Vacu-hanger causing UT Infections
Hey guys,
I’ve been using the Vacu-Hanger by Monkeybar for quite some time now and have been very pleased. However I think I might have made a big mistake.
I rarely, if ever, properly cleaned and disinfected it after use. Sure, I cleaned my penis before inserting it in there, and would wipe it out if there was fluids in there, but I never REALLY cleaned it.
Well, a few days ago, I started having a clear discharge from my penis. No itching or anything, just a clear discharge, kind of like you will have a little urine left on your cock after you take a leak, only that the fluid should I describe it; it was more, shiny than just regular urine.
I went to see a urologist, he said that it’s very possible, that the Vachanger was the cause, since I’ve been with the same female for almost a year now, and I am quite sure that she hasn’t cheated.
Has anybody had this type of problem?