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Using Theraband for more flaccid length

Using Theraband for more flaccid length

Today I started using theraband and wrapped it around my penis. I would like to gain some flaccid length like this. I am currently on a 5 days on 2 days off routine. My natural flaccid length is 3.5, but when i use the theraband it goes over 4.5 and would like to keep it that way when i remove the wrapper.

My question is, if I use the theraband all day (including sleep time) and every day will it effect my recovery process..meaning it will slow down my gains from stretching and jelqing.

Does anyone know?

Traction Wrapping?

Are you talking about wrapping thera all around your dick, excluding the head? I think this is called Traction Wrapping. Search for it on this site and it might be what you are looking for.

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