Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gains Coming, Mostly Flaccid Length

Gains Coming, Mostly Flaccid Length

Hey fellas,

So I’m getting close to the 3 month point of starting PE, and I’ve noticed that my gains have slowed in Erect Length and Erect Girth. In the past few weeks, most of my noticeable gains have come in flaccid length, as I’m creeping up towards true “shower” status is seems.

Is this normal? I’d love to see more Erect Length gains, and Getting to a true BPEL of 8” is seeming like more and more of a marathon. I’m definitely happy with a bigger flaccid, just wish it was translating to a huge erect size also…

Starting Stats (APR '11): BPEL - 7.0" Base EG - 6.1" NBPFL - 4.75"

Current Stats (DEC '18): BPEL - 8.0" Base EG - 6.4" NBPFL - 5.75"

It’s only been 3 months!

The initial gains you saw were Newbie gains now you are starting to see real gains. Those that you have to work for. Keep going. Your gaining! You will get there and enjoy the workout.

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