Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Water water everywhere...

I am soooooo glad I found this thred…I was worried about my flacid hang and my water in-take. I never would have guessed. Two birds with one stone no dout!

I had red some place that a man 200lbs. should drink 1 gallon of water a day.

Thanks all!!!


OK, I have to ask something that I’ve always been curious about - why does your dick get bigger when you have to pee?

And isn’t that why your dick hangs bigger when you drink a lot of water - because basically you’re ready to pee all the time?


I think that the need to pee stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system causing a partial - perhaps only 15% erection. This makes it long and fat. I love that look. Goes to refrigerator for more water.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Thanks luv,

I was concerned this thread lacked scientific validity.

Para what?

Definitely like that look as well. Goes to grab water bottle - damn, left it in sauna. Too cooled down now to walk back outside bareftoot in the snow to get it.

Have been upping the intake to about 3 liters a day plus drinks with meals. I’m about 150 pounds and it seems about right. This and the hanging generally have my flaccid looking… well, like it exists, which is more than I could have said about a year ago.

Thanks, boys.

Gatorade is your friend :)

(Replaces electrolytes)

Originally Posted by PirateSteve
I have, since summer, been drinking no less than 4 liters per day…And my flaccid hang [has increased] 1” length and 3/4” girth. That’s right kids.

I think Pirate Steve found the veritable pirate’s treasure chest with this “more water equals more cock” idea.

Sooo… I have decided to quaduple his efforts in hopes of quadrupling the results.

I am going to embark on drinking 16 litres of water a day, starting by downing 2 liters in one fell swoop, which I am placing at my bedside table the night before, the moment I wake up. I am hoping drinking this much water will add 3-4” to length, and 2-3” of girth.

I will keep you posted as to the results. ;)

My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Originally Posted by japanaji
Hey guys since we are on the subject, I tend to piss more(not excessively but 2-3 more times than others) than others but it’s mostly in social situations (going to a friends place to hang out) or at school. Do others experience this?

I have a few friends who’ve complained over the same thing - I don’t think there is much to do about I’m afraid. I however have on several occasions been called a freak because I don’t pee very often, lol.

7. May 2006: 45 degrees left curve - short term goal: <= 35 degrees - long term goal: < 5 degrees

Originally Posted by commanderblop
I think Pirate Steve found the veritable pirate’s treasure chest with this “more water equals more cock” idea.

Sooo… I have decided to quadruple his efforts in hopes of quadrupling the results.

I am going to embark on drinking 16 litres of water a day, starting by downing 2 liters in one fell swoop, which I am placing at my bedside table the night before, the moment I wake up. I am hoping drinking this much water will add 3-4” to length, and 2-3” of girth.

I will keep you posted as to the results. ;)

There is such a thing as having too much of a good thing, and 16 liters of water a day fits into this category.

Hopefully after one day of the insanity, you will stop.

It was interesting to see piratesteve’s name pop up though! :)

Drink half water-half gatorade mix! It rocks for running.

March 2006: 6.875" x 4.500" x 5.00" (BPEL x MLG x BG)

April 2007-.: 7.81" x 4.81" x 5.1" - 'And it just keeps getting bigger!'

I will have..: 8.500" x 5.750" x 6.00" My Pics My Progress

Originally Posted by Johnnno
Drink half water-half gatorade mix! It rocks for running.

Yeah, that’s basically a home-made drip. I took ill once and was advised to take a mix of cola and water as I couldn’t keep anything down. Basically, any fizzy pop high in sugar content would work just as effectively.

And about the water thing, someone mentioned that 4litres a day is borderline dangerous. I highly doubt that is true, no one knows exactly what amount of water each person should be consuming as there are too many factors involved. I consume at least 10 pints of water a day, I don’t drink anything else besides water, coffee and green tea.

When I was weight training and extremely active I would consume a lot more. Most ‘guidelines’ are worked around an average male on a 2000 calorie diet. Now take a weightlifter or an athlete who weights in excess of 230 pounds. He’s obviously going to need to consume more than your average male.

Like I say, too many factors.

Water intoxication - Wikipedia

Water intoxication, from Wikipedia.

It can kill you, at which point who cares how big your dick is?

Great thread.

The positives of good water consumption can not be under estimated!

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

As my user name eludes to, I own a small commercial grounds maintenance company. Obviously, I work outside 5 days per week and living in Florida does not make it easy. I am a huge sweater anyway, which is good but man I lose alot of fluids. During the course of one summer day, I literally change my shirt every two hours. It’s completely soaked all the way through. The wet shirt comes off and I hang it on my truck. I bring two shirts and rotate them throughout the day.

Not only are my shirts soaked, my pants, boxers and socks are as well. It sucks being it wet clothes all day but I can’t change everything else like I do my shirt. It would take too much time and I doubt my customers would want me standing naked in their parking lots :)

I often wonder if being it wet pants and underwear, on average 6 hours per day, help or hinder the progress of pe.

I will say one thing about water and Powerade. You have to drink a balanced mix or you can get dementia. Too much of one and not enough of the other equals problems. I alternate drinks throughout the day while at work.

I believe keeping yourself properly hydrated will also help ward off injuries related to pe.

Last edited by TheLawnmowerman : 11-03-2009 at .

I do find that when I need a piss my flaccid hang is really good. You could just instead of drinking all the day and going to the bathroom alot drink less and not go to the bathroom immediately when you feel like it.


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