting my sex drive.

Anyway, the problem is I always sit in front of my computer and look at porn during my 1 hour jelqing/ uli/ horses session.

I think I have become reliant on using porn to get my dick hard again directly after each uli or horse squeeze or whatever.

Any advice would be much appreciated because it has got to the stage where it is affecting when I have sex with my girl becuase I can not rely on my mind to get a boner, I need physical stimulation and even then my dick is not as hard as I want it usually. It is stressing me out.

What can I do?


How about having some gorgeous ladies strip in front of you instead ;)


Give it up then. You’ll be able to get it up enough with some practice.

porn is fun but definitely addictive.
I have similar problems with my sexual relationship with my wife beacuse she hates porn.
Try cutting back on the amount of time looking at it.
I keep a small folder of clippings from Penthouse and Hustler, my favorite skin mags and look at them briefly during a jelq sessions. It helps motivation but doesn’t seem to take over my fantasies.

good luck

big big

Jelqist, I think that I can relate to your findings. In my opinion, maybe you should try to become semi erect with sexual thoughts about your girlfriend.

In the past two relationships that I’ve had I found that I get hard only about 30% percent of the time from the heat and intimacy of things. I’ve had to start to light dry jelq and finger them to get hard on the rest of the times. Feeling their vagina and its elasticity and wetness always gets me going.

I always felt that this was mostly due to being single for long periods of time and going without sex for 2.5 years twice. I also reasoned that my fantasies from looking at porn and reading erotica exclusively instead of having a lover made the simple important things about sex seem dull. I found that my fantasies were better than my reality. That sucks. Fantasies will always be better because they are imaginary and perfected for our own desires, but it still sucks not to be able to live things out.

I’d tone things down a bit. I have and it has helped.

Personally, I need to find a girl that is as open minded as I am when it comes to sex. Sex is like a buffet for me. I can not just live off of only two or three types of food. I need a woman that is on my level and experiments. I’ve been that way in my mind and in my desires for so long that having “only” love making sex leaves me partially empty.

Ok, I started to stray off there a bit. Sorry, but just kind of wean off of the porn a little at a time by decreaseing the amount of time that you view it during each PE session.

Anyone else have an opinion on this?

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

I experienced the exact same thing, and I am also done watching porn for a while for the same reasons. It’ll take a little time, but you’re dick will get hard again without those stimulations. The main thing you should do is try to masturbate as little as possible. I know it’s hard as hell, but try to only masturbate if something has really turned you on…..don’t do it just for the hell of doing it. You’ll notice that PE itself will make your dick harder….just give it a little time and don’t stress. You may have problems with PE for a couple days from now, but then it’ll all work out fine….just give it time.

If the problem persists I would suggest adding a supplement such as Arginine. Good luck, and congrats on accepting you porn problem. It’s a hard thing to do, but you’ll be amazed in a little while, when you can have great ejaculations when thinking about some girl’s ass you checked out that day.

Good luck,

I’ve gone beyond just the interest in seeing skin. I’ve been looking at porn since I’m thirteen. It is the fetish, swinging lifestyle, and taboo pics or erotica that get me going. I’m backing off a bit and looking for a woman with my interest, then I’ll try and stay on her level. I might be a little balanced after that.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Hi, my name is Kojack10 and I’m a sex addict.

I’ve always felt that my way of thinking and the views/knowledge about sex were priceless. I do like being who I am and being very sexual, but when I read about things instead of doing homework, working out, PE, or even eating. It has become a problem. Here I am right now while I have more important things that “have” to be done.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Thanks guys.

I’m going to start by only looking at porn during PE when I really have to then eventually hopefully I won’t need it at all.

I am not going to use porn to get me turned on and masturbate, I think what might help is if I only masturbate when I am turned on through mental stimulation without porn(If that ever happens - its been so long since I’ve got a boner from neither porn or ‘morning wood’ type erections).

I’ve been stressed out and worried about this for a while, I have had trouble keeping a decent erection during sex and I think part of the problem is anxiety, I’m only 22. I really need to overcome this because I want to start having good sex and not worry if my dick is going to be as hard as it should be during love-making.

I need to train my dick to stay hard without me looking at porn and masturbating.


Good stuff Jelquist, try to stick with it.
Just so you know I myself and also only 22, and I think this is becoming a very prevelant problem with people our age, but we are the generation of computer porn, and have seen much more than others ever had during adolescence. I am actually in therapy right now (for other problems like depression), but one thing we speak about is pornography and how it can desensitize us to the normal things that have turned us on. It use to be that one could just stick in his pron video, and keep rewinding and forwarding to the scenes they like. Now with files sharing, there is an unlimited array of porn, including many aggressive clips that have been scientifically proven to alter ones perspective on sex. Personally, I was doing the same thing, only watching porn to get erect, but you’re only delaying a problem that won’t fix itself. Porn has caused you erectile difficulty it is important that you cut off any dependancy on it….this includes using it to get erect. Just try 1 week without any porn, and I am absolutely positive you’re be able to get erections for jPE without using porn.

For some, porn is very helpful with their PE, but people our age should not have such dependency. Anyway, just want you to know that I’ve been through it, and after a couple months of no porn, I’ve become much more confident in my erections.


jelquist and skin

it’s a good thing that you recognize the problems inherent in porn and how it can affect your real relationships. Understanding a problem is basic to resolving it. I am older than you guys but looked at a lot of porn when I was in my 30’s. I was alone then and struggling with my sexuality. This is not easy to talk about but this site seems pretty sensitive and supporting on this issuue. I used porn to change my sexuality from gay to hetero. Of course it’s not that simple and I am not anti-gay at all. Aids was raging in NY and thousands of men were dying so I left gay life just because I wanted to fuck girls. I did learn how to fuck girls even though they weren’t nice girls. I actually had quite a good time going to cinenmas (pre-vcr days) and then spending hours in topless and strip bars.

Eventually I became more confident with women and got married.

I don’t look at much porn now but enjoy it when the opportunity comes around. I just don’t take it too seriously and I don’t masturbate to climax.

I did try jelqing and watching porn a couple of times but got too excited and ended my jelqing.

I’m glad you guys are cutting back on this and improving your own sex lives. Keep up the good work.


These guys are right when they recommend laying off the porn for a week. It works wonders.
For my part I’ve learned that porn can be a fun and useful aid in achieving sexual satisfaction. But nothing beats the real thing. You just have to let yourself see your partner in a new and different light every so often.



Skinnyguy thanks man! It’s good to know i’ve got the advice of someone whos been through it and knows how I feel. I really appreciate it.

Thankyou to everyone who replied aswell, I feel better now that I’ve got it off my chest.


Thanks for sharing your personal story. I’m glad that your choice to change has worked out well for you. This is a very generous and supportive Forum. If you wish to address your story further, you should check out this thread where the responses were amazingly honest:

Homosexuality in Heterosexual Men


I still have problems in my marriage in trying not to cheat and a few other issues but I did make a choice. Before I felt I had no choice.

I’m just a hedonist in a less than perfect world.

thanks guys.

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