The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!
My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...
7. May 2006: 45 degrees left curve - short term goal: <= 35 degrees - long term goal: < 5 degrees
March 2006: 6.875" x 4.500" x 5.00" (BPEL x MLG x BG)
April 2007-.: 7.81" x 4.81" x 5.1" - 'And it just keeps getting bigger!'
I will have..: 8.500" x 5.750" x 6.00" My Pics My Progress
Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.
Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)